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in #life7 years ago (edited)

"The path of the searcher/explorer too often is a lonely and silent dusty road always with the sharp look put to find the proper cracks around in order to place our steady fingers inside and impulse our old bones replete of infinite curiosity up and ahead on this lasting adventure we call life. We've born alone, we live alone and we'll die alone."

"The hardest thing to bear with on this life would be, being standing up in front of a mirror and be unable to recognize and identify the reflection."

"After all, at the end of the day, absolutely everything, everything which has happened in our life will never be more than only a simple recall stored in our memory."

Well, these previous thoughts above are just the preamble or anteroom about which I really wanted bring on board today:

¡A truthful personal story still challenging my mind with an indecipherable puzzle & riddle!

Let's start..
Long, long time ago. When prolly a big bunch of you had not even stepped on this planet yet. When the 'public' internet didn't even exist and the abroad online communications to get out of isolation from our pauper countries barely belonged to the realms of stealthy & underground BBSs and other primitively commercial global networks like Compuserve, Prodigy, AOL and a short et cetera.. Yep, I was interacting worldwide & messing around between most of them already. Yeah! let's call those means; the ancient forerunners of current Social Networks: Usenet, IRC, ICQ, etc... And at large Forums!!!

Forums yeah, every kind and size of forums. Small, big, huge, popular, not so popular, clandestine and so on.

Well, to make the story short, I will tell you right away what's that puzzle & riddle I couldn't solve and figure out yet until nowadays. And by the way, this is exactly the core reason and the intringulis about why I've shared this post today. I hope you can help me out to decipher this conundrum and lengthy cultivated cliffhanger with a good brainstorming session on the comments area. ;)
For few many reasons I couldn't pinpoint yet with absolute certainty, why the hell since those early years all the way through even these days I've had no choice but think of qualify myself as some kind and sort of fulminant 'Threads Killer'. Every time I opened my mouth, well, better said, crack up my fingers to type and leave my opinion on any debate or discussion going on into forum's threads, suddenly, usually, it looked deserted after that. (Currently, posts, comments and every similar dynamics collectively common and usual on Social Networks also today) Yup, total silence and mutism all over around that thread. With the dire consequences of always leave me out scratching my head most of the time & without chance to get any clue or feedback about my ¿weird? ¿witty? ¿brainy? ¿frolicking? ¿mischievous? ¿verbatim? ¿too dense? ¿too explanatory and to the point with nothing more to be added to the topic? or ¿what? outcomes.

Yeeeh I know what you may be thinking right now. Why I've not included annoying, uncomfortable, boring, tedious, irritating ¿huh? Well, simple. I've never behaved like that nor ever have been directly accused to qualify for those adjectives on any of my public interventions. Simply because I've been always very amiable, respectful, coherent, emphatic/empathic and highly eloquent (perhaps too much) with my 'clean' viewpoints and arguments.

"It actually had to be and was something else. Eventually, I managed to get a tiny clue about the apparently real reason of this and this was not evident nor directly addressed on those specific threads I'm talking about. Curiously, that first and only clue came out from the founder, author and former programmer of one of those big and popular forums at the time, right after he wrote and launched the realtime live chatroom app for the site."

The story then went more & less like this:
Being me one of those early members of the forum and also a very active one, obviously I was always pretty alert and aware of the coming developments to improve the site and enhance it's popularity at an early stage. Therefore, once the chatroom was ready to test it, I was there, close around to enter and give away my 2 cents about it's functionality.
Luckily enough, a handful of other forum personalities and important early members were also there in the chatroom engaged on an enthusiastic chitchat one with each other right after my arrival. So, gladly I joined them to celebrate together the marvels of that realtime interaction tool which had been provided to the community. A realtime interaction tool highly awaited and requested by all it's members for long time.
After having been chatting a good while about the usual stuff that everyone seems to like chat on these spaces, all of the sudden, it occurred to me this actually was an extraordinary occasion to try and clear out away a bit of all that fog surrounding my self-proclaimed record and fame as a formidable 'Thread Killer' on the website. So I went ahead and without a blink asked: Hey folks! I wanna ask to all of you a 'thang' which has keep me puzzled and scratching my head with doubts for long time here. ¿Can I get a few honest replies from you about this?
- ¡Yes of course! exclaimed almost everyone at unison.
- Ok, here we go then. Any of you knows ¿why the hell each time I leave my reply/opinion on any of the threads going on in the forums, especially those with long live and highly enthusiastic participation, suddenly people stop posting their stuff anymore and the thread seems dead in the act, right after I've posted my quite a bit eloquent 'weird & unusual' madness?
For long time until now I've had no choice but restrain myself to give any opinion at all on any of them, unless it looks like everybody else have already replied exhausting their repertoire of opinions, solutions, nonsense and stuff previously. Before I dare to come up in with my crap & replies killing it in the act right after it's born date. Please, ¿could you throw any light at my feet about why this has been happening way too often? I'm starting to feel like I must be some kind of an insurmountable 'Thread Killer' myself.

Well, after a few minutes of apparently uncomfortable silence all around, it was rightly the founder of the site who came up with a shy reply. Which fortunately for me, it actually contained a trace of that light I was looking for. He said:

- Well mate, you are well respected here on this place. People fears you!!
- ¿What? ¿Why? ¿How comes been respected could have that baneful effect on long living vivid threads after my intervention? ¡I can't digest that mate!

Sparsely, little by little, all the others present on the chatroom also dared to reply. But practically all their answers were the same, backing basically that which already has been said by the founder. So, in front of that unexpected realtime strange scenery, intuitively I preferred leave the things like that, shut my mouth up and quit to insist digging deeper on the topic in the hope to find a more satisfactory, coherent and logic answer to feed better my hunger for explanations.

Hence, here we are now. On 2017, century XXI. With way too many new ways of interaction on internet. With way too many fields and environments to spit our mind & soul out. With way too many reasons and formulas to freely give away some of our humble accumulated 'Know How' 'Wisdom' and viewpoints about everything and beyond. With way too many arcane needs and wishes to collaborate on making this global village a nicer/cooler place to inhabit and live along.
And yet, more often than I would like, I am still trying to restrain myself to spread around too quickly my opinions and viewpoints publicly. Because I'm afraid and suspect I've been still unable to thoroughly pinpoint out if I really am a true 'Thread Killer' or not. Due as a matter of fact, even nowadays, on plenty Social Networks and alike, I can still feel, see and witness this curious and exceptional assassin effect I have, intensely working out and in good shape to produce the most painful silence and mutism you can imagine wherever and whenever I throttle too fast to splat my mind over the walls.

¿Are you willing to help me out with this incognitum?

¿Could ya think about something to fling some light into the darkness?
¿Has some of this also been happening to you at some point before?
¿Is always splatting away your thoughts clearly, eloquently, coherently, without ambiguity, trying hard to leave no place to misunderstandings, double messages and/or possible confusions since you always put the right effort to be as illustrative and perhaps didactically audiovisual minded with your carefully chosen words as much as you can on all your endeavors..?
¿Is this really so 'respectfully' frightening?

«spoiler» I am highly amazed and pleasantly surprised to find on steemit.com's community such immeasurable ammount of awake, conscious, extraordinarily clever and very smart/wise chaps & gals all over around with such masterful skills using the words, the vocabulary, the narrative, their healthy and strong storyteller muscles all the time to put their entrails out without the most minimum effort. Oh boy! What Quora ni qué ocho cuartos?
I have no doubt Quora would wish to have such ammount of brilliant like minded singular crowd on board to revamp their supposedly 'only genius allowed' dynamic environment like steemit actually has. «/spoiler»

Having said that, I guess all I have left to say is shot out a resounding ¡Thank You All! thank you for your enlightening company. For your always inspiring and amusing stories, essays and whatnots. Although I'm not posting too much here since the time I registered on steemit, mainly due that my primary and native tongue is not english but weird spanglish, rest assured I'm always around. Mostly reading all your stuff daily. And yes of course, also reading each and every comments top to bottom on those blog posts in order to know everyone of you better and figure out clearly who is who on this glorious little place.

So, by now, after this kinda 'confession' post, I bet you might understand now why I'm not publishing articles as proficiently as I would wish with the appropiate quantities/qualities. ¡Yes! because I'm reading yours first most of the time. And then, what time could be left on my hands after such inspiring but time consuming task?

On other hand, I am also ok with keep myself like an anonymous pauper steemian with no steem power whatsoever to fuel up your earnings or impulse your posts to the heights of fame either through my humble and weak upvotes. So, go figure!!

"Admittedly, I am happier doing just that and maybe, when the time is about right, like today, dust off my lurker fingers once in a while and also try ask you a very simple question through a truly annoying tiresome long post like this one, just to poke you a little bit, in such way you can be able and ready to 'wipe out' one or two of those tarnished lengthy kept mysteries stored in some hidden corner of my convoluted and intricately entangled brain"

P.S. LoL, Hahaha ¿May have I said "to make the story short" at some point on this post? Oh darling! ¿how naif can you be? That's why I love you so much. Very glad if you really went ahead wearing such daredevil hat reading this post all the way down until here so far.
I solely hope your now wrecked eyes and entirely your righteous essence doesn't feel so tired like to quit posting your eagerly appreciated comments & feedback to me after this atrocious torrent of unintentional wordy beating from me. I know you are stronger than you can imagine if you are reading these specific words. So, don't let me down. I bet you also can came up wearing your vindictive hat and beat me up with some of your awesome wordy stuff also below. ;)

At last but not least. Thank you everybody for your well appreciated attention, patience, resilience and endurance to stay with me gurgling until these abyssal depths of my occasional rants. But well baby, such is life too.. I guess!!

P.P.S. Oh yeah, excuse me, almost forgot about that Abstract Aural bit I've offered in my last post promising to include them on every post I will publish from now on.
Here mates, here you have it. ¡Chew this with moderation!

Like always.. "Guffaws, Chuckles, Giggles, Smiles, Comments & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Until next time folks. Cheers!! :)


Ah yes, the "Thread Killer Syndrome."

As you mentioned in comments on my recent post... yes, I am also one of the old fossils who has toured the Internet since early days of BBS systems and newsgroups... and forums in many shapes, sizes and topics. And I have been a "Sysop," and a forum manager and admin and moderator and so forth.

I'll offer up a couple of simple analogies.

When someone has a thorough understanding and is also well liked in a "community," and then offers a long and well thought out opinion... well, it's a bit like Einstein saying something about Nuclear Physics to a group of high school students. What else needs to be said? In the eyes of most, nothing. The dialogue has ended. And yes, there is some intimidation involved, because "an authority" has spoken.

I would be willing to bet that your "thread killing" replies were quite long and elaborate... not just "a few words."

The other thing is that so-called thread killing replies tend to be very expert and details... solutions to a problem or situation.

Consider for a moment that forums, and Facebook posts and even Steemit are really a form of "conversation" between people... conversation is an exchange of ideas. Well, when someone "thread kills," they are basically putting ALL the information on the table at once... and so, no longer a conversation needed. This is often the downfall of very intelligent and well-read and studied people in social situations. We tend to have a poor grasp on the idea of saying "just a little at a time" when there is SO much we know!

Hope some of this makes sense to you, @por500bolos... I see that your explanation here (sadly) was a "thread killer" in and of itself... nobody else commented. Strange world, in which we live...

Oh! my dear @denmarkguy. How much I appreciate your sincere, cordial and experienced answer. I think you've hit the nail on the mere head here, clearing out most of my doubts regarding this conundrum.

I suppose, that this only takes a meeting between two old perfectionist fossils, who have passed through similar experiences, to find some logical consensus to clear some doubts.

I also thought, that everything you've just said was the main reason for this Thread Killer Syndrome. But, unfortunately no one ever confirmed it to me.

When someone has a thorough understanding and is also well liked in a "community,"

Well, has a thorough understanding.. Definitely ¡Yes!, also well liked in a "community.." ¡Not so sure! LoL

I would be willing to bet that your "thread killing" replies were quite long and elaborate... not just "a few words."

Hahaha, bet mate ¡bet! You would win the big jackpot to secure your retirement as a millionaire for the rest of your life. ;)

We tend to have a poor grasp on the idea of saying "just a little at a time" when there is SO much we know!

¡Exactly! This is precisely my main ailment and serious condition (and I suppose yours too). Probably, because of our advanced and maniac/perfectionist age, long, and especially, because our very attentive & conscious journey throughout the life.. We've been able to perceive, absorb, digest and store even the smallest detail of EVERYTHING. Therefore, having way too much accumulated, hoarded, compiled and .rar compressed into our very curious & restless brain.
I suppose it must be way too difficult for someone genuinely generous and empathetic, who at once, also carries with him such humongous amount of 'Know-How', 'Insight' and 'Practical/Experienced Knowledge', to have to refrain from sharing and spread profusely until the very last drop of what we have to offer to the world and to our fellow men.
Hence, we tend to be splendid long roll rant machines and babbling beasts describing and explaining things until the most minimum detail regarding what we think we know about. So, ¿why wouldn't we willing to give to others the whole pie In one fell swoop rather spoon feed them with tiny small bites occasionally, only, maybe, just to keep them still hungry looking and asking for more?

Hope some of this makes sense to you, @por500bolos... I see that your explanation here (sadly) was a "thread killer" in and of itself... nobody else commented. Strange world, in which we live...

Of course my dear friend, of course it makes lotta sense to me. I am immensely grateful for your thoughtful reply and rightly to the core point of the riddle. I feel and I'm afraid that this will be my destiny and a lifelong curse. Because, I am sure, I will be incapable to not give away all I humbly have, entirely, in merely only one succulent & big banquet bite at once.

Cheers mate!! :)


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