Ah Yes. Good Ole Steemit

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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I've been back for something like five days. As many of you know, time can slow down to a crawl while we're here. Five days within these elements can feel like an incredibly long time.

There's a lot of information out there to process, then combine that with your own efforts and for some it can be overwhelming. You may not feel it within the mind while you're experiencing the tiny rush after hitting the post button, but your body will let you know... eventually.

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Total Burnout

As was the case for me. It's been five days. Before I took a break for a month, I had at least one post published here every day for a little over five months.

These were not simple Facebook style status messages, shared links or simple memes. Not everything was spectacular, some entries were short, but this entire blog also came fully equipped with hundreds of hours worth of time spent producing images(some would call it art). I worked hard.

I wasn't sitting here griping about problems or trying to change our little world to better suit my own personal standards. I never felt the need to form alliances with other members to give myself an edge when it came to fighting battles, because I was not at war. I'd simply look at my options, see what's there and attempt to use it all as best I could with the hopes I'd gain something through my efforts, and I did.

I watched so many come and go, always blaming something other than themselves. This isn't right, that isn't right, then in comes the opposition. Arguments. Distractions. People stopped blogging, stopped creating, and started bitching. Some left, while others sat high upon their thrones. I guess a few couldn't take the heat. The winners. That's what we're left with.

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I don't have anything against anyone here and I rarely sit down to blog about Steemit. The characters I use when I write, more often than not, will be more than happy to be boastful and in your face. The person behind the madness that is all things @nonameslefttouse is just a regular guy with a regular life. I have a name and a very normal brain. Two feet, a heartbeat and access to the internet.

It's easy to see how this blog is unique. I know it stands out in a crowd. People tell me I'm special, gifted, different, a very long list of things I'm not accustomed to hearing in life. I have trouble believing it sometimes. All I did was let go of inhibitions and shared the first thing that came to my mind that day. I didn't plan anything, aside from seeing myself successful in my endeavors regardless of the actual outcome. If I failed, I took it personally. It was my fault.


I can't blame me for everything though.

Using the nearly now famous This Man character, I jokingly took a few shots at the impact too much whining and complaining can do to a community attempting to find their wings. I didn't direct it at anyone personally. It wasn't even about Steemit. I simply used that character to speak on my experiences in the past.

I have never been able to be successful while surrounded by toxicity. I don't know anyone who achieved great things in their life by focusing on everything that goes wrong. You don't either. That's life.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or create animosity. Please don't hate me for this. Any problems you're having with this platform, the people or anything else here... leave me out of it. It's all murdering my motivation to continue. I take no sides and I'm opting out of anything that even closely resembles pointless drama to me. I don't want to hear about it, I'm not voting for it. You can all fight your own battles. Regardless of how you see it, since you played a role to put yourself in that position, it's your responsibility to get yourself out, if that's what you truly want.

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I get it.

A very simple tool, available to anyone. There aren't any restrictions on how far we go or what we do with our material. What we do here is not limited to this audience alone. People are watching, if you allow them to see. When they look, do you think they will care about these fights or the obsolete complaints of days past?

We all have the ability to draw people to this platform with our own material. It's not up to Steemit alone to hold your hand. Who's fault is it if your material from many months ago sits idle and untouched by anyone on the outside?

I've been experimenting since discovering this place. First I had to learn the basics which took about two weeks of trial, error and swallowing my pride. I knew early on, there's no point in being stubborn and blaming the tools I'm using or the approach I decided to take for my lack of success. It's stupid to blame the hammer every time I crush my thumb.

There's a reason now why something as ridiculous as Piss Art has 404 views. Once everything was said and done here that day, I probably had 20-30 views, then it was dead. That didn't stop me. I simply hated the idea of my work being limited to a small audience. Low view counts used to break my heart. Instead of blaming Steemit, I took it upon myself to find ways to get my work out there, it's working and now I plan to ramp up my efforts and take things a step further.

If Piss Art was enough to attract around 300 outside views to the platform, what is stopping you folks? Even if and when Steemit Inc. gets everything ironed out and this marketing approach of theirs begins to take shape, it's still going to be up to you to find your market. Nobody will hold your hand.


As For Flags

I think the words that came along with the first flag I ever received hurt more. In so many words, I was basically called low-life trash and told my work does not and will not bring any value to the platform. I believe my 12000 SP should be enough to prove them wrong. If it isn't, I'll just keep going. I didn't buy this stuff, I earned it.

A day or so later, that article was then attacked by multiple accounts all controlled by one person. That person has since placed their stake into one account which sits very high among the leaders here. I will never mention your name but I don't appreciate how that was handled. Some trolls here get flagged to death for being a menace to our society and then turn around and whine like little babies about it. I was attacked for a combination of comedy and profanity. I'll never forget it, but I'm not losing sleep over something so stupid.

Some of those taking heat these days for using flags backed me up when that all occurred. I'll never forget that either. Now I find myself in a position where I feel pressured to take sides. Not happening and it's nothing personal. As I stated, I'm opting out of all drama. Focusing on my blog, hoping to continue entertaining as many of you as I possibly can before I decide to retire.

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All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I just felt like talking today. I hope nobody minds."
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


I get the burnout. I quit writing for almost 18 months after averaging about 300 articles a year as a sportswriter for nearly a decade. Steemit brought me back.

...and it's easy to look at someone's work and forget about the blood, sweat and tears that went into it when all we see is the shiny surface and the finished product...

Steemit makes publishing one hell of a lot easier than a few other avenues... even in it's current state of development. So easy to take for granted as well...

All I can say to this is Here Here! Okay, that's not all I can say to it, lol. But that's my initial impression. Which is to say, I totally agree about keeping out of the fights...are there fights? What fights?
But Seriously, I barely notice them anymore, they have nothing to do with me. Or the people I spend the most time with here, hey that's another Fact! That is a fun word, you were right!

"Come one people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now". That's what I say ;)

Glad as hell you're back. In case I haven't said that enough times (one thousand and one?) Your lack of drama in this place, your way of making most days fun-filled with laughter, that's one of the gifts of your blog. For the sake of all those who agree with this article, and I'm certain there are plenty, stick around, it's needed!

You're always there with the kind words @dreemit. What I do can be incredibly draining and stressful, believe it or not. My life isn't all about sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and picnics and all this other shit... I just like to have fun. Of course I appreciate people like you coming along and making me feel welcome. There's not many who do what I do here and many days it seems like the odds are stacked against me. Whatever I do right, I'll most likely just keep on doing it. Nothing else makes me happier.

Wait, you don't have rainbows shooting out of your arse? My image is shattered! LOL.
Well, the fact that you live a regular life with its struggles but come here and bring joy to people (or laughter until they wet their pants) just shows that you are a giver. And being a giver is draining at times.
I can only hope that there are others on the platform who provide you with joy as well, to help with that!
I think it's safe to say that no one does quite what you do. Of course there are wonderful blogs, but you are unique @nonameslefttouse, and people love you for it! Those who don't, well they might need to loosen their tight arses up a bit, haha! (I'd say no offense, but if someone who would take offense to that is reading this comment I don't think I really care if I offended them...go to a boring, sterile blog, this one is not for you!)

We need to speak about a purchase by the way. I need one more picture for the setup I'm creating, and I have two frames already. You mentioned that not all of your artworks are...damn I forget how you put it, but maybe something to do with the resolution? Actually, I love the one that's at the beginning of this post but it won't quite work with what I'm talking about. I might have to get that one for a different spot...my enclosed front porch would work for that one, with all the sunlight coming through and it being very sky like.

We'll have to talk business another time. I'm reevaluating a few things and need to get organized. Not everything is for sale because not every image was produced to print. My store is temporarily offline until I can set up something proper with procedures that all customers follow, with no exceptions.

Np. Let me know :)

EDIT: But...no comment to the arses and rainbows? lol ;)

Just spending some time curating is all. Some of my votes are giving people a nice little boost.

Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet in regards to that. I've mentioned this before, but before the hardfork your votes would have been a huge boon for people. In fact about two days before the fork my vote would have nailed your comment right here with six cents. And it was four to five cents consistently for about a week.

Well... if things change, great. If that attracts more people, perfect. With that though, more people voting will again make things go back to how they are now. My little vote never made me feel inferior. All that work I did backs it up. That's where my voting power came from. If that's not enough for someone, sorry, did my best!

I think about this all the time, like what will my page look like a year from now, I want it to be entertaining, not a bunch of temporary drama that won't make sense. If my stuff makes no sense a year from now, it won't be because of Steemit internal drama, it'll be because I'm a weirdo! Which is good, I think.

Excactly!! Focus on your message and keep in mind that many people are reading . I was so happy when I heard that most of my airbnb guests really liked and appreciated my advice and stories . It helped them to see Bali, Vienna etc. with different eyes.
We have a huge responsibility . It's not the trending page!
It's exciting for me to see one of my posts going high but it's not my motivation.

Your words @nonamelefttouse

I don't know anyone who achieved great things in their life by focusing on everything that goes wrong. You don't either. That's life.

Temporary drama. Save it for Facebook. Use it as an example. I lost far more friends on facebook than I gained with temporary drama. Much of it turned into a permanent problem and many regrets. I don't even care what I had to say back in 2009 after a night of drinking... why would anyone else.

How often to we all come to a thought in life where we think, "why didn't I just say that instead of this?" At least that's all internal and chances are many don't remember it the same way or even care. A log of those memories... probably not a good idea. Anyway... I'm rambling.

That's it, a log of things best forgotten. Or a record of time wasted.

Haha! That's a great summary of what he said. And he's been saying it since I've known him. Make it bigger than steemit! Though we all love the community, that can just be a given :)

I used to put things like '100% powered up!' and such, til it occurred to me that those terms may not make sense in the future, and may not make sense to a lot of people now. I guess I'm going for 'timeless classics' here, unhindered by trend, fashion or contemporary cat-fights in the Steemit boiler rooms.

This I agree with as well. Though many have different visions and will conduct their business as they see fit, I think what you said is important. To each their own, but for the most part, we seem to be following the same path. Different scenery of course.

Yeah, I abandoned that one as well. Contemporary catfights in the steemit boiler rooms...LOLOL.

Your blogs are beautiful and special- believe it!

I believe it! ...but only because you folks are always here with the kind words and constant reminders. I could be having the worst day ever, turn on my laptop, come here to get caught up... And that's the point these minor issues fade away. I appreciate that.

I always enjoyed your articles.nice to have you back.
I am not taking the circus around the beauty, that serious. Sometimes I write good stuff and sometimes I don't. Some like it , some don't . Oh well! I really love my digital wallet . I never had one before 🌻

Thank you. Feels good to be back. I think I can be content with my own little circus here. Not sure if you've ever noticed... but I tend to turn into a bit of a freakshow sometimes. There's enough stuff going on in my blog and comments too keep many busy for a long time.

I've discovered something over the months I've been here. Sometimes I can produce an image, or write something and think it's terrible, but someone always comes along and enjoys it somehow. I really don't think there's such a thing as good and bad.

Thank you. I just picked a few random pieces from my past today. Nothing new today, but maybe it's new to you. It'll be new to someone in ten years as well. I hope they like it too.

Are you reading what is here? Have you seen the trending page? The winners?

I read a few things, yes. I've seen the trending page. Been there myself a couple of times. What about it?

Seeing your post is a bright spot in my day.

Just do you, sir. ;-)

I love your artwork.

I'm sure you noticed, but I just pulled a few pieces of art out of my archives for this post. Bringing back some memories.

I should thank you for stepping up and doing everything you could to help promote my work here. I truly appreciate that. I didn't forget.

One of them is still my desktop background on my laptop.

My stuff has circled the globe already. I'm sure it's on a few other screens somewhere out there as well. I get chills thinking about it. Best part is... I might step into someone's home some day, see my work somewhere... and they wouldn't even know the artist is standing in their house!

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