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in #life8 years ago

my steemit experience because of @kaylinart!

I decided to make a quick post before I go and post my steemit experience on other sites.

when I first was told about steemit I was amazed on the idea. couldn't wait to join up and start making some friends and posts.
so I made an account and linked it to my facebook. some error kept popping up and it took about 12 hours for steemit to fix whatever the problem was. so now with my new account I made a couple of stupid posts asking why I was getting logged out constantly and how the password was a pain to enter in on my phone.

I then decided to read a couple posts and up vote some stuff. dollar vigilante was one I upvoted and upvoted a swear word coloring book. I also had a couple good conversations on other peoples posts about cencorship, political current events, the problems of people plagerizing on steemit and so on. it was awesome to get outside points of views and everyone seemed really nice.

I was really thinking that this site might be a perfect answer to a lot of the online cencorship problems.

it did not take long for my feelings about steemit to change. :/

one of the people I was following made a new post and after having a small
exchange of words earlier about how I wanted to buy her coloring book I figured her new post would be a conversation I would like to join in. her post was called "is online dating good for scocity?" so I thought I would say "its sad and depressing imo" and I didn't realize but that wasthe death of my steemit account. :O

this person then decieded to go to my page and flagg anything and everything I had ever posted! then she spent the rest of he evening instantly flagging anything I posted. :(

I asked her why she was going out of her way to flagg anything I made, she replied with "your rude and inaproppiate comments." so of corse I asked how was my opinion about online dating being sad and depressing was rude or inapropirate. she would not answer with words only by continuing to flag anything I tried to post.

my score was a 37 and it was only my second day on steemit. I actually had one post that started to get upvotes and had a full 0.01 cent on it! my first paying post omg I was so proud!

BOOM! 30 seconds after posting it she flags it and I lose my 0.01 cent. :O

I could not belive it! why was she doing all of this because of one comment about my view on online dating?!?!?

so like any person would do I asked her why she was doing it still and again no response just more flagging. at this point my rating was dropped to 6 from 37 all by this one chick. I then started making posts directed at her asking stuff like why is she flagging anything make or if I should return the favor by flagging everything she has posted before. of corse no response and she just continued flagging me. :/

so my first 2 days on steemit and all I had done so far was deal with this person and her friends trolling me. flagging anything I posted and not answering why they were doing it. I decided I would play ther game and I returned the flagging to the girl that was destroying my account for no reason. with a rating of 6 you cant downvote people.

I would like to add this is someone that gets a couple hundred off each post she makes sometimes a couple grand with titles like "hacks to deal with crappy people" or "what happened to marriage" you standard copy and paste snowflake crap.i then realized that because she downvoted me so much I no longer had the ability to upvote or downvote anything. so flagging her back was no longer an option for me.

I then tried one more time to see if she would tell me why she was doing this. I posted a commnt saying I would like her to say how my comment was rude and inapropirate or why she was flagging anything I posted and that if she did not respond I would spam her asking over and over till she did.

just as expected no response.

I gave it the full night, went to sleep that night thinking maby she will stop and tell me why she is doing this.
I woke up the next morning to find only more shit talking and flagging but no reason to why she was doing this. my score was now at 2 and anything I posted she would instantly downvote it so I finally had enuff.

I started posting on every one of her posts: you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?

over and over, what did I have to lose she now had my rating down to nothing and all i wanted to know is why she was going out of her way to flagg all my stuff. It has not worked. I will continue to ask her why till I am either banned or she finally answers up on why.

I am going to write a little 5 page report about steemit in a couple days for some web sites and social networks that are going to get a lot of attention from the skeptic / shitlord community. I have tried my hardest to be nice and find out why the steeit community supporst people cencoring others because they have a different point of view.

expect either loads of shitlords showing up to teach u all what real trolling is or the word will get around about how this site has more cencorship problems then twitter and facebook combined. and no one will show up to make it grow unless they arepart of the snowflake echo chamber group that seems to be the only group not gitting flagged on steemit.

I now understand why is gitting so many more new users on the daily. it is no cencorship and outside/differing
opinions are not only welcomed but encouraged. seems like a way more viable option for people that are leaving sites beause of cencorship on differing opinions. giving the right to snowflakes to cencor you because they dont like your opinion is not fighting cencorship it is in fact rewarding it. and is only going to push more people away from this site imo.

I hope the couple good people on this site cash out before it drops to nothing. sorry for the long rant too but I felt it would be best I posted my story on here before I write my articals for the other sites on why steemit is not a place for new people that want to talk about anything more then makeup, gender, or agreeing with some stupid cunts opinion on why you should drink a gallon of water a day (she said in a comment that she knows doctors say 8 cups of water a day and that she is not a doctor but doesn't think 8 cups is not enuff water(in her opinion) and says we should drink a gallon) and that is not safe. there is a thing called water intoxacology that will kill you from drinking to much water. but if you say that you get flag.
truth logic an facts have no place in steemit I guess.

hope you all have fun. I sure didn't. :/

with a score of 0 now im not sure if anything I post is even visible anymore. i just tried and am no longer able to post stuff because of this one persons constant flagging so i will just spamm this in comments for a little.

she is still downvoting anything I post taking away the money it would have made. had an 18cent post sheflagged and is now at 4 cents. thanx @kaylinart. she has now downvoted all my comments on all my own posts to the point where my rating is -1 so my posts can no longer been seen.

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