Don't worry too much about what people have to say, especially when creating content

in #life6 years ago


Because they will always have something to say.

Some people will dislike you as a person while others will disagree with what you have to say. Some won't like the way you dress or the way you talk, while others will just hate the fact that you're spending too much time doing a certain thing you enjoy.

Because of that I believe it's really important for you to learn how to not give a crap about others and to just do your thing without paying attention to the opinion of a bunch of people who don't know a lot more than you do.

One of the main things I see everywhere that became a problem in today's world is politically correctness. Basically, if you're not familiar with the term, being politically correct means being careful with what you say or do in order to avoid offending particular groups of people.

While that seems like a good thing and it was meant to be something that would help minorities not be harassed, at least verbally, it actually turned out to be one of the stupidest things I have ever seen, a way for people to blame others whenever their feelings get hurt and to force the world to censor itself in order to not make others feel bad.

A simple example of this is using the word "fat". If you spent enough time on the Internet you probably saw at least one discussion where one person was feeling offended and was blaming another person for using the word "fat". It didn't matter that the word wasn't use to shame or offend anyone else - someone out there got offended for simply hearing that word and decided to "attack" the person who used it for not being "politically correct" and for offending others.

A bunch of words today are being taken out of context by people who don't like how they feel about themselves and feel like they deserve to be treated in a special way by everyone for some reason, because we should all feel sorry about them and care for them no matter what.

That's one of those situations when I just look at the world and wonder what the hell happened with people and how so many of them became so stupid. I'm not saying we shouldn't pay attention to what we say or that it's okay to offend others.

However, when there are a bunch of people out there who get triggered for hearing the word "fat"or any other word they dislike, because they feel we should all stop talking, pay attention to them and NEVER say anything that could hurt their fragile feelings, I think we should all become a bunch of jerks and ignore them completely.

Not doing your thing and paying attention to those who always have something negative to say about you as long as the world is not the way they want it to be, is in my opinion, one of the worst things you can do, especially if you want to make progress and to create content.

You will, at some point, use a word that will trigger half of the planet and will make people look at you like you're some kind of monster who's intention is to offend and shame others, even if you spend most of your time trying to help people.

Because of that, my advice is to learn how to not worry about what people have to say and to just do your thing no matter what.

As long as there are people out there who enjoy your content and as long as you don't receive only hate for what you do, it means you're doing something right, and just because someone disagrees with what you do, it doesn't mean you have to stop.

Here's the main reason why - because the Internet is the way it is, we actually have the possibility to choose the type of content we want to consume. That means that if you create something I don't like, I can just not consume your content, and if I create something you don't like, you can just find something else to consume.

That means that we're all able to search, find and consume the type of content we like, and simply ignore everything else. The fact that some people intentionally consume content they hate in order to criticize it and make sure to let you know how horrible you are as a person for creating it, should't be any of your concern.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, how you behave or how you think, someone out there will blame you and will tell you how wrong you are. They will even tell you what they think you should do in order to be "perfect".

You have two choices in this situation - either give up on whatever you like and do what those people say, in which case you'll have to constantly switch between activities and behaviors, because everyone will have something bad to say about you at some point in your life, or you'll just mind your own business, do what you like doing and not pay any attention to every person out there who says something about a type of content they can choose not to consume.


Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken.

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Excellent write up. I wish the roots were more clear in english language space but that will require some more time to be laid open.
I always love to point people who ask about PC to one of Lindybeige's videos - he draws the picture rather nicely, nevermind the sidenotes.

Really nice video, he makes some very good points, thank for sharing it :) Also, thank you for recommending my post to @thedailysneak :)

You are so right. Paying attention to what others might think or say is a prison in the own head. And this prison stops you from living your life how you want it.
I imagine, for example, what a world looks like, where everyone would look the way they really want and not conform to the prescribed fashion and without fear of what others might think of it . One would go out and see so much colorful, crazy, artistic and strange things. That would be wonderful ;).
But we are going in the opposite direction. More and more conformity in everything and i agree that the political correctness stops people from saying what they really think in fear to use the wrong words.

Well put, political correctness is a good idea in theory, but in reality, it just censors so much that it's hard to say anything that won't hurt someone somewhere.

Criticism is important, as well as self acceptance, and being offended when someone says they don't like you is nothing but your own fault for letting a few words that don't really mean anything get to you.

More people should just learn to accept themselves and to ignore the negative opinions they get, especially when those expressing them aren't in any way superior to those being criticized.

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