Life Behind Mirror 4 @girlbeforemirror

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Story introduction for "Newbie" readers

Image Source: @girlbeforemirror /

To anyone who don't know me, @girlbeforemirror, @azurejasper or @clayboyn is definitely missing real Life even through a box, called blockchain.

@girlbeforemirror is Marg. She is a lovely wife to @azurejasper, devoted Mother to their family, Marathon runner (used to be), Brave and CORRECT person (which is almost "Mission Impossible" to find, nowadays) and a lot more that even i don't know, but i do know enough to say this... She is what was 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, role model to all women around the world. Example to be followed.

Marg had collision with a "wrong star of a fate" that wasn't even meant to hit her, but still did.

In a modern world, we are not anymore entitled to be healthy by just our birth. We have to earn it.

Through work, jobs, business, crime, drugs, prostitution, lies, corruption, crypto, etc. World become a Chaotic Place to live in. I have nobody to blame, it's all our fault in the end. For the World, yes, for Marg... Not. It wasn't her fault.

@azurejasper is Marg's husband, and even i'd love to know his real name, let's call him Jasper. That man.... He is really something special. Modern Dark Knight Blogger in my opinion. Why ? All of us.. Men... Are having a birth embedded, DNA written, fault in our personality. Ego ... Pride ... Name it whatever you want but it's all same/related. He is proud to have NO ERRORS in his DNA when it comes to the Melkie's. Small thing which helped his family, and where this story begins with me can be found here:

If you are a husband, father or just a man who wish for himself to be anything... Read and think wisely.

To Marg from Milos - Who am I and why Am I

I've been child of mid 80's in capitol city of Serbia, formerly known Yugoslavia. I've seen through my own eyes, from a very own VIP seat, a lot of Death. Injustice. Corruption. For a moment in my life, without 0 awareness I was part of it... Living in a system, where there is no system. Where people suffer with their very own lives against someone's invoice to Government or "Charity" related to court cases. With putting down public good people with a bullet in an exchange for power. Cancer through entire family and people i loved.

I've been wrong. I never been an angel. But I never done WRONG first in my life towards anyone.
One of corruption examples: I'm being charged in my own country for "Drug Trafficking" in past 2 years, even though i never been there for 5. Or close to it. I left it with a paper that Government gave me and told me, you have no previous convictions or any case against you. I'm in IT business since my birth. Never related to the drugs except as Pot User. Now i have to generate thousands of dollars to go back to my home country just to take New Passport. Why ? Because some bird decided to bargain a deal setting up someone who is not even there, so i'll get arrested on the sight (Airport Immigration) in Serbia, and can be held by Law in Jail for 30 days until they decide what to do with me. Seriously ? I have to hire a lawyer just so my son will not stay without Father for 2 months or starve to death or my business will collapse. Nice Governmental Work to Serbia. Australia. USA. UK. And the rest of the goddamn planet.

Voice ? Means nothing to majority. Truth ? Truth become a statement from wealthiest beneficiary of it, no matter how untruthful or wrong is it.

Why am I writing this ? Because for all of you fuck faces, reading this and having a laughter while you think someone is generating money with this, you are wrong. You are just part of the brainwashed system where social and public media is manipulating with you, while common people like Marg and her family suffers due to lack of Justice in this World.

God's creature

That day when I wrote comments and send donation to Marg, was not because i'm believer. It was not because of the sympathy or empathy. It was only for one reason. She is a person who deserves much more than she has, not even to mention how much was taken from her, for this seems long, but actually quite fragile and short life we live.

Suddenly in my news feed popped up a Christianity tagged post with revelation from his Holyass Bible.

Christianity as God's work is generating income publicly on internet ? My comment that same very own moment on that very own post while Marg and Jasper are having struggle of their life, was rude... but i'm authentic asshole, so I really don't care about opinion of a public.


Upvotes 0. I didn't expect any. Some of commenting people who are believing in God, they came to her profile ? They read the story ? Maybe 0.5%. So, even this Steem, as i've explained before is a corrupted system even before he gain the power of manipulation. How ? By creating environment where people and institutions, such as Church, were never designed ( 1000 years ago ) to generate any income but to help people on their's Path in Life. are creating cash! Including SECTS!

Proof: My Father died in 2006 from cancer. I've got out from my job that morning to go home and help Mom and sister who also dropped home with her husband, and i had what to see. Pope from a local Church who placed under the ground half of our family, suddenly is discussing "FEES" of ceremony with my sister, who is actually accepting it and just before they've made a deal, i've stepped in!

He was flying literally 2 minutes later from our house, while entire family, neighbors and even police came to hold me as a criminal! Day after, i went to church and found a Pope who gave me a name when i was a kid. He listened to my story and even REFUSED completely to accept any donation from me to Church or organizing that ceremony (even though old customs are to give what and how u can).

Now it's 2017. A victim, God's very own Creation, Marg and her family needs to be so many times placed as last piece of the puzzle that got lost somehow under the carpet and it's not worth of looking for it ? Let's brake the whole puzzle and just buy a new one!

Life is not a puzzle. Object. Monetary unit. Financial Value. Bill. Tax. Revenue. It's SOURCE of everything you can imagine.

Family is extension and regeneration to Life. It should be more VALUED and PROTECTED with anyone's LIFE. Because ONE LIFE MEANS WORLD TO A FAMILY. FAMILY SHOULD MEAN TO ALL OF US MORE THAN THIS WORLD.

We lost values. We got to stage where there is only complete loss of ourselves. We don't have a future. And it's your MAYBE ONLY CHANCE TO CHANGE IT AND GIVE US BACK ONE, BY DOING THE RIGHT BY THE INNER FEELING NOT RIGHT BY HOW "THEY FUCKING SAY".

Doing the right thing - Marg UPVOTE #1 Forever and Always - @girlbeforemirror

Doing the right thing since forever was hardest thing to do. Egyptians, Greeks, Germans, Americans... It was RIGHT while it was HARD. While the war had a meaning. While people where wearing swords, guns, bare fists and fought together for what they believed in. Wining was not Hard. Losing Life during those miracles of past was Hard to look and feel. To their companions, families, empires.

Then it all became super easy. By doing it WRONG WAY, because it's makes US (Emperor itself) to WIN the WAR easy by corruption since before Mythology.

Here is the most brave and righteous woman, with the STRONGEST HEART i've seen, who not just suffered entire life, but used that PAIN to do RIGHT THING in a RIGHT WAY, taking herself YEARS OF HER OWN LIFE, on top of all YEARS already been taken, to not just FIX THE LIVES OF A PEOPLE WHO SUFFERED AROUND HER BUT TO STRIVE TO CHANGE THE CORRUPTED SYSTEM WE LIVE IN.

Here is her reading of testimony of the victims who was prevented to come on hearing, doing something awful hard for another person:

Video/Source: Kevin Whitley's YouTUBE CHANNEL

Why ? Moments, where something like Marg had in her childhood and entire life, are not toughest ones actually. They are all bad and horrible, unimaginable to regular Matrix followers, but the moment where you need to


are the hardest thing anyone can IMAGINE TO do.

She risked it all.

For what ? For Government took years of her life and her health that today we look Marg at the hospital ? WIth husband thankful to everything for a Steem and chance to raise money ? She should be treated at the best Hospital for free as a national Heroine and someone stepped upfor someone else, by going back to that hardest thing she could do.

My final thought to Marg, her husband and rest of their followers


For the rest: If all of you fuckups with wallets over 100$ and being longer here than 3 months, just donated 20 SBD EACH to them, she would be FINE TODAY and RECOVERING WELL. Also remain the message to the rest of the community OR ANYONE WHO SEEN THE POST.

Thank you for this:
Will print and find a nice place in house to keep it.

READ THIS - REPOST - UPVOTE - Your last chance.


Who are you ? Why are you so intelligent ? Why are you awake ? Thanks for being there for them.

Many thanks for reading,

and sorry for my grammar and spelling. Not a native one :)

Digital Lucifer

P.S. All revenue that this post perform i'm donating to @girlbeforemirror or @azurejasper. If you don't wanna upvote, THEN SEND THEM A DONATION OR PROMOTE THIS POST AND BE HUMAN ONCE AGAIN!


I am just a person that cares. She was kind to me and earned my respect before I knew all of this. We should all have that courage.

Not just cares. But cares about things that matters. So you are very special and unique person.

Thanks, you seem to be the same way.

@girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper i wish you all the best. I had nothing as value in account, but upvote and resteem was at least i could do. Sincerely, steemwalker

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