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RE: Why Should We, As Men , Suppress Our Emotions?

in #life8 years ago

Being emotional can indeed by unpleasant, or uncomfortable but suppression does not help, but only make it worse.
We need to as a species men and woman alike get more in touch with our emotions and support a more honest and vulnerable support system.
If everyone grew up where it was ok to express honestly and had healthy support to process emotions we as a society would be much happier in every way.
Thanks for the post~*~


I agree with you too on the matter @quinneaker and to be onest I dont know what is the right amount of feelings
I meant to have them too much and over-express it or to not have them and stay still like a piece of wood.
But maybe during evolution we will find the rigt amount to it.

Feel whatever feelings you have, be honest and express those feelings. Anyone who gets upset about it is an ass.
It is important to be responsible for your feelings. It is not honorable to be an emotional wreck and EXPECT others to take care of you. Though if you cannot be honest and emotional and have someone take care for you then thy are not anybody to respect or build any kind of relationship with.

What you say is true, but it still is a family foundation issue not a society issue in my opinion.

Placing the responsibility on society is just another way to foster dependence on others.

For the extreme circumstances, I believe the US offers an already immense availability of help a person would need.

I never said society should carry the burden for anyone for anything let alone emotional baggage.
All I said is that the world would be better and people would be happier if there was more authenticity, and more care.
I can tell you I get more ladies attracted to me than anyone I know. I am an extremely confidant guy and am as well balanced, with little emotional baggage as your gonna find.
SO it would be very easy for me to say be as cool as me or your a looser. Yet instead I say life is rough, the world is fucked and emotional trauma is normal and I am here to help evolve and learn so as to become a healthy and honest emotional being.
Feelings are important, communication is important and evolution is important. All things humanity is severely lacking.

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