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RE: How Vaccines Have Altered U.S. Health, Summarized in One Graphic

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What about cancer causing agents and longitudinal studies on this? How can we trust the institutions who provide such research when often they are being paid by the SAME companies for "philanthropic" work?

I don't think people actually ever argue that vaccines do not work. It is more that people cannot sue vaccine creators or hold them liable for the unwanted side effects that do occur (and are highly likely to be minimized by a corrupt industry's own commissioned--and biased--research) while at the same time their is open pressure to vaccinate---and even in some places laws that intend to force you to!

I want you as a Dr. to watch this and realize why people distrust the medical industry and the Dr's who seem to miss the point.

This is just one case and if we think this corruption doesn't spread throughout the medical industrial complex we are crazy. I will never advocate people being forced to take vaccines...and I like many others who are saying this will never argue the efficacy of vaccines. We just have good reason not to even trust medical "authorities" because the "authorities" have incentive and profit motive to lie...and have been caught doing it.


Here is her presentation on vaccines directly

CDC is corrupt to the core and their members own over 50 vaccine patents combined. This is a serious conflict of interest. They ultimately decide what vaccines are required for the general population and, not surprising, the number of required vaccines is steadily increasing.
You said it, it's the profit-motive that is so troubling.

So if the vaccines cause cancer in 1 of 1000 people, but save the lives 1 of 10 people, would you still say don't use vaccines?

Id always say that people have a right to make the choice for themselves and i have no right to make for them :)

People are free to make idiotic choices, like bying SUVs to drive 2 miles, driving them too fast or just not immunizing themselfes, unfortunately you are right.

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