I'm getting married!

in #life6 years ago

Told you I still had good news to share!

So yes, I'm getting married! I'll disappoint you right away by telling you I don't have a big marriage proposal story, but that doesn't make me any less happy that it's happening.

Photography roses playfulfoodie
(My Deviantart)

Basically, getting married now was born out of us buying a home together. The thing is, we've know we are great together for a long time already. We would never think about not spending the rest of our lifes together. There's just been so much happening for us (mainly moving a couple of times), there wasn't really any quiet time to really go 'Hmm, let's get married!'. Our perfect house showed up before we got to that point!

So what do you do when you're about to buy your dream house together? You start thinking about securities for each other. What happens to either of us if something bad happens to the other? We both want equal rights to the house without having any trouble with anyone if bad things do happen. Even by law, buying a house together requires some sort of official document to tie the two of you together. So for us, marriage is the best option.

Photography rose macro playfulfoodie nature
(My Deviantart)

We'd been talking about it for a little while and basically while doing groceries, I asked "So, are we engaged now?", "I guess we are.". Oh yes I know, the most romantic thing ever, right?

Well, we don't do anything the normal way, so I guess this is exactly how it was supposed to go!

We're getting married on the 19th of june. A week before we officially buy our new house. It'll basically be in a small office in townhall with our parents. We can only bring 4 people, otherwise we'd have to do a bigger ceremony and that only means more money and me in the spotlights. We don't need that.

Instead, I figured we could host a little party/get-together in our home later that day and invite family and friends to stop by. Nothing special, just a few snacks and nice people. I'll combine it with my 30th birthday, which is on the 20th of june.

If those two things aren't a big enough reason to throw a party, even for me, then I don't know what is.

It's still a little surreal to be honest, because there's so much going on right now! Selling a house, buying a house and oh yeah, let's get married too!

It feels right though. It was only a matter of time anyway and this way, there's no stress about doing a small/big wedding or whatever. I don't like standing in the spotlights, so this is better for me. A party afterwards feels much more relaxed. I do want that small party, because it is a happy occasion and I want to give it a little bit of attention.

So, I'm getting married and I'm getting my dream house! I really do feel like the luckiest girl alive.

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Congrats @playfulfoodie! May you have a life time of happiness together! :)

Thank you so much! :D

Sounds perfect. Large weddings and fancy engagement stories always seem to have less to do with the couple and more about showing off. Enjoy!


Large weddings and fancy engagement stories always seem to have less to do with the couple and more about showing off.

Definitely true! We don't really need that luckily. Thank you so much :D

Oooh, congratulations! Can we have a DLive telecast? 😊

Can we also count on a virtual wedding for your ingame characters?

Thank you!

Can we also count on a virtual wedding for your ingame characters?

Hah, my fiance (gotta get used to using this word!) told me he was always the one performing weddings for his LOTRO guild and he can't very well talk us through his own wedding :D

Congratulations You don't need all the bells and whistles to know that you are right for eachother :D Engagements and weddings nowadays seem to be more about the party than the couple themselves. Wish you guys all the best with the marriage and the house

Congratulations to both of you and I look forward to an article about the wedding :P

It'll basically be in a small office in townhall with our parents. We can only bring 4 people, otherwise we'd have to do a bigger ceremony and that only means more money and me in the spotlights. We don't need that.

My parents had the same point of view until my grandmother (father's mum) came in and organized a giant family reunion. They were not happy about it, because, in the end, it was not a wedding at all, it was just a party full of people that they almost didn't know.

Thank you so much @pipiczech!

That's a shame about your grandmother taking over their special day. It's not a day you should spend with people you barely know, but hey, in the end being together for the rest of your life is what's most important :-)

I congratulate you on the Day of Wedding !!! I wish you good luck and health, so that you understand each other and make concessions mutually. Listen to the advice of others, but do so as it will be convenient and good for you. Happiness to you!

Gefeliciteerd!! Hoop dat jullie samen heel oud worden in dat huis!! 😀

Dank je! Ik hoop het ook :D

Congrats. I love that in this day and age, people still get married. I am and I love it. Call me old fashioned :)

Thank you :D
Oh yes, I don't need a big ceremony around it, but I do still enjoy the idea of being able to call him my husband soon. Calling him my boyfriend for the rest of my life just wouldn't feel right!

Oooowwww congratulations, Foodie, I'm so happy for you <3 I always said you looked so happy together!

Aww thank you so much @honeydue! You called it :D

Amazing news, foodie. An avalanche of great news. May your happiness know no end. Enjoy.


Thank you very much :-)

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