They Say: Common Sense Isn't So Common These Days

in #life7 years ago

NoNamesLeftToUse - They Say.png

Today is Thursday, December 14, 2017.

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here reporting live on location and

... is what's up.


Where have I been?

Maybe I was away, but I wasn't gone.

Yours truly was still on the planet with you, living day to day, and following the same road around the sun.

World Events. The News.

Though we weren't together in the same room, we still managed to have a few of the same life experiences. I'm sure we all share some of the same memories of these past few months, and I remember a few things.

Someone who passed away recently may have said it best in this clip.

That's Jim Lahey holding the drink. A character from the show Trailer Park Boys, played by the late, great John Dunsworth. A fine Canadian actor. He left us on October 16, 2017. Rest in peace, John.

The Shit Winds

That was some hurricane season here in the Western Hemisphere.

Though I live far away from the epicenter, I can still feel their pain. I've experienced flooding. Never fun. My world literally freezes for nearly half of the year though. I can understand severe weather, completely.

The Struggle is Real

The storms seem to be getting worse. People are told they must leave their homes. They panic. We're running out of supplies. We have looters hanging back stealing liquor, of all things.

The people seem to be getting worse. Society needs to wake up. Don't we all know that though? Isn't it obvious?

Maybe we can't control nature, but what got us here in the first place? How did we get this far? Did we adapt, or did we wait until it was too late?

I Stumbled Upon an Article

...and this is what I saw.

Image linked to source. (fair use)

I could have chosen one of many images to critique. Simply search, "evacuation highway images," in Google. You'll see much of the same. You should start noticing a pattern. Even the creators of The Walking Dead knew it was important to get just right. A few scenes on the show were eerily similar. Think about any disaster movie you've seen. Car after car, everyone had to go.

Look at it again though. Study it.

Now. Let Me Ask You This

Would our ancestors see one road out... or two?

Have a nice day.

Youtube video linked to source.
"Let's play follow the leader!"
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


The Resistance! We’re never backing down!

You've managed to bring to mind not one but two of my favorite childhood cartoons. Which might make very little sense when you're talking about disasters and the walking dead, haha. Rather than choose, I will play them both.

Feival! (sp? lol)

And this one just makes me want to skip every time:

Follow the leader indeed. I didn't realize that photo up there came with a theme song. I wonder if they whistle while they work as well?

Or follow the yellow brick road?

My ancestors would see two but they would have the brains to take the back roads instead if they were to leave. Folks don't have sense to think outside the box...or road.

Hmm interesting, yes if you are presumably fleeing for your life, there is a perfectly good, unused road right next to you. (or at least drive in the grass)

Seems like those folks in charge of planning evacuations can't even see two roads.

The first thing I saw in that pic was the way out, that wasted pavement there on the right. That evacuation mentality is on the roads every day in this town at particular times; one lane full of people trying to get home from work, the other lane empty and wasted. Of course my Everyone quit your jobs, man! is the solution to that.
Gotta say that was a real shit wind that took out Mr. Lahey.

"You were warned, Bubs, but you picked the wrong side."

See what I did there?

Ha ha ha ....stop drop and roll! I love this song! First time I hear it but it's great! And so very very true..the whole world is going insane.

It is though! We've gone mad. That's one of my all-time favorite bands right there. Modern day prophets it seems. They have a few other songs from awhile back that somehow spoke about the days we're in now.

the struggle is real when you got to follow the main stream hahah be different be crazy

...but who has the nerve to stray away? All it takes is one. I wonder who it will be?

time to evacuate ;p

Run to the hills!

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