Canadian Girl Beers!

in #life5 years ago


Hurrah!! It's beer Saturday!! A thing of joy to be held in the hand and gently stroked until its head froths and fills your glass!!


A stonker this week. I have two lame-ass IPA's, one of which does not even sound like a beer. At the Bear-Man's insistence I have taken a Pineapple Milkshake IPA?? It is for my Canadian girlfriend.

Hmmph, doesn't the Bear-Man even know that there is no such thing as a Canadian girlfriend? A guy I met in the pub once told me. He said that because of the extreme cold during their winter that they evolved to be hermaphroditical.

S'true. Honest.

Anyway. Enough snash. I'm like Dan Larrymore on the stage in DC wittering on about the voices?!

First up.


A pineapple milkshake IPA. Sounds nuts. Sometimes though. Sometimes nuts can work...


Would you look at that? It looks as if it is glowing from within down at the bottom. Perhaps it's a heavenly sign?

No head to speak of, a decent, if slightly dark russet for an IPA.

Here goes.

Ha!! It wasn't shit!! I totally had my spitting guns out ready to launch the contents of my handsome mouth all over the place and it is actually quite nice. A great beer to have in the sun, I would say. The pineapple is subtle and that is what makes it work.

No idea where the rest of the milkshake twaddle is meant to come from, right enough. So, It's not astonishing or anything. I will give it a good 7/10 booms.

Whatever next??


Beavertown. The brewery that can throw some right amazeballs beers at you and then the occasional stinker.

It's like playing beer Russian roulette.

And that, my friends is just the way I like it. Will this be the beer that makes me my very own Canadian girlfriend??

Let's see!!


This one looks proper. A proper beer. Look at the golden fleece of it. And it had a little frothy head too, like a Spanish man with penile thrush.

Say no more José!

To the tasting!

Hot dogs and fancy frogs, what in the blazes!?

For a tiny second it seems as if it is going to be great and then that grapefruit comes honking along with the lemon and the coriander which there seems to be loads of and creates an infernal fury in your mouth. And not in a good way.

Spitty outy pish. 2/10 booms and those only because of the funky can and past liaisons we have had, Beavertown and I.

Well, a disappointing end but as my old gran used to say. If the oil is running low it doesn't stop you slamming in the dipstick for a check.

Or something. She was a bit mad at the end.

I'm off to find something tasty and beery. Have a great weekend everyone.




You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to mix some Kool-Aid powder into the hand sanitizer, drink it, and be JUST LIKE YOU! That's not beer! That's fruit punch to the nuts!

My nuts are killing me after that so called beer. They have been punched to kingdome come!! I suspect you might be on a to a well tastier thing!!

Are suggesting I've been milking the beaver again? Or let me guess.... Moose Piss, eh. Maybe I should go suck a maple tree??!?! Yeah yeah I see what you're doing.

I knew it, BEavers!! Its all that you lot think about when you are halfway up the maple hammering a tap in!

I am so disgusted I am going to complain to the something or other! This stuff shouldnt be allowed to be on tV?

That date I had with the lumberjack named Bernice shouldn't have been on the TV either but did that stop them? Noo! Goddamn sound guy ate all my caribou!

Anyway. Enjoy your lullaby!

Oh that has calmed me right down from my donder!!

Thank you kind sir for these pipes a skirlin!!!

That's right! Dance like nobody's watching!... wait. Donder? What does that damn christmas reindeer have to do with anything?

Is reindeer slang for Kebab? I could go a kebab. Donder ahoy!!!

Your gran had some sound logic. My grandpa used to say "its better to have a cat in your henhouse then a hen in your cathouse" ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha, I like that one, it makes a perfect sense !!!

Shitty vegetarian curry - no we don't want that!

I've got tears in my eyes following the 2nd review from around this point in the video

My favourite weekly post, continue with the beers Boom, good or bad!

Wahahahaha!!! Cheers man!!!

I do love my beer post!!!

2/10? I didn't scroll down quite far enough to see the 'score' until I had finished the second one..., I was sure it was a '1'. Moooooo!!!

Mooooo!!!! Hahahhaha, the cans are pretty!! I couldn't give a one I just couldn't!

Nice Post @MeesterBoom ... probably
I didn't read it, but quite certain it is humorous as usual; I'm just commenting for a generous up-vote...or MANY generous up-votes...???


Thats the spirit of the thing!!!

Your gran was a a wise woman lol. Enjoy the weekend!!

She was indeed!! You have a cracking one as well!! :OD

How considerate as no swearing in the garden as the children might hear you.The neighbors children probably swear more than you. Your gran was right but it still sounds bad.Are we really getting this old already. I am a young grandpa thank fuck.

A grandpa. Thank god that is many moons away for me but that's just because I am an old dad!!

cheers to you! Have some fun with your canadian girlfriend ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Hahaha, I definitely did!! :0)

bud-beer :
be on the same wavelength will talk smoother and quicker.
{Bandsnitch :
is expressed in terms of , the difference in bandwidth between sender and receiver}
Equalise it ?! (Maximum speed an a wave track)

Just a weerd idea inspired by Mr. P. Tosh.
(no clue what I'm saying BUD whatever)
Cheers , shutterstock_1071512765.jpg

I am set to full band-snitch!!

Yes sirree Bob!! :0D

No man you must have known that last one is going to be bad hahaha Love it

I thought it would have been the other way about and the first one would have been awful!!

I guess it is because I do not like the ingredients of the second one, that is what gave me a hint hahaha

I should have known myself!

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