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RE: 我的同学雷老虎 中 江湖恩怨

in #life6 years ago

Hi Sir,

Hope you're good at God's mercy.

Sir, thank you so much for your precious time to present Thursday 1st blog post.

English version:

One day a few days later, I happened to go to Shenzhen to do things. I remembered that the Thunder Tiger was also in Shenzhen, so I called a phone. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

After the phone was connected, there was a stupid, seemingly still sleeping sound. After hearing that it was me, the Thunder Tiger immediately raised his voice by eight degrees, just like the big trick when he was talking at school, but his voice was hoarse and there was no previous sharp voice.

"You came to Shenzhen? Ah, okay," and then asked.

"You send me your position, I will let you pick you up."

About half an hour later, I was standing around the road in front of the hotel, and a dark black Bentley parked in front of me. After the window was shaken, a young, black hair combed neatly young. The man asked sideways,

"Is it big Viagra?"

I squatted, but subconsciously lowered my head. The man immediately opened the door and walked around the back of the car. He ran to me and said eagerly.

"It’s always let me pick you up. You call me Awen." I skillfully opened the door and gestured to get on the bus.

The car turned to a community. After a few turns, it stopped in front of a small three-story house. Awen told me that the thunder tiger was waiting for me in the room.

I walked into the room and someone came out of the room. I looked closely. This person is very strong and tall. I am similar in height to my thunder tiger. The young thunder tiger in memory is at least tall. Not so high? But the color of the face is dark, but the outline is obviously the appearance of the tiger in the youth.

That's right, it's the Thunder Tiger! Since the middle school classmates, I have seen the thunder tiger again twenty years later.

The thunder tiger came out of the room and should have just seen me just entering the room. After a moment of expression, he gestured with his hand and then shouted my name.

Because I haven't seen it for many years, I naturally have some chills after meeting. Lei Tiger said that he had a little hoarse voice in the past few days, and that he stayed up late, so the voice of the voice was a bit low. He asked me some of my current situation. I answered it and asked him about it curiously. When I asked him for so many years, why didn't he have any news or contact with his classmates?

When I heard this, I heard a sigh, and I was just sighing. I just wanted to say something, but I seemed to think of something. I looked at the time and told me in a certain tone that I couldn’t resist.

"Go, 咱 (() brothers first 咥 (dié Shaanxi words, meaning to eat) rice, dinner table 聊 (talking).

The Thunder Tiger was sitting in the back row with me. The Bentley had only two people behind it. There was a wide central armrest in the middle. The seat was a bit hard and the overall space in the back was smaller. I was joking. Said to him,

How many millions of luxury Bentleys are you sitting still not comfortable with my home scooter?

When I heard this, the Thunder Tiger couldn’t help but laugh.

"Yes! On this car, I also feel that sitting is not very comfortable, but it is not cheap, but there is no way, sometimes to talk about cooperation, there is a brand of brighter car, it can save a lot of saliva, I made some special signs for the car." Then I paused and added aloud.

"It is used to give the fucking outsiders a look!", then came over and looked at me and added,

"You are still the same as before, straightforward, dare to say, with my temper!", and then he laughed loudly.

After a meal, I basically got to know some of the bumpy experiences of Thunder Tigers over the years, and I can probably understand why he rarely contacted us in recent years.

It turns out that Thunder Tiger was detained for several years in the past few years because of a wounding and disability. He was released for two years. Last year, his wife gave birth to a second child. He went home to take care of him for a while until September last year. Previously his boss came to Shenzhen from his hometown in the Mainland. 

Sir, I have sincerely paid tribute to you. 

Here I am ended writing the translation.

Let your family know my love.

I pray to God that you stay well.

Good night sir.

Your Most Obedient,


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