in #life7 years ago

Who cares? It's barely worth anything!

One opinion when it comes to the small things is "who cares?" When dealing with just a few pennies or things that are almost insignificant, a lot of people don't really care, because they think that they don't really matter. However, I would beg to differ.

Time and time again we see certain principles like "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much" manifested throughout our lives. After all, if someone can't even properly handle the tiniest of things, who would trust them with more?

Sometimes, it is the tiniest things pertaining to the most "insignificant amounts" that are forever recorded in the annals of history. Here are a couple for you to contemplate.


At least of few of you should remember that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. Long before he ever became a politician, some people had taken to calling him "Honest Abe." Truly, for people to consider one to be honest is not a bad thing, but where did this nickname originate.

Many of you may have already heard the story about when a young Abraham was working at a store. On one occasion, he accidentally overcharged a woman by a few cents. Yes, a few cents was worth more in those days, but still, it was "only" a few cents. When he realized his error, he chose to walk a couple miles to where the woman lived, just to return the few cents.

This is one example of when a tiny amount of money somehow became worthy of being shared down through the ages. How many of us would even drive a few miles to return a few extra cents?


In the New Testament, another event has been preserved throughout history pertaining to a very small amount of money. When many people were showing off and presenting large gifts at the temple, a poor widow gave just two tiny mites.

Yet, her action caught the attention of Jesus, and He made a point to draw the attention of His disciples to her actions. In fact, Jesus concluded that she had given more than everyone else, because she had given everything that she had. Though it was very little, because it was all that she had, it was a lot to her.

Again, we see an event about a tiny amount of money recorded and preserved throughout history.


I once heard a joke that is slightly off-color, but it still illustrates a good point. A man once offered a woman a large amount of money for certain "services." She eagerly said that she would accept his offer. He then offered her a tiny amount of money for the same "services." Offended, she slapped him and said, "What kind of woman do you think I am?"

He replied, "M'am, we've already established what kind of woman you are, now we are just negotiating the price."

Ouch! Sad but true, isn't it? I think that all three of these stories help put things into perspective for us. Where do we draw the line?

Is one cent too little to care about, but $500 a good amount? Does the quantity matter, or is it the principle? Would you ever consider giving someone back money that they were accidentally overcharged, or would the bigger the error mean the bigger the payout for you? What about other things? Personally, I would not tell a "little lie" any more than I would tell a "big lie." In some cases, size doesn't matter, does it?

Things like honesty, faithfulness, integrity and character are not emphasized as much as they once were. This does not mean that they are any less valuable, just that many do not care much anymore. I think that it is important to be trustworthy, and to be someone that people know they can depend one.

What you do with your life is your choice, but I already know what I'm doing with mine. Hopefully, these few stories gave you something to think about. Anyway, that's just my two cents.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



Speaking of small things: I started on steemit 8 days ago. Watching the big players getting so much attention for some contents drove me crazy. But I'm still fine with my small things, they will grow. Never give up! Thanks for the reminder...

Remember as well, that even small payouts can add up, and since you are paid in crypto, the value has the potential to exponentially increase. This is better than just a few cents! Have an upvote to help you on your way!

Yes, I had to think about it a few times. The problem was, that I was thinking in traditional platforms like FB. But steemit is a whole new experience on a new level technology. After rethinking it twice I decided to stay here for a while. Maybe someday I will understand how everything works here ;) ... Thx for your upvote!

Until you understand more, all I can do is encourage you to continue. Comment, post, upvote and build relationships. If you don't, you will probably regret it!

I will do so! (not the regret part, I hope) - Ty for yout time. I will follow you!

Agree. I still write even if they don't get rewarded. Thinking of Van Gogh not getting rich when he was alive for his paintings @papa-pepper @ obvious

Luke 16:10 “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much. " Thanks for sharing and reminding me of what is really important.

I love your 2 cents!
and I agree with you!
I can not lie either.
My character is all I have. I'm not perfect by any means but there are things I would not do for money, ever. I have been very poor so I know what it's like to be hungry and certain things were never a choice.

I think that it is important to be trustworthy, and to be someone that people know they can depend on.

I think this is a lost art also which makes me sad. People use to care about themselves more. meaning how they treated people not what is in it for them, and then help someone.
If you are helping someone for what you can get out of it than you are doing it wrong.

Great post @papa-pepper!

@shook it's rare to find people with principles these days I'm gladi bump on you

i liked this post because it s a great photography

NO, no it's not. This post is not a great photography, and it takes more than 30 seconds to know that.
I posted it a minute ago, and you replied after about 15 seconds.... no wonder you don't know what you are commenting on.

Please read it and try again, then we can perhaps become friends.

may i follow your post dear friend

You are welcome to follow any steamian however it is objectionable to reply without reading a post. Papa Pepper doesn't flag people but some people who make a lot of effort to create quality posts will flag you for it. You don't want to ruin your reputation. If you get too low on reputation steemit will make your posts and replies invisible so you will get no upvotes.

✌👌👍 well said !!

A story worth sharing...During a time of extreme hardship my sons and I went to a park for them to play, we found a loaded wallet. My sons knew how bad things were but I had 4 eyes looking at me. As a young mother I knew they would follow whatever example I set, and I won't deny it was hard but I knew even though we were eating pinto beans again for the next week I could not keep it and returned it...My sons grew into fine men who will help anyone, because they have walked the steps of having nothing.

Good choice and great example. It is not always easy, but it is right.

Yup, I have been blessed many times over by Creator for doing things right no matter what.

This is the way of the Lord!

similar thing with groceries: People complaining about things like increased price of things like bread or milk by some cents... but willing to risk all of their savings for investing in the next big thing.... seems like people are not that good when it comes to scaling and risk management...

In 2016..i was more than happy interacting with my readers even if my payout was .02😄😄

Last December, in times of 10 cent STEEM, I kept steeming on. Eventually, all that "cheap STEEM" I earned was suddenly worth a lot more!

Is this why our outvotes are higher?

Thats right! @Papa-Pepper's Persistance has given us higher steem! Imagine if we were all persistant like him!

Oh i know i was..are u😂😂😂

2 cents. This is definitely food for thought..... Thanks for the reminder.

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