Scammer Alert! This Pile of Horse Manure Glazed with Donkey Piss Thought He Was Smart

in #life7 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here with a public service announcement.


Do you use Steemit Chat? Do you become annoyed when strangers send you private messages asking for votes? I'm in the yes department when it comes to answering both of those questions.

If you say hi to me though, I'll probably say hello in return.

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Innocent enough. I'm not a snob.

Next, I'm presented with some sort of... business card? How professional of him.

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Maybe it's a whale and they like my work!

How exciting would that be if you were a new member here, struggling to get noticed. Here's where I'm thinking the average person might get sucked in. They might see this, and begin butt kiss mode. Brown nosers always lose though so grow a damn spine and stop wasting your time!


Like any true professional, I realize it is now my turn so I do not hesitate.

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Some of you might get the joke. I wrote my name in the snow, with what? Hardy-har-har!

Exhibit D

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He goes right into asking for money.

At this point, the sycophant who can't seem to get noticed on Steemit might assume this is one of those vote services where you pay and receive a participation award. I mean, sure, some people are good at bowling and win their trophies. Others go out and buy the biggest bowling trophy they can find, then tell stories about that day and how well they did.

Next Up

I was on to this guy right from the start, but I wanted to find out who it was.

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I didn't have to leave soon. I wanted to put the scammer in a position to make a rushed decision. Yes, I'm attempting to scam the scammer.

And Finally

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Simply taking that Bittrex address and combining it with the word Steemit in a google search will give anyone enough evidence to prove this is a scammer. That's exactly what I did.

Steemit d9bc272057644832bea

Try it in google yourself. You'll see what I saw.

Here's the Fun Part

I did not have enough time to dig. I'm certain though, if we put our heads together and look hard enough, it shouldn't be hard to narrow this down. Maybe we'll find a few Steemit accounts tied to this scammer. Then we can polish those pitchforks, light those torches...

and burn the witch!


Make sure you read the fine print.

As for the real @dmania. I have no idea who you are. There's someone on chat, posing as you, making you look bad. I checked your wallet here on Steemit. There's no evidence there that ties that bittrex account to you.

Steemit members. Pay attention. Again. The dmania on chat is not the dmania on Steemit. DO NOT attack @dmania.


Be careful out there. Not everyone is here to help you. That scammer is clearly attempting to target only those who might be feeling desperate for a vote. If you truly feel as if paying for a false sense of success is worth it though, maybe you deserve being scammed. I mean, if the most famous author here bought majority of their votes, I'm not seeing a good book. I'm seeing someone polishing the new bowling trophy they bought. Someone might actually want to see you bowl someday though, so keep that in mind!

Have a nice day!

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Why scam when you earn more by being honest?"
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


Ah he's a known one.

I knew nothing about this scammer before this. Even if it's well known, I'm not just going to sit on my hands and do nothing. Look how much fun I had!

I feel you. :)

It's important to make sure newbies don't fall for this bullshit, so your post matters.

Loooool he tried to scam me yesterday too, what a cuck.

He could earn more by talking to us about how pathetic his life is. Why bother scamming?

Hey, nonames, I will tell people how pathetic my life is all day long for a good enough payout LOL

The king of self-deprecation. How did I not think of this man when I wrote that comment! That's one of my heroes right there.

I don't know man, it's always a Hi at the begining and then please up vote my post or give me some sbd and I'll up vote yours. Some crazy stuff man. ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ

I'm just going to not reply to random strangers in the chat anymore @nonameslefttouse.

I'll still say hello. You never know what sort of treasure might be hiding down that rabbit hole. In this case, I was basically handed something to write about and have a bit of fun at the same time.

I was thinking. Maybe I should go drop this article in his messenger and ask for a vote? What do you think?

Yeeeaah do that that.
‾͟͟͞(((ꎤ ✧曲✧)̂—̳͟͞͞o

So tempting. Thought about it, can't see anything good coming my way if I do and don't feel like arguing with a moron. I think I'll just leave it alone!

Burn them or hit them with a hammer. @meesterboom created the perfect hammer but he hardly ever uses it anymore. We should each get a hammer and a torch!

I think I have the perfect song for this, @giantbear.

Perfect! Great minds think alike;)

Thank you for teaching me something I really needed. That trick with the bittrex address. I've been investigating some scammers myself and that tip is gonna be so handy!

Google is my friend. I started googling myself(this blog) long ago. Our Steemit actions are open to the public. I wrote a post about being glad I didn't upvote porn because those images would have shown up after searching only my steemit username. When one creates a public profile, it's best to watch your step. I've never met a smart scammer... and I'm sure he slipped up somewhere.

Well done. I get a big kick out of the YouTube videos of people fucking with the phone scammers.

Yup! Always a blast. I remember I got call from one. I put him on "hold". By that I mean, I placed the phone next to my speaker while loud music played, and just went on about my day. I checked up on him in 20 minutes. He complimented my taste in music. I put him on "hold" again. He was still there another 20 minutes later. Finally I said, "Look, we can play this game all day, I don't mind. Or, I can tell you the truth. I'm fucking with you and feeling really good about myself right now for doing it." He hung up.

I remember the pee signature, haha, good times!
That dude hit me up too-- I haven't answered, because I think the courteous thing to do is introduce yourself in someone's blog after throwing on a vote and constructive comment. You shouldn't try to talk to someone in chat first, that's backwards. I instantly assume scammer when someone does that.
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I hope he hits up @meesterboom, he'll end up in an Uncle Boom post, have you seen those yet? You'll get a kick out of it.

Of all people to try to scam though... pick me, the one who lived through this.

I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night.

and Meesterboom is frickin' great! There's no doubt about that.

Ha, yeah, attempting to hustle you is a bit like my son attempting to hide smoking pot from!
I thought I'd read all of the posts on your blog, but I don't remember that one. I remember us having a conversation about that time period though. And I know exactly what you mean about being treated like they were helping one of their own based on your appearance rather than getting 'the look'. When I was in college myself and a couple of friends of mine did a social experiment for a sociology project, the goal was to see how much we could make-and how many cigarettes we could get- in a two hour time period. Since our college was in Auburn which doesn't have the right kind of set up for that sort of thing, we drove into Syracuse to do it. We went uptown and spread out a little. Now this was in 1998 so phone booths were still a thing, and that's the tactic we decided on, money for the payphone. It seemed like almost everyone I encountered didn't have change on them, so they'd hand me a dollar, one person even gave me a five. Two hours later I was 28.75 dollars and 23 cigarettes richer. Rob made 14 and change plus 13 cigarettes and Eric added 7 bucks and 7 cigarettes to the pot. We determined a couple of things from this- being a female made a huge difference. Also it didn't hurt that I was cute. Not beautiful mind you, but I was not hard on the eyes and also in good shape at the time. As far as the guys, yeah appearance is a big deal since Rob was a lot better looking then Eric.
I think the funniest thing about that entire experience is we did with the money exactly what most panhandlers do-we bought alcohol haha. We also got an A on the project, of course I was the one to write it up, so that didn't hurt.

There are people in this world who dress up like they are homeless, make hundreds of dollars per day by simply asking... and then go home to their nice, warm, mansion.

To be honest, i'm nearly irrelevant when it comes to steem power. I might also add that i'm a terrible blog poster. That being said, i still spend a good amount of time scrolling through and posting sub-par content. Anytime i happen to try what they say to do, as in post promote in chat or just talk i get people like this private messaging me trying to cut a deal to upvote each other. They are instantly ignored from them on. I dont really care about getting fake upvotes. I dont make money on here, i just like reading through shit..maybe posting a quickie i feel that people might want to look into, but fuck..these trollers are working way to hard for pennies. Just start referring them to some online survey site next time..i'd wager they'd make 1.5% more doing that bullshit

Scammers seem to have their heads on backwards. You're right. All that work, they get nothing for it, including the satisfaction of a job well done.

this is insightful for folks who didn't used to play mmorpgs' :D

What the f... Huh?

It's becoming more fun to read the comments on some posts than the actual posts! Ain't this fun?

Lol mmorpg is online role playing games.. ppl scam each other all the time for fake items ingame... same psychology being used here... acting friendly and gettinf to know you, etc....

People are strange. If you cut corners, and keep cutting corners... eventually, you will fall off the edge.

Fold the corners, not cut them :) *origami wisdom

I feel like if you keep cutting corners you'll get down to a circle...and when things come full circle they will be the ones getting cut :p

that's great....hope everybody should alert...
thank's for sharing.....

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