
Whenever I am having negative thoughts, I just take a step back and remind myself that I can control my thoughts and try to change what I am thinking in a more positive way. For instance, if someone says a comment that bothers me, I ask myself, "What is it about that comment that makes me angry?" Often, when I finally figure it out, I can let it go.

This is a great example and advice for all of us!
Letting go is the part I find the most challenging but the most liberating at the same time.

Thank you for sharing! :)

Great post! I taugh Zumba from 2007-2012 it was always a great way to workout and have fun doing it and was the thing that got me back into fitness.

What a great post! I agree with all of it. I write alllll the time and have used writing to work through and process all sorts of things. I sometimes get stuck trying to figure out just what I feel, but writing always helps.

Great post :) Thanks for sharing!

Oh wow, it is so cool that you used to teach Zumba! :D

I'm glad that you can really relate to the writing part and I totally get what you mean. It's like a therapy! :)

Thank you so much for your lovely words! Have a great week!

Superb post, life can always get on top of us and make us feel a little down - but there is so much we can do to change that feeling and turn that frown upside down.

I really love all these wonderful tips to help you feel good again, and will definitely be trying some myself.


Thank you so much @c0ff33a!

Yes, life can throw us all over the place sometimes but realizing that we can choose how we're going to react to it makes things at least a little bit easier and better.

I hope that some of the tips you try out will be beneficial. :)

I wish you a wonderful week!

Support please friend

Traveling for sure. It definitely heals me no matter what the problem is ..

Yeees, traveling is always a great idea! :)

I would say to start with: clean up your mind and speak the truth! Make people aware of the fact that a question like: how do you do is not the same as saying hi! If you asked there is a big chance the answer is: miserable. Are you willing to hear this? If not, please do not ask.

So glad to see you back my friend. Missed you.
Loved, loved and loved this post.
Very inspiring my friend and very well covered tips and tricks.

Thank you so much! <3
It's great to be back, I missed you to, I'll catch up with the posts soon. :)

Hey @nikolina

Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.

Two things that I totally relate to in your post. One, removing negative influences from your life as best you can and like you have suggested, those influences can come in different forms.

Two, write about your thoughts and feelings. I am new to this but I cannot believe the difference it has made to me by getting things on paper. It is such a therapeutic process and I am so happy that I have found steemit.

Thanks again and keep up the good work.


Thank you so much Gaz!

I am always happy to hear when someone gives writing a go, as you said, it is so therapeutic and I always take a chance to mention it in posts like this. It's great that you can already see the difference it makes.

Keep writing and keep steeming! :)

Hey @nikolina

Thanks. I truly can see the difference. It could be a fond memory and happy feelings or going back through a painful time like moving away and feeling like a healing process. Either way it is great.

I will definitely keep the writing going and I will also look forward to reading more of your posts.


I am beautiful today? hehe, how bout you lovey ,how are you? miss you
thanks for these feel good tips 😘

I am so ready for the new week! :D

I'll catch you soon on GV! :)
Happy Mother's Day!

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