I'm A Quitter

in #life6 years ago

I'm A Quitter.png

My student threw a water bottle at my face.

That same day, I quit teaching forever.

I thought, “What would my parents think of me?”

Quitting was a big no-no.

And so was wasting an expensive college degree.

I was officially a failure.

But couldn’t hide what happened.

Quitting without even lining up another job.

Like a responsible adult would do.

I was nervous.

But told them about it anyway.

Then came the dreaded question.

My dad asked me, “what are you going to do with your life?”

I replied “I don’t know.”

The next few years were a blur of trying new things.

Of learning.

Starting several businesses.

And now the answer to his question is clear.

I’m going to work for myself.

And be a quitter.

Because quitting isn’t always about throwing in the towel when things get tough.

It’s about knowing when to stop putting energy into what’s wrong.

So that you have time to work on what’s right.


YESSSSS!!! You almost finished it!! Let me finish it... #QUITTER!

The best way to live, you got some wisdom 😋

I read from time to time lol

Knowledge 🤓 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

Knowledge is better than college lol

Who does this little whipper snapper think he is?? I have no problem quitting stuff. I quit stuff thats not working all the time. Bashing your head against the wall for something thats not working and being told to never quit is just another overrated, overused cliche. Lets just go ahead and do a case by case basis on whether or not its good to be a quitter. I support you @nomadicsoul!

hahaha you're right! Call it for what it is. Cliche. I just love that you said whipper snapper.

There more where that came from....

I still haven't quite learned this. My parents are pushing me to finish all my stuff and I'm just letting them despite my lack of willingness. I feel like a helpless kid being lead around with a collar into a life of insatisfaction.

But I don't have anything better... I'm not that good at doing stuff for myself either. dies

Ohh I used to be right there with the parents thing!! It took me a looonnng time to learn this btw

Sometimes quitting is the best option. There are great treasures to be found in 'quitting', if what you are quitting is holding you back from your true potential.

beautifully and well said!

Very good. Quitting can allow you to find something even more fulfilling. I don't know why people keep saying things like "never give up!"

A lot of times, it is only after we give up where we find what we were looking for. Nice post!

You said that so well!

It is tragic that you have quit job.nice you are working on it.What new thing are you doing now @nomadicsoul ?

Oh I've done so many things since then I don't even know where to start lol

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It isn't Quitting if it is something that you feel is wasting your time. Time is precious and we only get so much of it, so why spend it doing something that isn't satisfying our souls?

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