Happy Caturday!!

in #life7 years ago

It’s Caturday again, everyone!

Let me introduce to you the kindest, sweetest and cutest cat of all times, my dear little Rainbow:

On this photo she’s chilling by my MacBook’s power brick, while I’m working on my laptop late into the night.

I found Rainbow 14 years ago, on the last day of May 2003, in a huge public park in Moscow, Russia. She was just a little kitten, homeless, but obviously joyful and trustful. I picked her up, because it had just rained and there was a huge beautiful rainbow up in the sky. I spent an hour walking around the park, asking its visitors if the kitten belonged to them. But then it became obvious she was a street cat, despite being so young, barely a month or two.

So I had no choice but to bring her home with me. I worked at Greenpeace at that time and one of my colleagues’ mom was a veterinarian. So I brought the little Rainbow to her for a check-up. Turned out the kitten was almost deaf, because of a parasite nesting in her ears. So we did a treatment course, putting drops of medicine into her ears at regular intervals. The medicine killed the parasite and the hearing returned. Rainbow was a healthy cat again!

Throughout all her life she has been the sweetest and trusting cat, full of love and curiosity for people. She has never scratched or bitten anyone. And she always tried to lie on my laptop, my book, or my notes, whenever I tried to get any work done. :)))

When it was time for me to leave Russia and move to Sweden, I had to leave Rainbow behind. My parents took care of her and she’s been living with them ever since. Today she enjoys living in my parent’s house and having access to their beautiful garden in the backyard. She’s obviously not young anymore – she turned 14 this May. But she’s just as happy, trustful and kind. I miss her dearly. It breaks my heart that I’m living so far away from my cat. So whenever I visit my parents, Rainbow and I hang out a lot. And when I talk to my parents on Skype, Rainbow sometimes chooses to participate and purr for me. :) And my parents keep sending me her pictures. It helps.

I’m looking forward to read your Caturday stories and see the cat photos, my fellow cat lovers!


Beautiful cats! One is black and the other is black and white: like nights in St. Petersburg during different times of year. :) Here in Gävle we have white nights too. They are actually even lighter than in St. Petersburg. ;)

Rainbow is so cute! :)

Thank you! Yes, she’s the sweetest. ,,^..^,,

Happy #Caturday! Rainbow is a lucky cat to be so loved!

Aww, thank you! No, it is I who is lucky to have (had) her in my life. Happy #Caturday to you too, I’m looking forward to your post!

Thanks! Posted my baby boy. :-)

Oh, I saw your post now! Read and upvoted it, too. :) Buddy Cat is adorable!!

you've got my upvote Hot or Not

Hey, thank you! :)

She loves you and you are very very kind hearted
May you have many many joys of life :)

:) Thank you. In words of His Holiness Dalai Lama: “Kindness and compassion give rise to lasting joy. They reduce fear.”

I need a pet to keep my company while I burn the midnight oil!

@oleg326756 Mate, help me out with those stats at the bottom of your page. I can't get mine to display correctly.

Here is my code:

<center>[![](https://steemitimages.com/50x60/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/commented.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/60x70/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/votes.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/70x80/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/posts.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/100x80/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/level.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/70x80/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/comments.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/60x70/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/voted.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger) [![](https://steemitimages.com/50x60/http://steemitboard.com/@scrooger/payout.png)](http://steemitboard.com/board.html?user=@scrooger)</center>

Hmm, the code looks good to me. I compared it to my code, line by line, and I couldn’t see any difference at all, aside from, obviously, the username. What is exactly the problem you’re having with how the stats are displayed?

On my computer and my esteem app the stats are not updating. it is all old stats. does is show the same on you end?

I haven’t had any recent milestones on Steemit Board, so I don’t know if the stats are being updated for me or not. Maybe the problem is not with your code, but on the Steemit Board’s end? The database being down or slow or something?..

does mine look like this on your side?

Yes, it does. It looks the same in your recent posts on my side.

Thanks for checking. I just talked with @arcange and he said the site is having trouble updating he pictures. Guess Ill stop using it like that.

This part in your links: board.html?user=@scrooger should be board.html?user=scrooger instead. But yes, the database is slow with updating the pictures too.

Such a lovely story

Aw, thank you! I hope you enjoyed a lovely #Caturday!

Another lucky cat and provider. Following you to get some more peeks of Rainbow.

IMG_0317 - Copy.jpg

Aww a cute orange one! You have a very kind soul.

I can’t imagine living that far apart form a loved pet! I wish I had a creative name for my cat. Most time I just say “hey you” or “cat,” among other things : )

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