Guys like this can sure come in handy!
In preparation for getting power hooked up, a few trees and limbs had to be removed. Some of these tasks are easier than others. For instance, cutting down a tree, even a large tree, can be a pretty straightforward task.

There are a number of ways to get this job done, but some people are skilled, capable, and daring enough to climb up in the tree with a chainsaw and then cut the branches off. While I could go on, I think that these photos speak for themselves. Take a peek and see what you think!
Because of the position of the sun, I thought that I would try to take a few "artsy" and creative photos as well. I think that I did alright, and that they make a very interesting opportunity even more peculiar. Enjoy!
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
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This post is certainly a cut above the rest. :D
nice to share with your great expression...
outstanding photography.
That's awesome. There is a famous homesteader who said if he could have three tools on the homestead they would be: a great big chainsaw, a regular sized chainsaw and a smaller chainsaw.
That's a brave man, I'd crap my pants haha. Right now my moto is "If I can't kill it with an axe, I leave it alone." lol Seriously though that man deserves a beer.
What a skillful saw-man! It takes great dexterity to accomplish that. Thanks @papa-pepper
whether you are not afraid of heights...??
A bit, but him, not so much.
Yes, I understand.
what do you want. it's wood...??
Very good info friends, honest you make a very good content, can you visit my blog
well photography
Wow thats a kind of risk. Brave guy!
Very beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing these moments :)
He is brave!
relay so good your photo work