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RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Finding that Groove Again

in #life5 years ago

Normally when I do a joke post, the art has a joke name and an official name. This time I thought I'd just leave the joke name, because, well, it's hilarious.

And yeah, those kids... I took another 15 100% downvotes today as well. I egged them on though so they'd burn through RC and voting power... Better I take the downvotes than everyone else, I thought...


I follow you for quite a while now so I got to know your sense of humour. And indeed, it was hilarious.

I've noticed you took care of the downvotes, great!
Don't mind the downvotes myself, so don't bother (about me) for that next time.

Keep them hilarious jokes/posts coming. Take care.

I want to do a lot more humor but lately it seems like that material gets wasted on such a small audience. It's hard enough trying to find ways to make people laugh but being met with silence after is not easy, and I just end up taking it to heart, which doesn't help the mind, and I need the mind in a good state, in order to be funny. I'll try though. You should see my earliest posts. Some are hilarious, but I was surrounded by people who did not appreciate humor back then, so most of the posts were flops. It's been stressful since day one.

'You should see my earliest posts'.

Will definitely take a look back.

Otherwise, doing a repost with some adjustments and additions ???

About once a month I'll repost something that didn't go anywhere. I have over 700 posts but I prefer to do something new everyday. I rarely even reuse my images. There's a lot of comedic gold on this blog though. Toilet humor and dick jokes are rare. The humor is usually more complex and goes over some heads, especially those who don't read closely. Some of the jokes are disguised as seriousness as well.

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