Vitamins- How much is Enough?!

in #health6 years ago (edited)

by @movingman

Vitamins and minerals are very important to have some kind of healthy lifestyle for us humans. There are many different known vitamins all of which are components already found in foods and this makes them an organic compound. Since many years I have been taking Organic Vitamin tablets daily, and fish oils. I emphasize on the word Organic because if Vitamins are an Organic compound, then why should we digest something that's made from non natural vitamins to replace something organic?

We need vitamins to have a normal functioning of our body, and the eating habits we have in the modern day world have become mainly foods of convenience to save time by either means of fast take away foods, or processed ready-made meals or other processed foods that just slide into a hot oven for 25 minutes, gas mark 8. Both of these options and favorite choices are containing no Vitamins whatsoever and just keep us from feeling hungry for some time because the are full of empty calories.

Our bodies DO produce vitamins by itself naturally but the body just can not create them fast enough to supply us for the daily activities ahead.

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I passed the chemist the other day and remembered I needed to get Iron tablets but the Organic shop was far away. Spontaneously, I went in to see if they had any at the chemist, and saw that they don't actually sell anything in there labelled as Organic. Regardless- I brought them cursing the pharmaceutical mafia industry and the next day I met a mate who had got himself 1 KG of Organic Vitamin C and was making himself huge capsules to take daily. He said he was reading a detox program and it suggested to be digesting mega amounts of Vitamin C daily, up to 100 x's that of the governments daily RDA's, suggesting to be taking at least 2000 mg instead of the 60-90mg suggested from different "official sources".

As a "Free-Thinker" (by not seeing or hearing any mainstream media for many years) I have always wondered where the percentages came from on these Daily Recommended Amounts found on the backs of packaging and so I wanted now, after talking to the mate with the Vit C, to go do My Own Research on this subject. If Vitamins are very important to our overall being, then something doesn't add up with the two different recommended amounts. I firstly watched a video from a guy who claims he has been mega-dosing on Vit C for Eight months already and wants to do it for a whole year. He was also someone asking questions about what the government tells us as facts, and had found out that Vit C has been proven to attack Cancer Cells and is assisting also in all bodily healing functions. Basically- Vitamin C has superpowers. I'll leave the link to this video at the bottom, its 9 minutes long and worth a watch, leading to your own research if you look at the list of related videos. There are videos on Vit C Therapy you will notice, which is another topic in itself. This post is focusing on our daily vitamin consumption.

Link to vid claiming largely unknown possible facts about the health benefits from Vitamin C..

After I watched this, then it was time to find out my long standing un-answered question..

From whom and where do the RDA's get their values ?!

Whenever I look to learn something, firstly I check who posted up the so desired vid, and go to see what other videos they make or share. IF it is not mainstream or commercial and has been independently made, only then will I watch it. I found a video from a woman called "The Fruit Doctor" who explained that the RDA's were created after the first world war. Most of the soldiers were not able to fight due to "physical disability's" which the news headlines said at the time. But the truth was that the largest percentage were suffering from tooth decay, which made them unable to fight and this was due to the high processed sugar that was the in the food rations. They had a severe lack of vitamins in the foods they were consuming and also had a high sugar amount present in the foods. Processed foods with little nourishment from vitamins and instead are pumped full with processed sugars, were the cause creating the sickness in the army. Anyone with some kind of open mindedness can clearly see why so many of us are so sick in the world we live in today if we only learn about food and our own diets.

In May 1941 the President of America at the time, decided to create a minumum required intake of vitamins needed to stop the soldiers from being sick. He called 500 nutrition and food scientists to a meeting and from there the RDA's were created. They realized that if they wanted to win the war, they would need to get more vitamins into the soldiers.

The point of the meeting was to create a list of standard amounts for 8 nutrients, the minimum amounts necessary to prevent illness. With a 30% safety margin. The RDA we use today is still just an average of all the scientists recommendations from that one meeting 77 years ago.
Please feel free to go check out the video from where I got this information- of which I can't find anywhere else, and let me know if you have any other info on it! Link to video

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Its quite obvious to say that not many of us go shopping and buy the food you see in this picture Above - unless you are already aware and interested in the foods you are eating. Its even more obvious to say that these fruits above would all be very pricey to buy them Organically and that's something we just cant afford. Most of us are though, aware that we need to be eating more fruits, and so we go buy bottles of fruit smoothies. This itself is misleading us even though we think its good for us, because you are consuming ALOT of sugar in a smoothie. Its fruit sugar, and yes fruit sugars are healthier - but it is STILL SUGAR. We must be very careful and buy the small bottles of smoothies even though we want more value for money and go for the big ones every time, but the supermarkets know this tactic because consuming too much sugar creates more hunger so you will buy more food in the long term, Ka-Ching!

I am not a health food expert, I'm just a guy who wants to be healthy and to heal myself from the years of being in the drone-lifestyle and mindlessly consuming terrible foods set to me by a budget. I used to use around 1kg of white sugar every 10 days, mainly in cups of tea and on cereals. Craziness ! I am now since 3 years very aware about the amount of sugar I consume after doing a 30 day Added sugar free diet, which changed my whole body's reaction to sugar amounts and there's now no way I can even eat a bar of standard chocolate without having a sugar crash 30 mins after it. This post was all my own thoughts and you can see for transparency the sources of where I got the info, of which I trust much more than any mainstream news channel.

I really do suggest if your like me taking vit supplement's in an attempt to be healthier and have good energy, that you should go read up on what people are doing and experimenting with.

Are you or someone you know taking high doses of vitamin C? let me know in the comments below as I do plan to start this myself!

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nice one! my other passion apart from preaching voluntaryism and intellectual bashing of communism :D
Gerson therapy, fasting, chaga... psylocibin... there is this incredible mushroom that looks like coral... forgot the name... will search later. it just breaks all the laws of physics in antioxidants and vitamins. cures even being dumb... if only this was true :)

I will resteem it on my health related blog @smokeymcpot

Cool mate, im looking forward to that info! will you make a post on this mushroom?

Found it. I watched same info as the author. It's been written already... If only I had 5 lives to write about all I want to:

Ill check it later

excellent publication ! very important and useful for everyone ! congratulations friend!

Good info, @movingman. I used to own a biz selling supplements, which went along with a personal training cert and other education in health and fitness. I had started doing some related stuff a couple months ago, but interest was a bit low. Touch base with me when you can and maybe we'll come up with some ideas for future articles and share information.

MovingMan! always so excited to see your name up in the feed :) Great information, keep it coming.

Well I hope to have enough electric to keep the laptop charged very soon so I can get back on here again - so we shall see each others feed action!

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