Adventure day!

in #life7 years ago

So as you can imagine with 6 kids my main focus is entertaining them. That is of course after the feeding, cleaning, educating and keeping them alive part.

On this particular weekend we had decided we need an adventure. Something small but exciting and something that would hopefully have all those under 5 down for an afternoon nap so that mum and dad could have a break.

Being that I always try to please everyone it was decided that we would hit Buderim Falls. Only a short drive from home and then according to info found online, a very family friendly bush walk, with a beautiful waterfall as the reward!!

The older kids would be happy as they love any outdoor activity. The little kids would be happy as we would be in the woods and therefor they could walk without having to hold someone's hand the whole time, they were thrilled.

Upon arrival I became slightly worried, the people exiting the track looked exhausted, and these were young, child free backpackers. Hesitation aside we began our walk.

Not ten minutes later i had decided that the term "family friendly" in this instance did not apply to my family! The nice easy going bush walk had turned into a steep natural staircase, some steps being larger than my two year old. So as I was carrying the baby my partner carried Miss 2.

Then it got more interesting. Being in the rainforest meant that there was an awful amount of moss. Slippery moss. The kids started to slide down instead of walking. So we took it one step at a time, we could hear the lovely sound of the water flowing ahead and thought, it can't be that far now. However each step became a parce the parcel of infants and toddlers to get everyone down safely and eventually we made it.


It was very beautiful. However, it occurred to me moments after reaching our destination that at some point we would have to leave. How on earth do we get 6 kids back up those stairs without losing one over the edge or falling flat on our faces in the process.



But, like they so often do, my children surprised me. They flew up those steps and even had me begging them to slow down so that I could keep up.

As we reach our car, me looking haggard and exhausted from carrying kids and a baby I headed straight for a park bench to take a rest. That's when it happened. On a massive sign that I had somehow missed on the way in was a map. Turns out if we had parked at the entrance on the other side of the national park, it would have been a nice casual stroll, not the stairs of doom!!!

All drama aside, the kids had a ball, they loved the falls and the crazy steps and the fact that I got them lunch on the way home as I was to bugged to make them a proper lunch. Such is life I guess when u are a mumofmany.


looks like a real nice trip with the family
your kids are fun i can imagine

They are a cheeky bunch. Always good for a giggle.

I have a friend with 4 kids, and i find that amazing how she can take care of 4. I myself have 2 kids.... i have my hands full! Also together with cleaning the house and cooking.... you must have 8 or more arms @mumofmany! :-).

I sometimes joke when I get mad at the kids that they must think I'm an octopus, if only!

I can't imagine 6!!! 🙈 I have 3 and already have my hands full. Well done mom!!!

Thank you, A handful they are. But so worth it!

Wow! So beautiful clicks :)
It was such a delight reading it. I believe adventures are the best way of learning.
Upvoted and resteemed!
Following you, would love to be followed back.

Thank you, I love taking them on mini adventures, they ask so many questions and don't even realise it's a learning experience.

Nice post. Vote for mam and kids :)

What an adventure! It's amazing what one mom can do. I remember one instance my husband, @bluerthangreen needed me to pick up a dump trailer full of mulch with our dually truck and 3 kids packed in the back. I was nervous about backing up for my first time with a massive trailer. But then I felt brave and stopped at McDs for lunch. That was a mistake--lol. I got stuck and couldn't maneuver out of the parking lot. But we all got home safe and sound...eventually.

Oh no, glad you got home safe. Don't think there is much we can't do as mums when we have to!

Ah that's my girl...when all else fails then read the sign giving directions lol. Reminds me of our 'hike' to Natures Window in Western Australia. Now there's a post for another day 45C, flies and bad intel...

That was funny! Well funny now not so much at the time.

A Trip with family ... Make it nice than usual ..
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