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RE: How Europe Ruined Coffee For Me - My Recovery So Far

in #life6 years ago

Come down to Ecuador and you will ruin your coffee experience one more time... hahahaha ... I get you though, while Ecuador has some of the best coffee around .. here in Argentina coffee sucks soooo much.. it's all dirty water with a hint of ashes hahah... it's hard.. when someone comes to visit and brings a bag of coffee it's the best time of the year.

How I measure good coffee? If it's good it doesn't need sugar at all .. you don't need to ruin it's taste or smell.

There is a special way of preparing it that I love that it is called ''Cafe pasado'' .. basically you make a concentrate , or an ''essence'' that is really strong and thick ( i don't know how this is done ) and you just mix it really fresh with water or milk on the table... sooo good.

add a bar of dark choco and the experience is enhanced x10 hehehe

Happy New Year!!


dirty water and ashes lol, that sounds horrid! Oh gosh I bet Ecuador has amazing coffee! And I agree, if you don’t have to add anything, that is pretty good coffee. The concentrate sounds super interesting, I’ll have to look more into it. add chocolate <—- why we are friends right there ❤️🤗

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