DAREDEVIL #598 [April 2018] (Comic Review) [SPOILERS]

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Rippling green and red abs and tempers hot enough to melt hearts. Who's the Rosy-Cheeked Wonderboy and where the fuck is Matt Murdock?

Both are evidently hiding behind variant covers.

Tried dealing with a kingpin in the position of Mayor while attempting to apprehend a serial-killing street artist? Try doing it blind.

Daredevil's cover captured my attention.


Months ago, I fell for a new title, Old Man Hawkeye because of the flair and style of Marco Checchetto. Having said that, I haven't kept up with the story (mainly because I've been preoccupied with more nuanced plotlines in other titles). Weeks later, Checchetto stole another little piece of my heart and I own another book with his art gracing the cover.

Nice work keeping him on the books, Marvel.

Launching right in, Spider-man's Kingpin is mayor of NYC.

I'm guessing a Russian hack and some collusion was involved.

Needless to say, old fat-head is the big boss of town and he's pissed that a dude is going around town spraying up huge skyscrapers with pictures of super heroes like Spider-man, Moon Knight and She-Hulk.

It's not the art that he has a problem with, it's the message that accompanies each one, portraying the hero as the good guy.

Unless you were directly involved with the Sokovian fuck-up, would you really need to be told Spidey was a good guy? Nevertheless, the Kingpin doesn't like the idea of two "conflicting narratives". And he wants Muse dealt with.

Murdock is the deputy mayor.

And he's trying to tune out annoyances. Like the voice of his clerk/assistant, Steve as he listens in on the plotting of the big man. I guess being blinded by a bunch of chemicals has it's perks. Sadly, all it did for the Joker was fuck his head up.

DC, you dropped the ball. I always thought a combination of sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid (with a dash of copper, zinc and chromium in solution) would massively enhance one's senses. He's got a lovely smile, though!

Whoops! The blind DM's always in the road.


Cue dropping the tracker in the Mayor's doer, Wesley's pocket. "NNF!", indeed!

A whole bunch of corrupt and crooked deals ensue in the entirely illegal pursuit of wealth from positions of power. Felicia Hardy to run the department of education. The Owl heads up the department of Aging and Diamondback's keen on Police Commissioner (oh so subtle!) And Hammerhead in corrections? Yeah.. as if nobody's gonna come and kick your ass back to the slime pit you crawled out of.

MUSE makes this book worth buying.

Much like the creepy sexual predator who was vaporised by the Silver Surfer in my last review, this dude isn't clear on social conventions. And I'm not talking about Comic Con, here.


Every artist likes some attention and a selfie to boost the ego, especially from two swooning babes.

Muse decides that The Punisher doesn't deserve to be on a canvas like One World Trade Center or even the Daily Bugle. I guess floating, teleporting or however the hell he's doing it 100 feet in the air isn't all that conducive to flirting. Looks like this one's at a convenient street level.


The girls want a selfie. He obliges. They freak out at his fucked up photograph and he proceeds to be a mental patient without his meds. Thanks, Charlie Soule I'm a fan of cringy writing. In a good way!

The cops show up. Then they get fucked up.

Don't show up at an Inhuman fight with a handgun. Muse minces the cops and leaves the scene. Of course, in the final panel we are left with Mayor Fisk tweaking a way how he can use cop deaths to further his agenda.

The score?

I bought the book for the cover art when I went in months ago to continue my love affair with Kill or Be Killed, TWD and Dry County. I thought it would be a good opportunity to give Daredevil a chance to prove his worthiness of a title.

I left wanting to find out more about Muse and to see how that fat-fuck knuckle gets dethroned. Being a superhero book, I'm not expecting gore. I do expect that from Brubaker and Phillips, however! And they deliver (in Kill or Be Killed).

My attention diverts.

This book's like two-and-a-half horns out of five. Two for Muse's appearance and a half for the bitchin' cover. Ohhh. MASSIVE SPOILER! The Hulk (red or green) ain't in this book. Sorry!

You know what happens. You've seen some panels. Tell me what the hell you think.

Erh-hem. Here are the party invitations..


I was going for 666 of the most articulate Steemians.

I had to settle for thirteen of you that sometimes occasionally upvote me, comment on the odd vegan recipe or appreciate vulgar comic book reviews. I expect your papers due in by 9am Monday morning.

Find DAREDEVIL #598 on Comixology here.

All the best,


All content is original and belongs to @nickmorphew. [26 May 2018]

Disclosure: This article was not a paid promotion and was not self-upvoted. Nor were there any affiliate links.

I’m still looking for an artist to cover my work on my fantasy saga, Adventures in Elowyn Glade.

And because you stayed and upvoted, here's my exclusive variant cover.



Erh-hem @nickmorphew... I didn’t make the cut for the invite list! 😉

Cool review - I think comic books appeal to me more than books at this point in my life


When you're fam, you don't need an invite, surely!

Next time, you'll be there, just so my work doesn't get lost in your feed-- no other reason!!

I know, right? I get so immersed. The adult in me (bullshit culture) tells me that thick novels and high brow books are where I'll become more learned and thus a more accomplished human, but so does gawking at a Rembrandt (eh hmm.. art critics).

I just prefer my art drawn by people who are still alive, play with Transformers and make * whooshing * and * pew-pew * sounds while swooping models of TIE fighters and x-wings around their desks.

Comic art and storytelling is or has (is it still?) going through this phase where people feel like they can only buy collected issues as TPs so they can call them fekkin graphic novels. Pa-lease.

We don't have to justify anything. Especially not the name of the medium. There are amazing films just as there are shit movies.

Ghost Rider #17 (2008) is no Kill or Be Killed. Nor should we expect it to be. That doesn't mean comics are superficial and childish.


Talk about a tangent. Thanks for dropping by, girl. Appreciate the love and support.

See you round. Oh..any write ups I should be expecting soon??


I’ll have to give this a good look and my thoughts tomorrow! Just saw the mention right after I read Wayward Vol. 1 on Comixology, and I’m exhausted from a good read already! “Talk” to you soon!

Haha. I'm not holding you to the time limit. Bahaha!

Oooh. Wayward..any good???

And did you like my exclusive variant cover (of myself)? I thought you guys totally deserved it. Tehe.

Chat later, mate.


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@paddygsound I was just reading through my review of Kill or be Killed # 18 and wondered if a more mainstream Marvel title was more your style..

I've got a Ghost Rider review coming up, but I doubt it would be up your alley if a shadowy demon inspired killer doesn't float your boat.

Hope all is well!


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