
My nuts are killing me after that so called beer. They have been punched to kingdome come!! I suspect you might be on a to a well tastier thing!!

Are suggesting I've been milking the beaver again? Or let me guess.... Moose Piss, eh. Maybe I should go suck a maple tree??!?! Yeah yeah I see what you're doing.

I knew it, BEavers!! Its all that you lot think about when you are halfway up the maple hammering a tap in!

I am so disgusted I am going to complain to the something or other! This stuff shouldnt be allowed to be on tV?

That date I had with the lumberjack named Bernice shouldn't have been on the TV either but did that stop them? Noo! Goddamn sound guy ate all my caribou!

Anyway. Enjoy your lullaby!

Oh that has calmed me right down from my donder!!

Thank you kind sir for these pipes a skirlin!!!

That's right! Dance like nobody's watching!... wait. Donder? What does that damn christmas reindeer have to do with anything?

Is reindeer slang for Kebab? I could go a kebab. Donder ahoy!!!

No. No I don't think so. Reindeer roughly translates into meat on a stick it's going to be a good day now.

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