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RE: Do You Start Losing Your Friends When You're in Your 30s?

in #life6 years ago

I don't think that you ever lose your true friends. What you lose are contacts, people that you hung around with and did activities with. Pleasant enough and probably had good times with but they are not your true friends. I've just turned thirty as well, moved away from all my friends and work an unsociable job. So I understand where you are coming from.

I don't even really want to go out and try to meet new people. One or two in the area would be nice but apart from that. No thanks. I still have my true friends though. The people you might not see for six months but as soon as you do its straight back to normal. These are the people who hold your secrets, know you best and that you can feel totally comfortable with because of your history together. I still have my 3 best friends since 4 years of age and a couple from college and thats all anybody really has. 5 or 6 proper hardcore friends that you can always rely on.

Other people are just contacts that you come across from time to time when it suits. And I don't think that you will ever feel as comfortable with any new contacts that you make as your thirties is a different life with different prioritise and unfortunately making new friends will be down the list for most people compared to relationships, careers and families.

Posted using Partiko Android


What you lose are contacts, people that you hung around with and did activities with. Pleasant enough and probably had good times with but they are not your true friends.

I agree. Just pleasant people I had good times with.

making new friends will be down the list for most people compared to relationships, careers and families.

This is true. I don't really meet someone in his/her thirty still going out of their way to make friends. Not their priority anymore.

I'm still open to it but it wouldn't be top of my priority list. With all the responsibility I have at the moment it doesn't leave a lot of spare time.

What I have done this year is joined a local club with one of the guys from work. At least we all have the same interests and something to talk about so there are a few decent people my own age. If I get to know a few of them it won't be a bad thing to have contacts in my new town anyway. And if I'm here long enough maybe friends. Who knows.

Posted using Partiko Android

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