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RE: Moving On Can be a Difficult Thing - This is a Deep Read & VERY LIFE AFFIRMING 2293 words

in #life7 years ago

hey @drdave, thanks for your reply. The universe certainly does what it wants and small g.. I agree. I also think that our actions potentially have a huge impact on the future, even in our insignificant short lives, if we factor in infinity (or eventual heat death) infinite ripple effect becomes momentous !


Correlate the rotation of an electron to the rotation of the earth, to the rotation of the galaxy, etc, etc - and it is not too far a stretch to also correlate our consciousness to the universe as a whole. I have no doubt that god (small g), has a far greater impact on the events of our lives than we realize (or possibly, than we are capable of realizing). Not only are we in the universe, but the universe is in us - both figuratively and literally... Maybe one day we will acquire the ability to at least recognize its existence, and even tap into that "greater consciousness", for our collective benefit... the philosophical rantings of a madman - me... Steem on... :))

I think yours are the philosophical insights of an illuminated being !

you are certainly correct about all of that. I'm sure. we will learn to tap in. we are still in the process of integrating QED with Classical theory. It takes about 100 years to fully integrate and we're still not there. It has been argued by greater minds than ours that the problems of the world we live in today are largely a result of this scientific schism. I believe that when we fully contemplate the multi-dimensional quality of reality, we will accept our place in the cosmos, our responsibility to it and we will find peace within it.

if we are all connected at a higher dimensional level, then all acts of aggression are acts against everything and all acts of love are similarly entangled. I hope we live to see it @drdave, we certainly deserve to have a better world. It's like people forget it's the only one we've got !

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