Do You Remember Your Dreams?

in #life6 years ago

I bit my arm in my sleep once. Needless to say, I woke myself up! Not the kind of alarm clock you want to have, but it is what it is.

I remember I was dreaming that someone was trying to kiss me and I didn't want him to, so I bit "his" arm.

It was hilarious because I shared a room with another girl at the time and her bed was facing mine. She was awake already, so she saw the whole thing go down.

Let's just say she was just happy that we didn't share a bed.

I've always been fascinated by dreams.

I know some people who don't remember their dreams at all, or they say they don't dream.

You well-rested people... I'm jealous!

Then there are people like my Dad who dream really boring things. He says his dreams are mostly about going to work or cutting the grass or watching a football game.

So, basically he just repeats his real life. Snooze.

Haha see what I did there?

As for me, I remember my dreams almost every night and they are FAR from things that could ever happen in "real life."

I was writing them down diligently for awhile, and I don't really know why.

But maybe there are some other people on steemit who are interested in dreams, so I'm glad they sort of have a purpose now... I'll share them with you, as weird as this is going to get!

Pillow Talk

My friends Jessica, Jen and I were all sitting on a couch and talking, but we were all pillows. So that was weird, because I was watching my pillow self from a distance, talking with the other pillows, but I somehow knew that it was me that I was watching.

If that makes sense.

Seedy Past

I met a guy that was super secretive and quiet. I found out that he had a seedy past and didn’t believe that Tennessee existed.

I’m not sure how this ties in with the fact that I was fully aware that there was a ghost who was going to try to kill my friend Ben, and the only way to save him was to pray and help him swim across a lake.

So I was walking with Ben, trying to convince him to go across the lake, and to keep him going.

He knew he was going to die, but the ghost was going to take control of his body any minute and there was nothing that we could do about it except for pray.

We were walking outside, past a house with a wheelbarrow out front.

Ben said he couldn’t continue the journey because he didn’t have the strength to walk past the house.

###Because it was the house of a girl he was still secretly in love with- wheelbarrow girl. ###

I guess his love made him literally weak in the knees.

I force him to get over it and walk past the house anyway, because it’s a matter of life and death.

He started losing strength as the ghost was getting stronger.
It was time to help him swim across the lake.

So we swam, and waiting on the other side of the lake, sitting in a straight row in chairs were 3 of my friends.
They were there for emotional support.

As we were swimming, I woke up.


I was riding around New Hampshire with my friend Danger. He was taking me on a tour of New Hampshire’s famous watermelon-size grapes. Then I woke up.


I was either trying to buy weed or sell it, I don’t really know.

I just know I was hiding from the cops on the side of the highway in a big tall patch of grass. Well it was just an average patch of grass actually.

But I was laying down flat with my face down and I thought maybe the cops couldn’t see me because it was nighttime and I watched as the headlights of cop cars kept passing me by.

I remember thinking it was ironic that I was hiding IN the weeds BECAUSE of weed.

Then I woke up.

(Disclaimer: I have never once touched weed in real life, even though I lived in a state where it's legal. I have maybe 5 different reasons for that, just know this is just a dream.)

Depressed Camel

There was a zoo, where each animal had its own room to itself made out of stone.

I went into the camel room where there was just one camel laying down on the floor.
The zookeeper said it was depressed.

So I pet it under its chin, and the Camel lifted up its neck really high, and the zookeeper said "nope, that means she’s uncomfortable."

So then I petted its head, and somehow, there was an instant bond between us, and the camel and I were best friends.

The camel started talking to me, and the zookeeper was amazed by it!! But we couldn’t talk about it because a new group was at the door to see the camel, so my turn was over and I had to go and pretend nothing happened, and wait for another chance to go back to the camel alone.

But then I woke up.

Do you remember your dreams? Do you have any that you want to share? I'm super curious!


I had this insane dream where people are able to blog and get paid in cryptocurrency. In the dream no one believe this is possible and they get that blank look on their face when you to explain it. You make friends with people all over the world and support one another although you’ve never met and likely will never meet. You get to know them by face, and style, and personality. Everyone lives in this community where creative and great content is produced and consumed and rewarded. And then I woke up

And it was true!

😂😆 You’re my favorite.

I’m SO glad your dreams came true!

The other night I had a dream my dog cloned himself so I had replicas of the best dog! Sadly when I woke up it was just him sleeping next to me lol. I wonder what he was dreaming about...

hahaha I love that dream! Ask him!! It's so sad to wake up from amazing dreams like that.

Hahahahha, are you Josephine... Lol

It's always good to document dreams like this, I have a ledger for mine too... Lol

I want to hear one!

And here is one....

The flying man.

Sometimes ago, I had a dream where I was been pursued by company of young ladies. I was running as far as my legs could carry me in order to escape.

But, they were all running faster than I do. All of a sudden I started flying and that was how I was able to escaped.

It's kind of weird and funny.

haha flying dreams are fun!

Hahahahah, of cause.

When I was a toddler I remember having two recurring dreams. The first is where I was in a pitch black location with a low pitch but loud humming. It’s only when I was 8 or 9 and took the plane from New Caledonia to Australia that I realised that it was the sound of inside a plane! That must have marked me when I flew for the first time at the age of 2 from Laos to New Caledonia.

The second recurring dream: I’m cycling on the lawn which suddenly changed into a cliff and I start falling down and then suddenly woke up with the heart pumping hard. I never managed to make sense of this dream but it disappeared after few years.

Nowadays, I rarely remember my dreams or just part of them. I sometimes wake up in my dreams, like being half in dreams half in reality. Feeling good inside the dream and trying to not wake up to let the dream finish but as soon as my eyes open, so is the memory of the dream.

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