An exciting coffee brake

in #life7 years ago (edited)

With the cryptocurrency market close to 90 billion.

Following some good Bitcoin consensus news for all cryptos.

And the exciting EOS presentation

There is so much going on right now in the realm of Bitmoney {AKA: coins, cryptos and so on} and blockchain technology. It is almost a pitty that my agenda is booked full for the upcoming weeks. This morning there was time for some manual cryptocurrency trading though. Had to do finances, and well, that was a good reason to spend some time at Bittrex. It looks like the Bitcoin consensus news is going to take the price of BTC to one All Time High {ATH} record after another. That 2500 US Dollar mark should be within reach soon. And the rest of the market is cheering with lighting green candles with the party that now seems to have created Bitcoin United...

Even more excitement came from New York, with the presentation of EOS by Daniel Larimer. And that one is big for Bitshares and Steem. They were part of the presentation, there would have been no EOS without Bitshares and Steem. Dan also explained how Bitcoin only can do 3 transactions per second currently, while Ethereum can handle about 30. Of course that will change with Bitcoin now getting SetWit, thanks to the consensus reached in New York.

Yet, still with upcoming an blocksize doubling it can not handle the amount of transactions Steem and Bitshares can do. And while Ethereum, Bitcoin and all the others are left behind by the thousands of transactions per second Bitshares and Steem can handle, EOS takes it to the next level. This is the next big Free Open Source blockchain technology that is going to be able to scale with ease, to be able handle millions(!) of transactions per second. Thanks to its parallel processing construction, it can handle multiple amazing smart contracts in real time, with ease. Social media, insurance, finances, what ever can be thought of in terms of smart contracts, it an be done with EOS, all at the same time. Without transaction fees, by the way...

Bought some Voxels and Verge

Seems that the former low priced cryptos are getting a nice slice of the Bitmoney pie. And the cryptocurrency market is still going fast towards the 100 billion total market capacity. This will probably gain even more attraction, that is the law, so this might still be the beginning fase of the growth avalanche. It is the momentum and it is hard to foresee where this will go. And while doing finances there was time for coffee and some crypto trading at Bittrex. Already trading on a nice profit, took a bit of the profit and bought VOX {Voxels} and XVG {Verge}. Set the order placements thresholds and let it be.

Bitshares and Steem are still going strong and because the market for Bitmoney is still growing fast there will be more incoming billions of investments the next coming weeks. At this pace of growth the first week of june 2017 will become a very memorable one. It will be something to remember like: "Where were you when the total cryptocurrency market capacity hit the 100 billion US Dollar mark?" And that means there is at least 12 billion investment more to come in about a week time. Steem is already at $ 1.33 and Bitshares could go beyond 11 cents soon. It is really a splendid time to present EOS to the world and that will have a great effect on the market price of Bitshares, Peerplays, Golos (/GBG) and of course Steem (/SBD).

Time for me to round things up, next event on the agenda is calling. And remember; Only invest in Bitmoney what you are willing and able to lose. And your speculation might be as bad or as good as mine.

Have a good one!

An exciting coffee brake

image cc-by-sa @oaldamster

EDIT: text corrections.
EDIT2: text corrections, link added.


Here's a summary of Dan's EOS presentation if you are interested:

Thank you, will have a read later!

THAT's coffee?
I thought coffee was black.
mine sure is..

Mine is with milk and sugar. In a carefully constructed mixture, took me years to perfect.

According to an old Turkish proverb, coffee should be "black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love."
I'm not an old turk
I'm an old texan
our coffee is strong enough to wake the dead and scare the living..
THEN I spike it with whisky.

It is strong alright, even with the milk. The Irish coffee mixture kind is great too, though for now a bit too much for me.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63813.24
ETH 2654.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76