I Put A Lot of Thought Into This Headline and I Think I Did A Good Job

in #life6 years ago

Rather than paying for views, I'll just continue creating things for you to look at.

I hope that's alright with you.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Clean It Up.jpeg
Clean It Up


I don't mind.

Maybe it won't be my best work every single day but it'll be something.

Yes. It's time to come clean.

I came here to be an independent artist. No middleman. I came here to do my own thing. I've been here awhile.

When you buy your votes, you push my work down.

Why not just flag me?

It's the same thing.

September 2016, I arrived here. Being here finally gave me a chance to pick up an old hobby, do something I'm good at, and allowed me to break out of my shell so I could entertain a few folks along the way.

They say you can't make money here, yet I made nearly 21000 SP, took a tiny bit out, reinvested, made more. Yes, I came to make some money as well. I'm surrounded by millionaires so don't hate me because I came here to make money.

If you come to Steemit, the first thing you learn is you can make money by blogging. They didn't say how to blog, so I do my own thing. So that's how you make money here. It's their sales pitch, it's true, and the place works.

You can look around. You can find ways to buy visibility, views. That's the sales pitch those services offer.

Views don't make money here though, you need votes for that.

I still get views, I don't pay for them. People look. Thanks, everyone.

I didn't pay you to do that and it didn't cost you anything to vote for me. As a matter of fact, I work so you can take a share of 25% of the rewards I earn. I don't mind at all. You comment on my post and there's a good chance of earning more on top of that. I don't mind, at all. Rarely do I ignore those who decided to give me their time of day. We talk, it's fun, I like it.

Scroll down to the bottom of my blog someday.

Look at all that work.

Now slowly scroll up. Watch me climb that ladder. Watch how I earned. Don't hate that. I didn't do anything to you. I worked, I did my own thing, and I did it my way. I didn't kiss anyone's ass for that. I didn't game the system. I didn't "rape" the reward pool.

I worked hard. Simple stuff.

Now you buy your votes and push me down, hold me back. You want views, not money. You don't want what I have so why fuck with me? Why bump everyone else down? Why push them away too? Why not just flag them? It's free. Doesn't cost you a dime to do the same thing you're doing if you buy those votes. You could just as easily go around and flag everyone so your work stands out, free of charge. You'd rather pay to do that?

Now I see a few established veterans jumping ship, turning their backs on everyone, buying votes.

So now what? Force me to pay? Take away everything I've worked for? Give yourselves a pat on the back. You couldn't resist the temptation to knock people down. Thanks.

That's it. That's all.

I'm still here.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Happy Easter, if that's your thing. If not, have a happy weekend."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


The thing is, no matter what we say to them, it's pretty much wasted breath. I just don't think they'll suddenly go "Oh I get it, you're right, no more vote buying for me!" They don't give a shit. They think it's going to earn them the big bucks in the long run. What I value most here is the relationships I've formed. Someday, maybe even next year, I'm going to New Zealand to hang out with Deb and Ian, to Scotland to hang out with meester and scott and tony, the philippines to hang out with jed and Li, and long before that I'm going to hang out with stateside friends like Paul. Just a couple months from now I'll be in Arkansas, checking out his garden in fact. I saw a rant by a trender that called those who say the relationships are the most important thing to them here liars. Because he hasn't made one real friend, he couldn't know what the bonds are like.

Speaking of which, I'm getting an enhanced license. Eventually a passport, but for now I'll be able to drive into Canada or Mexico. Know any Canadians I might eventually be able to see? lol. Howie and Ethan would definitely be into a certain cabin on a lake... ;)

They could buy the same amount of exposure, for free. They don't even have to flag someone to get it. They all blend in when they put $20 beside their posts. If that was zero, anything above would be pure profit and more would be encouraged to vote because when there's money beside a post, MANY people think, "Okay, they have enough." If they're putting $50 beside their post, and it's not that great, people say, "Whoa! Wtf! That's too much. There's only 5 views here." They then unfollow the scammer. That's how it is here but for some fucked up reason, you're right, they're too fucked in the head to know any better.

So many people are leaving now because of them, soon they won't have a readership with a valuable vote at all because even I'm tempted to power down and go. The people are great, but this is also a business, @dreemit. Nobody with any business sense wants to run it into the ground.

I know. And eos is really sounding more appealing by the day. Maybe it will turn into the same old shit, but maybe it won't. The thing about Dan, this is his life. Ned? He made a shit ton of money and I honestly don't think he cares what happens from here. Which means it's all on us to make it work, and with the scammers that is an uphill battle.
If you do power down, buy some eos. Although I would hold it in steem if I were you, just long enough for it to rebound a bit, and that will occur when the crypto market cap soars again. Which is going to happen. I don't want to shoot myself in the foot selling out for less than two bucks a piece. But I am putting a portion of my power into position for when the time is right. Not too much, probably too little in fact, but I'm not quite ready to give up on steemit.

Ned could easily make a few changes that render a competitors platform obsolete before it even arrives.

How do you know that so many people are leaving?

I follow over 500 people. My feed has been drying up. I've spoken to a few people about this. They're noticing the same, and we don't all follow the same people. Most of the people I follow don't purchase votes. There's not much point in following someone who buys votes because they don't need my help. Others I know feel the same way.

And we are glad that you are still here.
Let's not be hypocritical, we are all here to make money, not for charity, however I am so glad that thanks to Steemit I pushed myself to paint more, to make more videos, to write more.
Yes, I have my ups and downs periods, not everything I publish is to be appreciated, which is completely fine, but it is me exposing my true self and my feelings out here. The money is the cherry on the cake, because I would probably not push myself to post and write and comment that much without that cherry.

Of course the money matters. Pushing forward requires talent though. Without talent, there's no money to be made. Of course I'm here to entertain first. I never get paid BEFORE I hit the post button. Always after, and no guarantees. It's been the same way here since day one and that's alright.

your words and reply, they matter.....and perhaps so does mine, he is changing his style, giving a different perspective, he won't admit he needs to change.....instead he says hes bored, something wrong with his brain....just needing the excuse to say he rather give value, which i do value :

This is the reply i wrote to that le'papi guy...indirectly (stick):


Then when he actually post non-destructive value in his post, i wrote this (carrot):


We can find thousands of 'How-to Steemit' posts on Steemit. What he's doing with his new post is showing how much of an amateur he is. One last ditch effort many bloggers make here when they notice they aren't doing so well is to start talking about Steemit and offering these advice posts. Nearly all unsuccessful bloggers here have tried that. There are posts ridiculing those posts, people do parodies(I've done a couple myself); there's no reason the ultimate steemit shit post should be on trending.

He doesn't know what he's doing and he's misleading new members. It seems like someone smart picked someone gullible to start using bots to help make the place look bad and he was their target. A few others are popping up now too.

oh shit....talk about trending.....yeah, saw so older Steemains following suite....see now you got me pumping, maybe I should start my Dragon Steemian School.....what da ya think?

I think someone already tried to teach others how to be a dragon.

It's so hard not to with the way things are. But I don't. Sigh.

I'm speechless tonight. Imagine that.

So there.

Did you see the parody I wrote with that particular character in mind?

I missed it, but just read it, and I love it.

I decided to just hijack the phrase "Tribe of Good Intent" for The Church of Piglet, as it is already self-persiflaging and I didn't think I could improve on its corniness, but Band of well-intentioned warriors, damn, that's good.

I scrolled down through the comments specifically because I was expected someone to talk about the sad pink elephant with blue spirit. No such luck.

In the other one you posted earlier I saw a fetus in the middle.

Apparently as interpreter I'm fixated on life and death tonight.

This stuff I produce is... what can I say. Everyone paints their own picture when they look at it. That's how I like it.

YYYYYEP. I'm here 100% with you on basically every point you've made.

For me, I'm here on Steemit because I can do my writing, push it out there for the world to see and comment on, and, if people see fit, make a little bit of money in the process. This is all done voluntarily, because this is where I choose to distribute my fiction now. I loathe the corporate middlefucks, despise them. Steemit (and crypto generally) is an ideal in test, an idea in the process of being realized. It holds the possibility of administering exchange in a better way.

Call me a hopeless idealist, I don't give a shit. I will continue spending ridiculous amounts of time writing/honing stories, posting them to Steemit. Sometimes I'll make a few pennies (thank you very much for your kind votes). Sometimes I'll make $100 (thank you very much for your kind votes). Sometimes I'll get some great comments and get to engage with my readers!! More, less. I'm not going to dilute my ideals by trying to pump my work with bots. I actually believe in the strength of my work and don't feel it necessary to push the fuck out of it (in shady ways) for it to be seen.

I have nearly 3000 followers. It seems most don't even look so I shouldn't expect much, so I don't. I already know, if I boost my posts, the people who haven't looked or voted before won't start doing it just because I put money beside my post. I do what I do, I'm grateful for what I have, I move on. Sometimes it's fucking depressing, other times it's a great day. That's life, so be it.

I'm sort of hoping that if more people wake up, desire more control over their privacy and their content that there will be a natural progression over time to platforms that are decentralized (possibly/hopefully including Steemit). As more participants use Steemit and the software is improved (better layout, searching, organization, searching, etc) perhaps REAL content consumers will become more abundant (and able to find exactly what suits them), actually helping to realize some of the bigger goals here.

Of course this is all a hope, we'll see. Until then, if I'm posting my work online, I may as well do it on the platform that aligns closest to my ideals. Best of luck man!

You almost put as much effort into that tile as some people do to get on trending!

If people only learned if they pour effort into community and not dozens of them by being a leech but rather just a very select few that fit them well. That they after costs of buying votes would more than likely make more money doing that lol. Steemit about getting out there. Buying to get out there meh. I only look at trending like many when I need a good laugh. My feed is usually good enough at letting me know the important things. Far more so then those bought votes people spend entire weeks worth of a paycheck on getting.

Teamwork and networking are free. People who focus on that and improving their blogs start seeing results, every time. It can be a slow process, I see some or yours are hit and miss(happens to everyone), you're getting somewhere though. I see it. I follow a lot of people who avoid bots and I'm seeing their blogs be rewarded, eventually; and finally, consistently. I look at those using bots, losing money, getting nowhere. $50!... 5 views and no profit. If you have a job, do you pay the boss so the boss pays you? No, and that's how dumb some of these people are for attempting to do it that way.

Recently, since I read few posts from you regarding buying votes, I obviously took a look at these bots. And I found out every single person buying these votes is actually loosing money. They buy votes for $20,$30 even more SBD’s and in return they get about $35 worth of upvote right, if you invest $20 SBD. They get this upvote after 30 min period so they automatically loose another 25%. At the end when they get paid after 7 days they get $26.25. Which is $13.00 SBD and $6.5 in Steem. You can clearly see they are loosing money. And on top of that with SBD going down each day, during those seven days they loose even more. I don’t blog at all, but trust me you are not missing anything. Yes, thanks to this everyone is loosing on rewards. I’m afraid, if this doesn’t change, Steemit will get destroyed. There are few steemiens with over 70 rep. saying steemit is already dead. I hope it’s not true.

I know they lose money. Majority of the people who have followed my advice or a similar path are making money. I don't know what to say anymore.

yes i realized this some few 2 days back because am new i normally don't get upvotes so i turned to the bots and i see no improvement but i decided to try again. i totally agree with you sir

Hmmm... You are very complex, Sir.

Like i say each time, your words are interesting and I read them all. Have followed you a bit as you have noticed. Not suckin up here just corroborating your meaning of this post, from the short period of time I have been here on Steemit, you certainly voice your genuine opinion on matters at hand.

Reminds me of a human friend.

You do your own thing. Ain't no one mad for that.

You are one of those success stories, keep stayin here.

I know you're not sucking up. I haven't once thought you were that type. Thanks for reading along.

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