Who else wants to stand-out on Steemit?

in #life8 years ago

So what if I tell you that you can build you can create a well-known brand here on Steemit, even with the large population on Steemit?

I joined Steemit almost a month ago, and since then they have been a huge load of introduction posts which means more people are joining on a daily basis (I have personally introduced three people).

Now the main thing behind the mind of everybody signing up is that this is another avenue to set up a new stream of income, but then you find out that there is a lot of competition.

You write a lovely post and hours later, you go to the home page and your lovely post is being pushed out of the first page, and it had not even made up to a dollar.( Thank you @curie).

So how do you stand out from the crowd on Steemit, and make your voice heard, this are three great steps:

  1. Self- Awareness: this is very important, you cannot fake who you are, I am a story-teller so I do just that. I love and appreciate good art, but I would fall on my face if I start blogging about it. (kudos to @arthuradamson) Too often, we place our attention on what other people are doing and fail to improve our own game. You have to look inside yourself and find out that you have a voice and that it is worth sharing.

  2. Kill Self-doubt: We all have being in that situation when we slave over a particular post and in the end it gets little or no reception. You have to know that pain is inevitable, it is part of being human. The solution is to believe in yourself and find like-minded people who appreciate and value what you are doing. I have found my source of encouragement in @ebryans.

  3. Create Valuable content: With the advent of bots and blind voting, more and more people are ignoring writing good post and they focus more on writing magnetic headlines with low value posts. @creatr have developed a table of contents with future post outlined, this shows dedication to excellence.

If you can follow this steps, at the end of the day you would find yourself with a brand that allows you to reach an audience and help others with your message.

Thanks to @papa-pepper, @mynameisbrian and the host of others who inspire me daily with their originality.


Wery usufull, thanks for sharing!:)

you are welcome @inber

Wise words.

Hi @ogochukwu, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

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