It Is Shaping Up.

in #life6 years ago


We go through stuffs for a reason. Whatever experience we go through in life shapes us for the next phase or stage.

Every problem you overcome, gives you the key to unlock bigger ones.

So, in life, you cannot skip the process. One step at a time, and you will see why you had to go through what you went through, either for yourself, or for another person.

I have noticed in this life, that all I have gone through, till this point, it is for my development and also to help others. Whatever you have gone through, have you noticed that, you will meet at least one person, who is currently going through that? By divine meeting, you will just get to meet that person, and you will get to share your experience with the person, and vice versa. Life was designed to have us revolve around each other's experiences, so we can be of help to one another, and still never leaving out the God factor.

I have noticed this particular trend in my life. Whatever I have gone through, if I haven't met someone who went through it, i will soon meet that person, which will enable me speak with that person and how I got out of it. I don't believe it is because I sometimes enjoy talking, or mostly because I love teaching and giving advise, but I feel, all our experiences is shaping up to make us better and also inspire others.

If you give up, how can we hear your story? How can you inspire others?

You have the words to save a nation, but you keep biting your tongue. You spent your lifetime stuck in silence, afraid you would say something wrong? Come on. None of the things you have gone through, or going through is a waste. Someone, somewhere, need to hear your experience, so they can have the courage to pull out of it too. Will you deprive them?

In life, our lives are intertwined. No one can make it out here all alone. We all need one another. We all have something to offer.

I have gone through various form of heartbreak, I have assumed to be dating someone, which in the real sense, we were not actually dating, costly assumption which I soon found out, when she picked another. Ouch. I have been lied to, so I detect some lies way easily, hahaha. I have seen other people's experiences, when they experienced something grave and devastating, and I happened to be around them that time. I have heard stories, I have created my own stories. I have wept, I have lost, I had been foolish and stupid, I had disappointed and been disappointed, I had been lazy, I have gained, I have seen and done, and experienced all sorts. All of these things I have seen from others, that I have done and experienced, i have had people in my life that went through all of that, that I later met, and all they needed to hear was my own side of it, so they can know, they are not off track, or so they can know, and receive assurances that, it will all turn out great. Trust me, I will still meet people that would still need me to share some of my life's experiences with them, so they wouldn't feel all alone, like life is doing them bad.

This is what life is about, helping, not only material things, but things money can't even buy; support.

There are people that, they don't need anything physical from you, all they need is someone around them.

You were made, for such a time as this. Whatever you are going through, know you are not alone, and it is for a moment. Derive strength needed to get out of it, because someone, somewhere, will depend on your story later in life, (whether you overcome it, or not), to muster up the courage, to overcome his or hers too. Don't fail them.

Nothing lasts forever, no matter how it feels today, not even our mountain top troubles.


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today, doctor's order.


Am always in love with your write up
Is always motivational and inspiration....thanks

I am glad to hear this. Means a lot to me. I always appreciate your comments.

My mentor, how I wish I have the gift God planted in you, I love this motivation.
Yes no matter problem we face in life it preparing us for the next breakthrough and making us to strong. Thanks bro.

Thank you for your kind words. Means a lot to me. Duly appreciated. Breakthrough is near, we must keep, keeping up. Thanks bro.

So, in life, you cannot skip the process. One step at a time, and you will see why you had to go through what you went through, either for yourself, or for another person.

Life is full of process. There is a reason God created everything on earth before creating man. God is a God of process so we as human being must embrace process.

Whatever process we have to go through in life is for our own good or for the benefit of others. Even the strongest of men will break down when faced with challenging situation and there is no shoulder to cry on. We must therefore carry our own cross now so that we can help others carry theirs when they are faced with similar situation....

Thank you always @olawalium for another dose. I don't know why your love chemical is not working on me. I am just immune to your love portion.

All the single ladies. Lolzzzz

Oh I see!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Not only the singles though, it works faster in ladies/women, than in men, but generally works for all.

Chei.... There is God oooo

He can never change position. God all by Himself.

Hahahahaha. Sometimes the dose takes longer, depending on the quantity you take. I might have to up yours. Hahahahaha.
Thank you for that amazing contribution. I always enjoy reading from you.

Please be informed that I have the antidote. No the quantity to gave me, it cannot werk on me.

Hahahaha. That is what everyone says.

@olawalium this is great... life is hard but not impossible

I love is inspirational 👏

Thanks a lot, really appreciate you.

This life na jeje. One step at a time

Exactly, and the experiences we have gathered along the way, should be used to help others that we will definitely meet, later in life. We revolve around each other.

Yes ooo. Omi leniyan
We can meet ourselves anywhere and anyone myt need help. Is what we know already that keeps us going

No knowledge or experience is a waste.

Chai! This man can write ehn!

covers face I love you too.

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