Home Studio: Overcoming Depression and Creative Block

in #life6 years ago

So I have had my studio set up for a year now in my studio apartment (aptly named).

Notice the layer of dust from lack of use

It is a far cry from what I once had, but is plenty for me to start getting creative again; if only I could actually make music. I find myself sitting and staring at my equipment like an artist at a blank canvas these days. When I was teen and in my 20s it was as if a song a minute ran through my brain. I was full-on creative at all times.


But something has happened to me in the last few years. It seems like the more financially successful I am, the less creative that I am. I don't know if there is some sort of angst from poverty that triggers creativity, but it sure seems to be the case for me! It is kind of like how when you are a kid, all you can think is how if you had money, you'd buy this and that. But then when you can afford it, you suddenly don't care about this and that anymore.

I think that is why I really needed this book:

Even thicker, grosser layer of dust

Meditation has really helped me to look deeply at the way that I view myself and the world and see things more objectively. I think that I have also learned to forgive myself and give myself some slack. When one feels unable to be creative, it can be really frustrating. You can really start to beat yourself up over it!


You can really see that I am interested in making music! The difficult part is that it's not just a hobby; I have done a lot of music and sound design for games and film. After a member of my family died, and another got really sick I spent quite a lot of time and money providing emotional support for other members of the family. Only after the dust settled did I realize what an impact that all of this stress had on my ability to create.

I feel like I am finally starting to come out of the other side of this. I am really starting to realize that the distress that I went through created a blockage which I compounded by constantly beating my self up over a perceived failure. We have to learn to push forward and just let things be what they are. I know that I keep going, my mojo will return and I'll be able to enjoy the things that I love again with even more intensity!

Note: This is a repost from my alternate steem account @steemling. I initially created that account to talk specifically about my meditation practice but I feel like this is kind of a crossover post.


Excellent review, my friend and I think that you will return to creating a music again, especially since having such a studio, it needs to be done. I am sure you will pass a difficult period in your life and inspiration will return to you! Thank you @nuthman

I hope so. It hasn't been very fun in this slump!

Nice to see you share this. I usually thought you were a visual artist until I came across it.

To be honest my wife is the visual artist. I tend to live vicariously through her. hehe. I end up around a lot of painting and sculpture by proxy. I do have something of a talent for drawing, but sadly I never refined it.

Alryt. I beleave you always marvel at your wife's work.

Keep on moving forward , brotha. Nice looking equipment, btw. And I also meditate and have swore by it for many years now.

Thanks for sharing

Yeah, it is really helpful. I've done 3 Vipassana meditation retreats so far. I always come out with my head on straight, then within 2 months I am back to my old self again. Consistent practice is definitely the key.

Well at least you have it set up. My Roland XP-50 has been sitting boxed for years now. I cant remember how to play either, its damn depressing.


Sorry to hear that, man! That's way cooler than the synth I had in the mid 90s. My first 'adult' girlfriend bought me a Roland JV-35 for Christmas of 1994.


That was actually the keyboard that got me into doing MIDI in a program called Trax on my old DOS computer. I still have it in storage! Maybe I would get inspired if I just pulled out that old JV-35 and hooked it up to nothing but a sequencer and start creating. Sometimes limiting yourself can go a huge way toward coming up with ideas.

The XP-50 has a built in sequencer, doesn't it?

It has a built in sequencer but they are hard to get to grips with and better controlled via a software one via midi. I had Yamaha SY55 before that but always wanted the SY77. That was a bit legendary.

Knowing the problem is half of it they say. Maybe listening to old music will release the juices.

Yeah, I do a lot of that. Good advice for sure!

I think we need to continue to seek substance and proceed,pullng ourselves in the right direction.Thank you:))

indeed! Thank you as well!

Well, I think there is time for everything, including creating. I also believe that traumatic/stressful events can affect our creativity. And sometimes it's not about not being able to create but having nothing to create. In such moments we need to step back and absolve the creative energy around us to recharge. This might be the time to read or listen to other creative people. This might spur us into creating our own work. I believe you will get back on track but do not rush or push yourself too hard. Take your time.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are so right, my friend. I have had a lot of deaths and sickness in my family over the past 5 or 6 years which have really worn me down. I'm reaching the age where everyone I knew as a kid, who were my current age now are having a lot of health problems. This stuff can really depress you and drain all of your creative energy.

Hopefully I will come out of the other side with some perspective.

I hope that you could regain your musical creativity again @nuthman but I think you would want to spend time with artists that creates music so that it will rekindle your artistic abilities again.

I think that is something that I am really missing @cryptopie; spending time with other creators. Good idea!

Well to be in need boost creativity!💥but Steem is now poor and also lost its mojo🤔🤣
A natural trick to empower ourselves is eating a piece of garlic each morning for a week, this potentiates serotonine elevating state of mind😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Garlic? haha. Well, if that is the answer to my problems, I guess I'll be eating a lot of garlic. haha. Do you mind if I breathe in your face after?

Ahah garlic smells good😋😆 but do not eat a lot Lol the trick is eating just a piece after the breakfast thinking and believing on 12 impossible things!😉

Posted using Partiko Android

lol. I will keep that in mind.

i'd like to hear some of your stuff.

One of these days I will get enough of something together to show online. So much of the work that I've done has been game effects and background music and a lot of projects for companies that never ended up releasing the end product.

That is another long demoralizing story. I have hours of unfinished audio projects as well. My wife is a singer, and I have produced a lot of her music but I've never felt comfortable (to her chagrin) posting it. One of these days I suppose.

yeah, i hope to hear it. I was bit of musician myself in bands and what not in the past. But rather than being a good songwriter (which i was not) i was very good at refining other people's music, i suppose a producer of sorts. I never made anything, but i like to believe I made all the music I came in contact with better.... Kind of like the "3M" in the band.

I'm sure i will see it if you post it. I am sure your other pals on here would like to hear some of it too.

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