Chinese countryside wedding (Original for Steemit) 结婚先上车后买票

in #life8 years ago

Today went to the village to get married, But not my wedding, "First on the train after buying a ticket”,As long as you understand the Chinese culture, should understand what it means, the explanation: "Not married yet, But the child was born",the rice is cooked Is the same meaning.
今天去乡村结婚去了,但不是我结婚,先上车后买票,只要你懂中国的文化,应该都明白是什么意思, 解释下就是 “上车就是上床,买票就是结婚,还没结婚,小孩就有了", 生米煮成熟饭就是相同的意思.

My cousin and her girlfriend know only 8 days to get Engagement, Less than a year, the child was born, Marriage is the traditional Chinese customs, A person four happy event "Married, career,Encountered many years did not see a friend,If the weather is too dry,Looking forward to the next heavy rain”, Marriage to the Chinese people is very important thing, most people will only have once marriage.
我这表弟也历害,女朋友认识8天就定婚,不到一年,孩子就整出来了,年轻人太历害了, 结婚是中国人的传统习俗,古人说人生四大喜事:"洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时,久旱逢甘露,他乡遇故知", 可见结婚对中国人来说是很重要的事,大多数人一生中只会结一次婚,如果你历害了,也就不止结一次婚.



Ancestral hall is very important to get married, the Western countries in the church, the wedding of Chinese villages, you must first go ancestral worship ancestors,Wedding car must be rushed to the bride's home before 12 o'clock
祠堂是结婚很重要的地方,西方国家在教堂举行,中国乡村的婚礼,你必须先入祠堂拜祖先,婚车出发去接新娘,而且必须在12点前赶到新娘家, 和我车同行的是月老,像征性的找了个月老,现在年轻人谈恋爱,哪用得着月佬,用微信摇一摇就搞定, 微信就是月老.

Invited to the chef, more than 20 dishes, all are meat, not seen a vegetable, and now back home, feeling hungry.

Fortunately, the weather is good, no fog,The countryside wedding is very lively!
早晨6点从妇宝医院接新娘和小宝,送往乡下新娘家,这都是任务,还好天气不错,没有大雾, 再转道表弟新郎家,本想到厨房找碗稀饭填肚子,竟是些鱼和肉,乡村的酒席很热闹,快过年了,在外打工的年轻人都回来了,兄弟姐妹多,做大事,你可以很轻松,不需要操心, 看看厨房

80-year-old grandmother in the cooking, who says that smoking is harmful to health, to see this is not quite good! Smoking harmful to health may be wrong.

80多岁的老婆婆在煮饭, 谁说吸烟有害健康呢, 看这位不是挺好的嘛! 吸烟有害健康也许是错误的.


新郎抱新娘500米距离热闹的场面没能抓拍,另外作为婚车,小孩,老人抢糖太多人,为了安全,在路上照片就没抓拍, 图像太多,以后有机会再欣赏

Wedding is the happiest day!
结婚是女人最幸福的日子,祝福小两口子新婚快乐, 看到猪圈里经常讨论这话题,什么时候,你们再结次婚,哈哈




@myfirst - good post!
I like the 5th pic the most
the old guy holding a tray of bowls he looks very happy
I miss Asia - I wonder what else went on

Thanks for the post, a most interesting insight into Chinese culture.

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