Another Normal Day in the Life of a Hitman

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I wake up, have coffee, and go to work. Just like anyone else in this world.
A normal, everyday, guy.

Normal Day.jpeg

My Real Name is John

At least, that's what they used to call me. Nobody uses my name anymore. I kill people for a living. Would you want people knowing your name before you killed them?

Hearing, "Please don't kill me," is far easier on the mind than "Please don't kill me, John." It gets personal at that point, don't you agree? I don't want to take that shit home with me.

If a client asks for my name, they're an idiot. I refuse to do business with morons.

I don't live anywhere. Always on the road, travelling from place to place. Wherever the jobs are, that's where I might be.

I keep everything low profile. Untraceable communications and payments transferred using a variety of digital currencies make me impossible to find. No more diving through garbage cans looking for wads of cash for this guy. Life keeps getting easier. I like that.

Maybe You've Seen Some of My Work?

They can't find me, but eventually they'll find my trademark ending.

Much like a graffiti artist, I work in the shadows. It's a thankless job. Work all night, nobody knows I was busy until morning light. Only then can they see my tag the way I intended it to be.

I like to make everything perfect before I think it's ready to be photographed. The news people. Reporters and such. They can't seem to get the lighting right or they're standing on the wrong side. I think I do a better job of capturing the moment.

What Do You Think?

Its Done 2 - Copy.jpeg

Its Done 3 - Copy.jpeg

Like Any Job

It has it's ups and downs.

Any tradesman will agree. You might have the know-how, maybe a good technique and a foolproof plan, but without the right tools, you're going nowhere, man.

This is real life and today when I was out doing in someone's wife...

I Became Forgetful

...and left behind my best knife.


All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I guess I'll have to buy a new one..."
Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


@kiwideb, we were way off, it isn't a sozzled donkey after all! hee hee.

The large image...

That story was a cover up. I went along with it to buy me some time... and it worked!

Didn't fool me a bit. I was just helping your cover up....

Fooled me though. I must be too trusting.

No, it was a dead donkey {breaks down in sobs}

Okay, this made me laugh out loud, to the extent I had to write that out and not abbreviate!

Laugh? What do you mean, laugh? It's a tragedy. Have you no soul? Don't you know I have no sense of humour?

Shall we weep for the dead donkey? (Yup, I must be soulless because I could not write that line without giggling my head off)

Did you ever see my post about crying in movies? and laughing? You might get a giggle or two from that one as well.

I'm seeing a pattern in your work: murder. Funny, though. Funny murder.

Shit! They're on to me. Better write something about sports. Throw them a curve ball. Yeah.

Too late. That horse has left the paddock. Or donkey... Shit, I'm muddling my metaphors.

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