Freedom of Speech || NewSteem

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, good day ...

Ah , freedom , we love that in fact every moment of our life we prefer some space ,freedom for ourselves. We want to express what we actually feel without any hesitation. Everybody has right to express their words without any censorship or hesitation that's what I believe Freedom of Speech.

In many cases , you feel like you don't have freedom because of censorship or may be fear. Sometimes, as a citizen of your country , you can't express your words and you have to go with the flow because of so many restrictions.. I completely understand that...


Pictures of Free-Photos from Pixabay

Forget about the large scale , it's too complicated to understand. Let's talk about short scale. You want to be open and liberal with your partner , but sometimes you are not able to share what you exactly feel, sometimes you hesitate to give your own opinion, so that time you might feel that you don't have freedom of speech or don't have freedom to discuss or express what you feel about that matter....

There are numerous examples you may give....

Like , if you are on facebook , you don't have any right to express because they have some rules and regulations. Before writing any status or posting anything you have to think twice because of censorship... That's really a disadvantage of centralized platform where you don't have any rights and don't have freedom of speech...


Pictures of Free-Photos from Pixabay

Recently I have hit 70 reputation on #steem blockchain which is really one of the big achievement for me. Now , on decentralized platform like #steem , you are able to share anything. You can write whatever you feel , no restrictions or nothing... It can be about your life, food , your thoughts, beliefs , travel , lifestyle, business or may be NSFW stuffs, anything... No restrictions , nothing...

Now you might say , there is a Downvote pool... Hmm...

Downvotes are part of #newsteem to reduce shit post or something like that, but some people misuse their power .. Well, I am not going to write about that because I don't have proper knowledge about it. But I feel it's not good to give downvote to anyone without giving proper reason, so if you give downvote , you should also mention the reason as well....

But I feel , I am too little to talk about that....

But still now , on steem you have freedom of speech , you are still earning some rewards here ........




I am @priyanarc..... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life.I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way i can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

Find me on youtube

Thank you so much....Thanks to @bdcommunity for always supporting me. Also i am thankful towards @welcomewagon for giving me the opportunity to develop myself and for generous support from all members...thank you @nathanmars for enormous support. Thank you @onelovedtube , @DIYTube and @helpie ...

Thank you @sergiomendes for this amazing GIF.... If you want your GIF also you can contact with him...

Also wanna Thank @singhcapital for support and contribution. He is contributing a lot for steem blockchain and supporting lots of steemians. He is here with a massive project and spreading words about crypto among people. If you want to be part of his journey , all you have to do follow @Thejohalfiles .

You can find me on Twitter

After all I believe in community power , interaction , connection and engagement....


Curator of @DIYTube


This post has been resteemed by @original.content.

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Thank you..

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree. Downvotes have consequences and so shouldn’t be used without reason and explanation. A lot of times people get flagged and they don’t even know why or what to correct...or maybe it’s just cause some troll felt like it.


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Exactly.. It's really sad because sometimes I don't understand why i get small dv as a bonus.. lolll .. Thanks for stopping by..

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha @definethedollar got one free downvote already...

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I saw that. LOL, at least someone cares about you. 😂

Hey @priyanarc, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Congratulations on a 70 reputation! I think sometimes we get confused on the topic of free speech. When people say something we don't like we sometimes want to say "don't say that" people should be able to say anything. We don't have to agree. Great topic

Thank you for saying my inner words also dear.. @bethvalverde .. This situation happen may be we don't want to listen that but ya everyone has right to express what they feel ... Thanks for stopping by..

Posted using Partiko Android

Say it like it is, that is my motto.
Speak you hurts, your worries and your fears in total freedom.
But in saying it like it is be careful not to hurt others, as there is already too much hurt in this life.

I discuss a real life threatening situation for women and children in my post of today my friend.

You explained it beautifully my friend.. Yes, we should be careful before saying anything because we don't have right to hurt others intentionally or unintentionally...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you and the tongue is dangerous weapon my friend.
It cuts deeper than a knife, as the hurt cannot be healed.
The old saying is; "Put a bridle on your tongue" and it means that we are able to control what we say to others.
Why spread hurt when you can rather spread love and peace?

Absolutely agree...

Hi @priyanarc, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @hafizullah!

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