The Random Ramblings of this Writer's Raffle-Coppin

in #life4 years ago

I've decided to make a decision.
My influence will not be used to sway any opinions.

That big news.
What's done is done. You've had your fun. I will not be acting like everyone.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Raffle-Coppin.png

This is not about that.

I've slept on it three times.

For the next few days, a lot of folks will be practicing impatience and the great divide shall expand beyond our borders. The world will find out what you're made of. I choose to stay out of it, completely. No comment.

I am not turning my back on anything or anyone. I'm watching you.

Great things. That's all I want. On the surface, I've placed two words to describe several decades of both my past, and future. Underneath it all is a story I cannot pen. It seems to speak a language I can't comprehend.

From beyond and from within. These two beams unite. Beams of what, I don't know. It is what it is.

Some days I feel like I'm some sadistic son of a bitch's avatar. Coded to handle being fucked with, yet my thoughts are my own, if that's even possible.

Why have I not snapped yet? Surely there must be a limit to how much one can take.

The way I say this must lead your mind to believe I feel punished yet in order for one to feel punished, they must first be able to feel. So it's not that.

I was visited by a memory today.

Unexpected company.

Though I don't know where I'm going with this, I'd really like to try. It is so hard to go to this place when it is my duty here to put on my game face.

Two invisible men were sitting on a bench that day. I asked one if he could sell me a cigarette. They both laughed at me. I was then offered a backhanded compliment about my clean attire, which I accepted. I had them fooled. They had no idea I was one of them for I had only recently been born into that world. I had no scars. No way to wear my stripes proudly for they had not been earned, yet.

You're asking a bum for cigarette, man? Are you crazy?

That day I felt like nobody else could help me. I walked away from that encounter with a lit cigarette and the realization I was caught between two worlds.

There's a small gap between the living and the lost. A fine line I traveled for just long enough to know of its existence. Nobody wants you, there. Too much for one side and not enough for the other.

I'm reckless.

Sometimes I don't trust myself.

Boredom kicks in every time I get my shit together. I've walked away from lives some people can only dream of and headed straight into the pit of despair that is their worst nightmare, more times than I can remember.

On to the next thing and tomorrow is a new day unless you stay up all night. For me, the band no longer plays that circadian rhythm. If I die young, I'll still have lived longer than most that age.

When I sleep, I go to a place where I decline the return ticket. I don't want to come back here, ever, once I'm there. The chaos is where I'm the most comfortable.

Some people forget their dreams when they wake up. I tend to forget my life when I dream. I can vividly remember dreams I had as a child; but I can't remember being a child.

The last dream I had wasn't that long ago. Probably an hour before I started writing this disaster, I had arrived back here, from there.

I was tired. I sleep well when I'm tired. Instantly my mind placed me in the back seat of a vehicle. I was sleepy there as well, so I got comfortable for a second time. I was still awake in this dream where I was trying to fall asleep. I could feel the vehicle moving. Could hear the bumps. I was there, and fell asleep, and began to have a dream within a dream.

When I woke up, I was back on the couch in my apartment. That might sound normal to you. I haven't lived in that apartment, for many years.

I lived a few moments of a life I once had. Knew nothing of this one. Even saw myself in the mirror. That was me. I turned on the TV.

The guide. None of the words made sense. No matter how hard I tried to read what was there, I couldn't. It was impossible. As soon as I could make out a letter it would turn into something else. Then everything started to change. The white walls turned black. The carpet was liquid and sticky. Needed air so I stepped out onto the balcony. The sliding glass door behind me shattered. Thick black smoked followed by a wall of fire pushed me tight against the railing. I jumped.

Fucking killed myself.

NoNamesLeftToUse - What Are These Colors.jpeg

Found myself in near complete darkness. Total silence. Not the deafening sort of silence. True silence. Pure silence. And I couldn't move. There was nothing to move.

Frightening, you ask? Not even close.

After waiting there for an incredibly long time, quite suddenly, I arrived back here. This world again. The world you're probably familiar with. This here and now place.

What was there to be afraid of? Being kept in the dark. Hearing nothing. Waiting.

You get used to it, around here.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"And don't forget to have a nice day."

© 2020 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I kind of like that second picture, a bit different style yet still the same style. I don't know what other see, I actually see, and sort of feel a few different things from it, I can see a hand by a skull with a sad down turned mouth holding a cigarette. I also at times just see the sadness of the skull, like it knows it is killing itself, that it allowed desires to take over when there were unmet needs that needed taking care of. Of course the words of the post may have slightly influenced that view point, but I think even on a cold showing I would still get that feel from the image.

I'm not surprised you'd be the one to come along and dissect the complexities from a piece of simplicity in disguise. That's impressive.

I don't think I've ever had a dream within a dream (but my dreams tend to be "interesting" when they happen), my son has had a couple where he woke up into another dream before actually waking up, and now I find that it's possible to do that multiple times too, that sounds pretty trippy (and potentially hazardous, is that how people get stuck in comas? D:)

For a long time I've believed the afterlife is a dream, much like that. One falls asleep shortly before they go, and that's where they stay.

Hope it's a good dream then :S

not sue why i stuck this song here, guess i just like it

I like it, too. It's fitting. You made the right call.

So sad the man in the dark. Don't be sad, dark man. Let a little light in!

Chaaangeees... excellent!! :)

That awkward feeling when you publish your post, and nobody notices...

Been there, done that. many, many times!

Vivid & Lucid Dreams?

¿A dream within a dream?

Yeah! from what side of the bed?

I do my best to not take it personally. Got the music cranked, working on art for the next post.

Got the music cranked, working on art for the next post.

Oh! then take advantage and add this tune to your playlist. Just to keep you away & safe from the burnside of artworks.

Yeah mate! you already know I am that boogie!! };)

Uhm, "The End Of Days" & "Bad Religion" has always sounded catfishy to me. :)

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