My cat is also glad of the coming summer. Approaching white nights! Photo of the day.

in #photos7 years ago

Finally, in our region has warm summer weather. We are very happy. Because Saint-Petersburg is approaching the period of white nights. It will last from late may to mid-July. And of course more enjoyable to walk when the street good weather.


Who read my blog know that I have Pets. And one of them is Mr. cat.


Of course he also likes warm weather. Because he can spend a lot of time on the walk. These he is now engaged in...


He forgot to wear his glasses from the bright sun. . But that doesn't stop him to pose for the camera. Because he considers himself irresistible luxury cat.


I wish you all good weather, bright sunshine, positivity and good mood!

Наконец-то в нашем регионе установилась тёплая, летняя погода. Мы этому очень рады. Потому, что в Санкт-Петербурге приближается период белых ночей. Он будет длиться с конца мая до середины июля. И, конечно ,приятнее гулять когда на улице хорошая погода.
Кто читал мой блог, тот знает, что у меня есть домашние животные. И один из них-мистер кот. Конечно, он тоже любит теплую погоду. Потому что он может тратить много времени на прогулки. Этим он сейчас и занимается...
Он забыл одеть свои очки от яркого солнца. Но это не мешает ему позировать для камеры. Потому что он считает себя неотразимым роскошным котом.

I thank you for reading my blog and appreciate your comments. Feel free to follow me.


He's a fine-looking cat! Nice post!

He thinks so too :) Thanks for Your visit @countryinspired

Really cute cat! Nice garden with plenty of beautiful yellow flowers!

Thank you @tangmo . I wish You a good day!

You're welcome! Thank you and have a pleasant day, too! ;)

Красив Мистер Кэт, мать его кошка!

as soon as he wakes up, I'll tell him about it :) ^.^

Such a cute kitty! Thanks for sharing him with us! :D

Thank you for Your attention @sykochica!

Congratulations dear friend @ madlenfox for these beautiful captures and your beautiful mascot, I wish you a beautiful day.

Thank you @jlufer . We are very pleased!

Lovely cat! Pets always look best and happiest surrounded by nature.

Yes, he is really happy on his walks, but he's still a house cat. Sometimes likes to stay home and feel our love. Thank you for look at it!.

Of course. Btw, I've heard that white cats might have problems if they stay in the sun for too long. Their ears gradually burn off which is surely painful and dangerous. This is especially common with stray cats that happen to be white because they stay in the sun all day.

You are absolutely right. And white cats more often than others can get sick from a cold or getting allergies. It's all from their genetic features. They are very vulnerable and sensitive. Cuties!

I didn't know about the other problems, just saw the ears of stray cat that needed help from around here. Luckily the cat I'm talking about already has a loving home. Unfortunately, it wants to spend all its time outside and sometimes gets annoyed to be kept inside for some of the time.

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