Kindness always pays back - Go all out without any Expectations

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Life is all about going through experiences and learning and I always like to share my experiences.
This is one of such experience that made me completly believe that "What Goes Around Comes Around".

Sometimes you keep going through so much difficulties that you stop believing in any positivity that can happen to you.

This incident was some years back when I was working with one of the biggest MNC of India TCS in HR lead position. Every year we used to hire 1000s of trainees from Campus and then allocate them work place in different cities of India. The allocation was always random so it was always that the trainees used to get work place other then their city of residence. And then the bizarre moments would start for me. I use to get umpteen number of calls from them requesting me to give them work location as per their city of residence so that they could be close to their families. I used to feel very bad for them that they had to be away from their families and try to accomodate as many as possible which would end up with me sitting very late hours in office and I remember my boss used to tell me, these guys are gonna take you for a ride and never let you go home. I must have done so many changes for so many of them that I would not even remember their names.

Image Source:Pixabay

Then I changed my job and moved to a new place. During that time I suddenly had to travel to Abu Dhabi for a job interview. It was a very good opportunity for me and at no cost to be missed, but I suddenly realized my Passport had gone for renewal. Now this type of work in India is all very unpredictable, it can take 1 to 3 months and I just had a week at hand. I was completly paranoid. I was trying to seek help from any and all sources. Help to get my Passport.
After all the disappointment I had on getting help I thought of reaching out socially, so I put up a message on facebook asking if anyone could help me out.
Suddenly in 5 mins I get a call from a person, saying Mam I can help you out, my father is in a senior most position in Passport office. It was like some Angel coming down to help me, I asked the person, how do yoy know me, so he said, Mam in TCS you approved my transfer to my home city at my 1 word. I had nothing much to say, I had tears in my eyes at that moment. I could not imagine things would come to me in this way. Now also as I write this I feel emotional.
After that my work was done, in 3 days time I recieved my Passport and I could go for my Interview. I did not know who to thank at that moment. But the most grateful I was to the universe for bringing that goodness to me in full circle. I have experienced many such moments in life but this one has been one major.
When I talk to people about positivity a lot of them tell me it's easier to say then to go through it but I always like to preach what I have experienced in life.

Image source: Pixabay

Do goodness without any expectations and it will always come back to you when least expected and most needed. Kindness never goes unpaid, but anything done with an expectation brings a burden so release that burden and be out there with the true intention of just making a difference in someone else's life.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

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I absolutely love this post my friend and I feel this close in my heart and belive in kindness and unselfish acts. Such well written and much ❤️
You are amazing sweetie 🤗
Loved the... Do goodness without any expectations and it will always come back to you when least expected way.
That's Sooo true and I always feel just seing the face of the person you help is enough of a reward ❤️🤗🤗 give and you shall receive!
Happy weekend and stay Awesome! ❤️🤗❤️

Thanx Safi for your kind words. Indeed kind and unselfish acts always come back in full circle. Wish you too a Happy weekend and the week ahead my dear 💖💖

oh, yes, Nainaz! how right you're
when we don't expect anything, we get the most!
it works 100%.
when we wait too much, we fail.

Thanx my dear, ohh yes doing something in anticipation of getting rewarded never works.

Completely agree. I love doing favors for other people and helping when I can, even if it makes me go a little bit out of my way. I never do it expecting anything in return, and I rarely ask for anything, but I know that I have many people looking out for me if I ever need a helping hand. That's an incredible story about your old work and your passport, so heartwarming. This whole site is all about the gift economy. Giving without expecting anything in return. We all put on contests and give out what we have, and we join others.

Thank you @malloryblythe, but I just want to highlight one thing here, do not use the word favor, that makes it sound like we are obliging the people we help. We are all placed in the right position to be there for each other, our circle may not complete with the same person but it does in some or the other way. Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts :-)

Thank you @malloryblythe, but I just want to highlight one thing here, do not use the word favor, that makes it sound like we are obliging the people we help. We are all placed in the right position to be there for each other, our circle may not complete with the same person but it does in some or the other way. Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts :-)

That's a beautiful story. Such a clear circle of kindness. Love it!

Thank you Katrina

Do goodness without any expectations and it will always come back to you when least expected and most needed. Kindness never goes unpaid, but anything done with an expectation brings a burden so release that burden and be out there with the true intention of just making a difference in someone else's life

I am taking this to heart definitely!
Kindness doesn't go unrewarded

Quite motivational story, yes kindness indeed pays at the end of the day. Really positive is the act of kindness.

Lovely story
It pays to be good
Your kindness has been repaid

So wonderful to hear stories of positivity like this. I love how you have a story of kindness paying rewards back to you like this.

Love it. Good stuff. Karma is something real and your good deeds came back in the form of this angel giving back to you :)

a nice story can understand life can always change,☺️

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