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RE: Luciferian agendas: Part 2 - Creating movements and revolutions that people think are their own (think cryptos)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

They sell you enslavement with a smile and the promise of convenience and huge future benefits. It's usually not until years later that people realize that they've been f**ked once again, but by then there's always a new generation that don't know the game to prey upon for the next cycle.


Indeed, Good Sir/Madam.... I like to equate it to a wealthy child predator.... they probably donate to schools and orphanages, on the surface their public image is all about protecting and saving the kids. But behind closed doors....

I am a believer... corruption has become common-place normal, taboo and what used to be considered restricted has become acceptable for children to enjoy. It's sickening on a global scale.
And for those who think the game is not fixed to favor the rich?
Well, I left the USA because of the obvious direction it was heading. Here in Argentina, turns out it's just as bad.
The former President is facing several charges related to missing millions and millions during her and her husband's presidencies. And yet through the ever-expanding loopholes for the rich and powerful, by running for what equates to a Senate position today (better half is on the way out the door to vote right now locally, it is the law citizens must vote here), CFK will avoid prosecution if elected. And she even comes complete with a foundation which pays the poor in exchange for attending rallies and stirring up trouble, etc.
The CIA's hands usually are all over anything dirty and corrupt (both inside and outside US boarders)... I don't see why the development of the blockchain should be any different.

The other sad part in South and Central America is the massive political and corporate manipulation that the CIA has done there over more than a century. Almost every governmental disaster in these countries can be tied in one way or another to the CIA and their manipulation, bribery, assassinations, sponsored coups, and eugenics programs. They are a hidden hand across hundreds of countries worldwide along with their partners at MI6 and Mossad. If there is a big game to be played having to do with money and power, they are surely in it. Cryptos are absolutely no exception.

The Dirty War... while committing murders, sponsoring murder, and installing puppets all over the globe they most likely were running ops in the US (against their own rules) and still do today.
Shame so many don't wonder, like where is my full release of the Warren Commission Report (promised so long ago)?!?

CIA operating in the US?.. Let's see: JFK, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, MK Ultra, Oklahoma City, 911, Mena AR, Venice FL, Timothy Leary, David Ferry, Sandy Hook, Orlando FL, Columbine, Aurora CO, Virginia Tech, San Bernadino.. Oh is it that few? I appear to be missing a lot of them..

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