Just This and I Guess That's That

in #life5 years ago

Maybe I'm stressed out.
I don't think it's a sign of weakness to be honest about that.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Just This.png
Just This

Probably won't have much to say today.

But I guess I won't know until I'm finished saying it.

Every now and again you'll cross paths with people. Some of those people are impossible to click with. Sometimes you'll know instantly; other times it takes a bit of feeling around in the dark before you're able to decide if that individual is someone to invest time on.

I'm not talking about relationships. Just people, in general.

We're programmed at birth to be judgmental. We get better at it as we get older. If you were three years old and crossed paths with a lion, you'd be food. By the teen years you'd be able to sense the danger. Just by looking at that lion, you'll know to get out of there.

That's not fear.

It's wisdom.

Some people look like lions to us. Something about them gives us a temporary heightened sense of awareness.

You're walking down the sidewalk, it's late, and you feel like you're being followed. You turn around and yes, there's someone there. The next night you're walking down the sidewalk, it's late, and you don't feel like you're being followed. You turn around, there's someone there.

What's the difference between those two people behind you on different nights? Why sense one and not the other?

It's a mystery.

Because we've lost touch with who we once were as a species.

We don't know how to be that inner animal anymore. Then our confused society is telling us it's wrong to be judgmental. Society associates that word now with things like hate crimes in the worst case scenario. I don't hate the lion for wanting to eat me though.

Even on the subliminal spectrum, more confusion:

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"Big mistake"

"The use of judgment." So what is judgment?

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"Sensible conclusions, awareness, common sense." And then some more confusion.

Common sense.

It isn't so common these days.

It says discrimination up there. When is that okay in today's society? Nobody wants it. Right? We need to stand up for those people!

It's wrong to tell someone to get out of your English speaking country, because they are not speaking English. You would never treat someone with disrespect simply because you don't like the language, or the words coming out of their mouth, and you want everyone to know!


Never in a million years would you be that big of a jerk!

Champion of the people!

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck.

But now it's somehow perfectly fine to pull out your script and tell me all about how much of a low life I am for saying "fuck." Now you get to tell me how I'm not even able to form a rational thought and can't think without being angry. Now I'm a caveman. Now I speak the words of the uneducated slave and should be treated accordingly. You're okay with that. Anything intelligent that ever came out of my mouth no longer exists because I said fuck. Simpleminded, weak, and emotionally unstable!

And of course you'd treat me like that all while saying you're not a judgmental person, because you admittedly don't have any common sense.

Pulling the language card.

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.

What will they think of next...

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Silly poo poo heads these days..."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Some people are just dickheads, :)

So, so very true.

Notice how people who say they don't judge others, are the ones that judge the hardest (while being unaware of it)?

The darkness disguised as light

Yes. That's one of the little life lessons I stashed away here, between the lines. The darkest insides always seem to be within the ones who want to appear to be great on the outside. That sort of judgement isn't the natural kind. It's something else.

Like the person is trying to be a god but ends up being the devil.

You'll enjoy this.

It is not a sign of weakness to be stressed out, it is a sign of being alive

I don't think we have lost all of the wisdom for judging people. But it's harder to tap into these internal things when you are stressed, tired, frightened... Too many people are those.

Seems too many are now products of this unnatural environment fueled by some forms of information consumption.

If all will be more worried about their own 'house' things will be so much better. I think all is guilty of judging, even if you try not to, it will slip through but I mostly believe in live and let live.............as long as you do not harm others or animals you can be who and whatever the hell you want to be.

It's impossible to be squeaky clean. Anyone who presents themselves as perfect only ends up attracting others who look for ways to rip them apart. "Oops, I made a mistake.'" Now if someone comes along to attempt to make me look bad for screwing up, because some people are demonic like that, I can just say, "Yeah. I fucked up. So what." That's the easiest way to take away those powers some think they have over others.

I agree - but I know so many people that cannot even say sorry - will always blame it on someone else. People are just weird

I suppose the difference is when it is used as entertainment. However I refuse to be politically correct. Too old to have tape across my mouth. I hate the taste of that sticky back side. LOL

I'm not a fan of the politically correct stuff either.

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