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RE: A Letter To Triggered Millennials

in #life6 years ago

Agreed espessially about the not black and white part. I think a lot of conflict comes from different understandings of words, maybe they're kind of magical when we actually seem to understand eachother! Not in the capitalist magic Harry Potter way but more the old mystic kind.

As for racism and sexism I feel like it's more interessting to label actions and words than people as those. In my vocabulary or way to think about sexism and racism we're all those things. I do see however how that might make "real nazis" for example seem smaller by crying wolf. But FOR ME it still seems like a more usefull definition.

My point here is not that I'm right but that if we should argue we have to start somewhere we understand eachother. Thanks for reply I enjoy reaching out to the dark side!


As for racism and sexism I feel like it's more interesting to label actions and words than people as those.

This is exactly correct. What I see happening though is that people are being abled as those just for expressing a different idea than what some millennials feel. For example, A comedian tells a racist joke that someone finds offensive. Totally understandable. If you don't like the joke that comedian tells stop listening to that comedian. End of story.

But no, for many easily triggered millennials that is not the end of the story. They now have to start a campaign to professionally wipe that comedian's career off the face of the earth. They do it relentlessly and if anyone even hints at liking that comedian, even if they didn't particularly like that joke, they now get called a racist with so much intense hatred, as if the offended person now has a license to act even more offensive than the joke that started it all. That's just not acceptable. It exists. I'm not going to start a campaign against it. But it is bullshit and I am calling it.

It's interesting to note that black and white comedians tell white joke all the time. I don't hear of anyone being offended by that. No one is banning their shows. We just laugh and go on about our day. If someone is offended they are not starting any campaigns about it.

Women comedians tell sexist jokes about men all the time too and no one is giving them any shit about it. We just laugh. What makes a joke funny, even if it makes us uncomfortable, is there's a bit of truth in it. That's why we laugh. That's why we have comedy. To laugh about shit that makes us uncomfortable to talk about. In many cases, it starts the discussion we need to have.

If we start shutting down everything someone says that offends us and try to cleanse the dialog so our sensitivity is not put under any duress, we stop resembling a democracy and morph into a police state. They have already been trying to designate places as a "free speech zones". This is America! Everyplace is a free speech zone.

If we start legislating what people are allowed to say based on a small groups' personal tastes, where does it stop? That's why we have hundreds of channels to watch and listen too. Everyone's voices can be heard, but starting a movement to silence anyone's voice, jokes or opinions are not a solution for a better world.

Thanks for a long response. Would you also agree that most of us are probably racist/sexist one way or the other? To some degree that is, since it's not black and white.(Most not to the extent that they should be silenced disproportionally anywhere of course) If so, do you think the culture we live in affects the likelyhood of having certain unconsiouss biases?

I believe our current culture is making this trait hit hardest on non white males for example, but this could be debatable as well and isn't the same across the board in all situations. But generally, that's why I personally might care more about hate on groups in one direction.(Note that I love sarcasm and even understand the value of shock in humor, what I think is hatefull is really irrelevant to my point)

I don't want to support people who further spread these already established norms as I believe they divide us into unnececary groups. I do all the time though since I've learnt to accept I'm too picky to survive otherwise, but I don't support THE WORST ones to me.

If I can use my voice to let people know what they're supporting and get my point through without just turning people against me I will. And I guess most will. Although this is pretty challenging if you don't have some pretty solid arguments and definately seems to go wrong often. But that's just people complaining without arguments which's just not interessting.(unless they're really emotionally hurt then I can respect that without fully understanding but I wouldn't campaign over it so to speak.)

If these complaints made by individuals with different degrees of what's too evil to support then say get 'someone' cancelled from 'somewhere', In my opinion, you're blame would be better directed at the 'somewhere'. Which is bascally always a business ruled by capital.(Steem being an exception ruled by whales investments mostly). This never means you're not allowed to say anything, just not on this businessess microphone.

I feel bad for people not daring to say what they're thinking because they're unsure if they're going to get critique. But that's not what the social left is built on and their's "SJWs" in every social circle if it means over doing what you think others think is right. Movements by people to me aren't the problem it's how the system always capitalises on them. I read your post about 1984 too but I see us as put in categories against each other by the market to create demand out of nothing. Not by some easily triggered mob of leftist snowlake people that doesn't exist, not as a homogeneous group.

Sorry for not keeping my opinions shorter, have a great day!..

Most of the time, we see only what we want to see, or what others tell us to see, instead of really investigate to see what is really there. We embrace illusions only because we are presented with the illusion that they are embraced by the majority. When in truth, they only become popular because they are pounded at us by the media with such an intensity and high level of repetition that its mere force disguises lies and truths. And like obedient schoolchildren, we do not question their validity and swallow everything up like medicine.

Why? Because since the earliest days of our youth, we have been conditioned to accept that the direction of the herd, and authority anywhere — is always right.

Sheep only need a single flock, but people need two: one to belong to and make them feel comfortable, and another to blame all of society’s problems on.

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
― Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

“We are flawed creatures, all of us. Some of us think that means we should fix our flaws. But get rid of my flaws and there would be no one left.”
― Sarah Vowell, Take the Cannoli

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love

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