This Is A Black Picture With A White Line Down The Middle

in #life6 years ago

Hello again for the one millionth freakin' time.

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Black Picture With A White Line Down The Middle.jpeg
A Black Picture With A White Line Down The Middle

I can't even explain myself today.

I'll try though.

Out of all the black pictures with white lines down the middle that I've produced over the years, that is by far the worst one.

As an artist who takes everything seriously, I'm supposed to be proud of everything I do.

Well, I'm not proud of that one.

That black picture with a white line down the middle didn't even take an hour to produce. This style is supposed to be speedy, but not that quick. It also looks nothing like a black picture with a white line down the middle. I tried really hard though, so I hope that's enough.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Seventeen Years.jpeg
Seventeen Years of My Life

That was Seventeen Years Of My Life you just saw.

That one took forever to finish.

I'll be honest though.

The one you just saw is a replica of the real one.

When I was in school, I attended an art class, briefly.

I painted a black picture with a while line down the middle and called it Seventeen Years of My Life. The entire piece including the title was supposed to have a profound meaning.

I was finished, so I gave it to the teacher.

He said, "This is just a black picture with a white line down the middle." He was not impressed with my effort.

After all these years, I still don't see how Seventeen Years of My Life looks anything like A Black Picture With A White Line Down The Middle, but whatever, he was the expert, not me.


That's all I got for you.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Get it? Some don't. That's fine."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


After heavy examination on the subject, i arrived to a sound conclusion, its not a black picture with a white line, its a white picture being enveloped by a black mist, thats the problem.

Ow no, you have solved the riddle of the universe! Now what is left for us puny humans to do?

Wow. You figured it out. The secret.
You are one of the bright minds that enlighten Steemit community. Halleluja to you.

Halleluja! Praise the sun!

Jajaja diecisiete años? Jajaja si es una eternidad, me gusto mas esa que la inicial, saludos :D

Hey @nonameslefttouse you sound a bit down today.

Hello again for the one millionth freakin' time.

What's up... Is it the repetitive "Hello again" that's getting you down?

If so maybe swap it out with something like - "Oi it's me, I'm back!" or "Boo" - just be spontaneous it might be fun! 👍

First of all i want to talk about the first one, if you see the first art up side down then you can see an super red creature with five legs and also reflects as out of this world creature, and i prefer towards unique art because people sometimes see in one glance but i like to see an art from every angle because we don't know which angle is holding an gem like an reflection and in first picture we can see that creature and that creature is literally reflecting as belongs to the era of dinosaurs.

I want to explain the second one too, it's not that simple and this art have great impact on me because this is reflecting as our great inner self peace in silent essence, means, for example when we do meditation we deep dive into world of peace where we try to see the light of peace and this art is reflecting as that light of peace.

Keep up this amazing art and thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

wow, a very beautiful picture, and very difficult to guess, I think, behind this picture must have its own meaning. I am very salute for people who have an artistic soul, such as art to paint, because the soul of art is not owned by everyone, and art has a very high price. Any result of the image painted by a painter, surely it all has its own meaning in every result of his painting, and we are very difficult to guess. So in my opinion, the art of painting is very cool, and you have that artistic soul. I can never do such a job. Thanks for sharing @nonameslefttouse, and wish you a wonderful day... :)

I have never believed that art should follow any rules.
An artist who follows rules and not his heart is not an artist,
but rather, a craftsman.
If I do not understand the Mona Lisa, it does not cease to be art,
it just means that I do not understand it well enough to see the beauty.
If your teacher did not understand "Seventeen Years of My Life"
that does not mean it is not art, it just means he saw it through
the rules that he had for what art is or isn't.

So that would mean you said hello 1 million and one times? Because the first time I guess you didn't say "again"

I can tell you didn't fail math class.

The art of publicity is a black art; but it has come to stay, and every year adds to its potency. Have a nice day @nonameslefttouse

I totally get it, it's obvious this is abstract art. In fact made me think of Barnett Newman's Onement I, it's a vertical line there but just though of it! :)

The word has not only to spread, that would explain so much...

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