The Drunken Clown Walks Home After The Bar and Everything Else Is Just Bullshit

in #life5 years ago

I'll never be able to understand why so many people fall for bullshit.
I learned early, I can only trust myself but that doesn't mean I'll have it all figured out.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Drunken Clown Walks Home.png
The Drunken Clown Walks Home After The Bar

As Usual

I've spent more time producing snazzy artwork.

In case you missed it, just look up. It should be directly in front of you. Yup. No bullshit.

Something simple, I guess. Took awhile to blend all those fancy colors together like that though.

Ever find yourself drunk, walking home, after being at a bar?

I have.

And it looks just like that.

I'm glad those days are over.

I do other things now. For instance, today, I went to visit a few old friends.

Nice house in an older neighborhood. My first time visiting this home.

One of the first things I noticed as I entered their driveway didn't even belong to them. The neighbor's front covered patio had about seven transparent plastic bags of water hanging from the rafters by thread. Upon closer inspection, I noticed each bag contained three pennies. The spacing between the coins appeared to be planned as they were all about an inch apart.

"What kind of voodoo is that?"

I cheerfully asked my friend as he greeted me.

He said the bags weren't hanging there the day before and appeared to be about as puzzled as I was. A few minutes later his wife came outside carrying a baby, followed by the little dude who's nearly five years old.

I asked her if she could explain these hanging water bag ornaments. The puzzled look on her face quickly turned to shock when the little dude proudly stated, "That's where the crazy lady lives."

"Oh really?" I thought I'd play along and hear the kid out.

He told me he was playing with his trucks in the sandbox, "Like this," as he demonstrated, then said he heard yelling, "Like this," as he impersonated, so he went over to the fence to look through the cracks, "Like this," and explained how he "saw her saying bad words to the lawnmower."

I was distracted by a cold beer being handed to me,

before I had a chance to look through the cracks.

I'm still a bit curious about what kinds of things could be in that backyard. Never did get a chance to take a look and be the nosy neighbor.

The water bags though...

I asked buddy to pull out his phone and Google "Water bags pennies."

Apparently this information age witchcraft exists to keep the houseflies away. The first few links offered were debunking the concept. Some say it works, others say it doesn't.

I say, "What kind of human wakes up one day and decides they'll hang bagged water and include three pennies, just to see what it does..."

Damn sparrows keep crapping all over my new car! Tomorrow I'm going to combine apple cider vinegar, whiskey, salt, and bleach. Mix it all up real good and spray it on the tires. Then I'll cut a lime in half, inject it with morphine, stick three toothpicks in it, smear it with toothpaste, put it all in the microwave for 2 minutes on high, then place it inside of a cardboard box, and put that box on the hood of my car. That should keep the birds away.

How many of these strange concoctions had to fail before someone finally saw some positive results?

So, yeah.

Apparently the internet is full of shit.

One site tells people to fill bags with water, add pennies, and hang them up — to keep flies away.

The next site says it's all bullshit.

Then you search something like, "Does Snopes actually tell the truth."

Then another site says that site is full of shit.

Then you take the science route.

But then the next site says science is all full of shit.


and everything...

Is full of shit.

When I left that place, I made sure to have a good look at those dangling water bags again.

There were flies walking all over them and I think two were fucking.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"These are some crazy times we live in..."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I guess the water bags did not work, I never heard of that one. The art is pretty nice I can see it as a drunk walking home or when Kenny Rodgers just dropped in to see what condition he was in.

Never heard of it either. Flies are a pain in ass this time a year around here though, anywhere you go — so I'm not surprised to see people going crazy, trying to get rid of them.

Thanks for the track. Haven't heard that one in awhile.

Maybe the water bags make the flies horny, so they get distracted with that and forget they were about to go in the house and see what food is available.

Posted using Partiko Android

Like 80's porn on a waterbed. I never thought of that.

Well, goddam, that's a nice piece of writing.

Thanks a lot. And thanks for reading as well! Seems quiet here.

Wondering if you filled a bag with some of the shit that is everywhere, it would keep the flies away?

Thanks for the art, it's a visual aid to memories I have lost.

I'll start bagging up the shit tomorrow, hang it from the trees because that seems like a good place, then let you know how it all went in a few days after I observe the results and take notes.

Thanks for the art, it's a visual aid to memories I have lost.

Hence the hazy blurriness. That's still better than the early morning hang over walk across town though.

Excellent, this sounds worthy of a #stem tag in future.

Those morning walks are OK when there is a beach on the other side of town, but if taken too often then even the ocean wont save a soul.

I've been thinking about producing some content for #stem but I have this problem of adding humor to everything and I'm unsure if that would be acceptable. I can't see why not. Bill Nye did, and he's a science guy.

For me, a walk to the ocean would take a few weeks. I've always wanted to do it. A lot of mountains and bears that way though.

STEM is desperate for some humour, but it will take some effort and skill to blend the facts and comedy in.

2 weeks, that is one hell of a bender if you end up there then :)

That’s a potent sounding concoction, did you find that or is it one of your own devising? And if that’s what the clown was drinking no wonder they saw all those amazing colours 😳

Posted using Partiko iOS

Damn birds... I'll try anything. And if that doesn't work, I know a few things about mouthwash and gasoline most people don't know.

If that clown was walking home seeing colors, someone probably put fancy pills in the water again.

How you been doing. Havent seen you drop heavy comments lately. Hope everything is going well and your curation bags are a bit fuller. ;)

It's almost eerie you mention that heavy comment stuff. Not even thirty minutes ago I was browsing a few of the exchanges you and I had in the past, along with a few other discussions I took part in.

When I started here, and for awhile after, all I was doing was having fun. Focusing mainly on entertainment. Then I'd be busy here in my comment section just talking with everyone, having fun. Do it all again the next day. These days I just want to have fun. I lost that spark to be all feisty. Things are gradually improving now as well, which was something I had been pushing for, for years. What's left to say?

Curation rewards are a nice treat indeed. I'm whale status on CCC as well, because I want to try to help these creative types who got kicked to the curb for years and replaced with shit posters and paid votes. So I get a decent bonus there as well, when I vote. I'm fussy though.

Ooh i think that makes me a whale too. Can i join the pod?

Sure! Stay away from the beach though. I heard it's a dangerous place not many come back from when they go there on vacation.

It's good to see more people becoming interested in the tribe. If you weren't aware, here's some statistics:

Up to 1810 accounts with staked tokens already. That's a good start.

Yeah, not too shabby at all. If even half of those regularly produce or curate high-quality creative content then we could be onto a winner.

The 'art' tag and 'photography' were always near the top on Steemit. Music was doing well, too. Having arts and entertainment all in one place means folks can literally get paid to be entertained. I'd like to see curators outnumber producers by a huge margin, since that's how the entertainment industry is. Pack the house, fill the seats. And no paid votes gives everyone a fair shake. I just hope more folks stake their earnings, especially early on, instead of chipping away at the foundation to the point where they ruin their opportunity. So far it's looking decent though. That old Steemit approach of posting the bare minimum several times per day, hoping something sticks isn't wise now that there's a dedicated platform either, so hopefully folks learn to take their time and make the place shine, rather than spamming the feed. Sure, they can post five times in a day but I certainly can't vote that much for one individual. That never works.

Maybe the bags don't work like you think. I bet you weren't distracted by flies the whole time you were learning about the bags. btw that sure is some snazzy artwork. I think a big green hand is reaching down to grab the clown.

There were flies. More on those bags though and around that patio, but that's where they always are this time of year. Fly season is short though. At least here it is.

And that hand might be the reason one feels like falling backwards while waiting for the light to walk.

I think our fly season is long gone. We had some cool mornings recently with a tinge of fall in them.

Im thing this guy ate shrooms, more so than drunk haha

I think that's why they say, "Don't leave your drink unattended (unless you like surprises)."

Things old people in my family do which seem weird to me:

They put water in bags to keep cat's away and not flies like they do over there
You can't eat any salad or oranges after midnight
They have giant ceramic toad statues in the garden to keep gypsies away
They have this small bull statues made of metal that need to have their asses to the door because it brings good luck to the house...
I could go on... one of my ancestors was "supposedly" a warlock or wizard or whatever... Never met the guy since he died some years before I was born, but the people from my city all knew him back then and the guy was rich because everyone gave him stuff (gold, medallions, food, water, etc...) so he could see their future and do some spells for fertility, wealth, bad mojo, love, vengance, etc...

Sounds like you live in one of the cartoons I used to watch as a kid. Of course I can't remember the name...

No salad after midnight? Who eats salad in the middle of the night anyway? Rabbits?

Some of my ancestors became wealthy selling illegal moonshine. That's how my late grandfather became a farmer. A wealthy relative bought land and gave him a section.

Who eats salad in the middle of the night anyway?

Me xD I sometimes study until late hours and my whole schedule goes wack and I have dinner at 2am... or even worse, I have launch at 2 am and dinner at 7am xD

Our ancestors should have done a sitcom "The moonshine seller and the Warlock"

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