My Dream Came True the Day My Grandpa Died

in #life8 years ago

My grandfather died from cancer on April 11, 2016. Since he passed, I've been coping by not thinking about it. I push it to the back of my mind so well that often, I forget he is gone. Sometimes I even expect him and my grandma to come bustling into my apartment for a surprise visit. I hadn't thought about it in a while until yesterday when @nicoledphoto posted her letter to her grandfather. It got me missing my papa.

A picture of us celebrating my graduation, a carnation from his grave, a shell from his twenty-one gun salute.

A couple days before I got the text that he was gone, I had applied for a Twitch partnership. For those of you who don't know, I have been streaming games and art on Twitch for almost two years now. It's what I love doing, and it has changed my life. At the beginning of last year, I ended up making enough to quit my day job and fully throw myself into making this my career. I streamed six days a week for up to ten hours a day sometimes. It paid off because I was slowly getting the numbers I needed to be eligible for a partnership with the website. Getting partnered is every Twitch streamer's ultimate dream. Out of the millions of broadcasters on Twitch, roughly 11,000 are partnered. If I sealed the deal, I would have a regular monthly income that I could rely on and countless other major benefits. It was a huge deal and would make all my hard work feel validated. I had been applying regularly for months and kept getting turned down because my numbers weren't high enough. It was a bit disheartening, but I kept on chugging. It usually takes five to seven business days for Twitch to respond to your application so I was in the process of waiting when I got the text that he was gone. I didn't cry. I didn't fall apart. I was just shocked. I checked on my grandma later that day to make sure she was going to be alright and then went about my day. I still feel guilty about my lack of reaction, but I'm learning that I deal with grief by just ignoring it. I think I actually inherited that from him. I kept grinding on Twitch. I fired up my stream that evening ready to go. I needed something to get my mind off of what had happened and just pretended nothing was wrong. That evening my moderators and I saw a Twitch staff member in my channel. I was being reviewed. This was a huge deal because I had never made it to the stage in the application process where I had a staff member review my live stream before. I went about my routine as usual and he left without a word.

Screencap of me seeing the email midstream.

I anxiously checked my email that night and all day the next morning. Nothing. I was starting to prepare myself for yet another rejection. The next evening, I started up my stream again and began working on a painting to giveaway to my viewers. Part way through the evening I absentmindedly clicked on my email tab just in case and there it was. An email with the title [Twitch] Your Application Has Been Accepted! My stomach did about thirty seven back flips as I tried to comprehend what I had just read. My chat was freaking out because I didn't say anything for a good while. I just cried. I was crying because all my hard work over the past year and a half had finally paid off, I was crying because of the bittersweet timing, and I was crying because I realized I would never be able to tell him I did it. A dam broke, and I just let it all out. It was the first time I let myself cry since I found out he passed. I was caught between celebrating and mourning and it was one of the most emotionally confusing moments of my life.

Open the flood gates.

I laid in bed that night with a lot to think about. I believe in coincidences, of course, but this was really wild. That entire week was an emotional roller coaster. It was extremely overwhelming, and I never want to have to deal with that much emotion again.

Video of my reaction. If you want to see the video with chat included (which honestly makes it better), click here.

Time heals all wounds. It gets easier to think about him as time passes, though I still miss him all the time. If there is an afterlife, I hope he's proud of me. I'm proud of myself and how far I've come. Thanks for taking the time to check out my post. I know it's a long read. Anyways, have a great weekend everyone. See you tomorrow!


Its great to see all of your work hard work pay off. Gramps would be proud of you. Keep it up!!

Thanks so much, domavila!

Yer Grandpa Is Proud
I Often Find After A Close Loved One Is Gone New Things Pop Up In My Life
Hence Steemit
You Are Blessed Here

Thanks, anns.

Awesome post, thanks for sharing such a great story. It looks like your (exellent) modeling work is starting to get noticed here on Steemit as well, which is very well deserved. Also, I found @nicoledphoto through you and her photography is incredible, so thanks for that as well!! Keep up the great work :)

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