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RE: 7 Day Smoothie Challenge, Here I Come!

in #life7 years ago

Thanks so much for the support @govegan. I have seen all of those films you mentioned, knives over forks, cowspiracy, earthlings, and others that make you realize what you're doing, eating, and the way you're thinking isn't right. I love documentary films for that reason. I have known better for way too long, and I just can't live with myself doing the same things I know are not aligned with my ethics and health goals.

Dairy, like you mention, is just an example. Every time I consume dairy I am reminded of the inconvenient fact that some dairy cow(s) were forced to stand in a stall, forced to be milked many times, and maybe even abused well beyond that. But dairy doesn't even make me feel good, anyway. So, I've had the nagging voice in my head forever, saying.... "why do you keep eating this crap?"

I guess after awhile everyone gets tired of the nagging voice. ;) Well, I certainly hope my 7 days on smoothies and produce don't send me to the ER... But I'm just going to take things easy. In the past, I've done only smoothies but stopped after about 3 or 4 days because of the detox symptoms. Solid foods seem to slow the detox process down. But as with any habit changing, my favorite mantra is slow and steady gets the worm :)

Thanks, @govegan

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