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RE: 我的同学雷老虎 上 记忆少年

in #life6 years ago

Hi Sir,

Hope you're good at God's mercy.

Sir, thank you so much for your precious time to present a great blog post.

English version:

 Lei Tiger surnamed Lei, but in fact the real name is not called Lei Tiger. In the early 1990s, we were still in high school. At that time, a movie was popular. There was a personal thunder tiger in the play. So everyone was joking and calling him a thunder tiger. Over time, I used to use this title. Instead, I couldn’t remember it for a while. His real name is gone.  

The Thunder Tiger was not tall when he was in high school. It can be said that there is still a little short, and the appearance is a bit black. It looks like a short sting, but the Thunder Tiger is very smart and his brain is turning very fast. It is not very bad to do something in school, but in the mind of the teacher, it leaves a very bad impression. After a long time, the teachers appraised him. The brain is very clever, but it is not used in the business.  

Lei Tiger has a sister who is one year older than him. I used to be the same level as the Thunder Tiger. I was also a classmate. Later I jumped one level, and I was with my sister. I also had the same table, so I had a relationship with his sister. He is more familiar with it.  

Lei Tiger Middle School did not finish reading and dropped out of school. The reason is unknown. Some people say that it is because of the disputes with the underworld teenagers outside the school, and claimed to see the social youth plugging in the school gate to find the thunder tiger to settle accounts, others say Lei The tiger gambled outside and owed the casino money and could not afford to run away. . .  

Since then I have never seen a thunder tiger.  A few months ago, when I was chatting with Thunder Tiger’s sister in the class WeChat group, I inadvertently asked her brother. Her sister told me that Ray Tiger is now doing business in Guangzhou and sending him his phone, so that we have time to contact each other.  

When the phone was connected, there was a voice of a hoarse middle-aged man who was totally different from the sound of the thunder tiger when I was young. I thought I dialed the wrong number and tried to ask a question on the phone.  


After the phone hesitated about 2-3 seconds, then came a voice and asked.  

"you are?"  

I am sure that the other party is a thunder tiger. I said my name, the other party quickly reacted, the tone of the phone immediately became cramped and eager to see, it seems that the Thunder Tiger did not forget my old classmate, although it has been 20 years has passed.  

When I learned that I was in Guangzhou, Lei Tiger said that their company is in Shenzhen, others will be in Macau, and their company is holding a conference. I have no intention of asking what the meeting is. He said that it is a summit of the blockchain, which was organized by the company invested by their boss.  

The thunder tiger on the phone seems to be busy, and there are always people who say hello to him. Lei Tiger told me that he would return to Shenzhen in a few days, and repeatedly asked me to come to Shenzhen to gather, and hang up the phone without saying a few words.  

A few minutes later, my mobile phone received a text message, the sender is Lei Tiger, the content of the information is a certain cell address in Nanshan District, Shenzhen.  

One day a few days later, I happened to go to Shenzhen to do things. I remembered that the Thunder Tiger was also in Shenzhen, so I called a phone. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.  

After the phone was connected, there was a stupid, seemingly still sleeping sound. After hearing that it was me, the Thunder Tiger immediately raised his voice by eight degrees, just like the big trick when he was talking at school, but his voice was hoarse and there was no previous sharp voice.  

"Have you been in Shenzhen?" and then said,  

"You sent me (your) position to me, I let people pick you up."
The related content serial link is as follows:  

"My classmates thunder tigers on memory teenagers"  

" My classmates thunder tigers in the rivers and lakes "  

" My classmate Lei Tiger is in the chaos

Sir, I have sincerely paid tribute to you. 

Here I am ended writing the translation.

Let your family know my love.

I pray to God that you stay well.

Good night sir.

Your Most Obedient,


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