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RE: #tellyourstory entry. Something like a second introduction I guess.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Amazing piece! I hope I can write the same way as you. You mentioned a lot of things that you did, wow again! It's too much for me to remember cv. Sports, Music, Acting. You were a celebrity back then- Sales Agent, Dealer at Casino then becoming a fitness instructor, let me know if I miss something. And oohh future multi-billionaire steemian, how about that?

I played Magic the Gathering for just probably few months then I just stop playing, I got bored, I guess. Also because the rare cards here are a bit pricey lol

"One day he gave me a hint for the crypto market going bananas and told me he joined this online social media that rewards users with cryptocurrencies. Didn't take me too long to read about it and join so here I am!"
Good for you. It took me 2 months before I could really get all these crypto stuff in my head. It's mind blowing. What do I know about digital currency? I am just an island girl lol. Even now I get a little confused with this market.

"very often these gigantic posts with enough written in them to bore everyone reading including myself. "
You know I noticed even though I was only on steemit for a few days, a lot of people don't really read the whole post, it's sad =( I don't know why I care so much about people leaving a comment. It's not that, It makes me very sad because people took the time to write something nice and they comment something very irrelevant to the post, isn't it upsetting?

Well anyways, you are brilliant. I hope you win the challenge!



Glad you liked it and thank you! And it is upsetting a bit to see people comment like that I was so disturbed about it I made a pretty long post about it and how money degrades our standards and makes us into zombies not having thoughts of their own. You can check it out if you want. Good luck to you too and hope you do well! :)

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