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RE: Is love supposed to hurt?

in #life7 years ago

great post. a universal theme and a very illustrative selection of abstracted images representing different aspects of what love is and how it feels.

there are many different types of love and a lot of how we experience it has to do with our genetic type. (how our central nervous system is built). how it's been conditioned (alot to do with our parents and our early years) and how we first experienced love outside of our immediate family (perhaps what we might experience as sexual awakenings. How our heart is first broken may dictate how we experience love over again for the rest of our lives. some love may be more or less passionate. some may be more cerebral. Love is admiration combined with empathy expressed in physical and emotional forms.

my advice for everyone is to love everyone you care about a bit more equally. we are taught to adopt a hierarchy of love for our emotional output. If we analyse it, we find that we do indeed aportion our love to others on a sliding scale. when we attempt to love more equally our lives are enriched, our heart is lighter and our relationships generally improve.

I recommend reading Nancy Friday. She may be famous for her collections of other people's fantasies, which are both enlightening and reassuring in their richness, extremity and diversity, but her book on Jealousy & Envy is really worth a read.


My dearest fellow lefty...
Sorry it took me so long to respond... This comment deserved a proper answer and I wanted to have my time... Currently in the middle of moving and everything is a mess as you can imagine...

This post might have seemed general but to the contrary it is actually very specific, illustrating a recent situation I got stuck in :/
From my experience I can say one thing: As many times as we experience heartbreaks, in the end we do feel the same pain and trying to find our way out of sadness... But of course, we always learn that's for sure...!

How can I love more equally? When I'm a giver and the other person is a taker, I don't think there's much space for equality :( But yes, it would be good if it could be done somehow I guess...

Hmmm I just checked the link of the book and I'm not sure I wanna read more about it since I'm the jealous type hahahahaha !!!! Seriously now, it seems like it might help so I'll probably order it soon ;)
Thank you !!!
For that, and everything !!! Always supportive !!! Hugs !!! :)

yeah that's a tricky one. if someone is a taker, it's difficult to square the circle. although I have some lifelong relationships where I am the giver (cancerian) and they are the taker and I've just accepted that's how it is. They must be worth so I'm getting something :@? you should read the book on Jealousy by Nancy, (ESPECIALLY if you are a jealous type. you might suddenly just go, oh ok and let go of it.) for me jealousy is the most insidious and often massive waste of time, emotion. then there's jealousy and envy. two different fish ! enjoy the book. It was a charity shop random gift for me :) and a real eye opener on a few people very close to me.

The way you put I should definitely read it then !!!! :D

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