Career choices - Where do I fit?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

  You go to college and think you will end up in a full time job right after. You don't worry about the debt you acquired and literally don't blink an eye when signing your soul away for each loan. I was young and had no concept of what the hell was next. Just going to school and once I finished - then the world came crashing down. Now what? After a few years now I have yet to find my happy place in the corporate world.

  I lived with my ex then and eventually moved to Mankato, MN and worked at a call center. Also known as a soul sucking job. They're the worst and so high pressure it is just awful. Recently my "career" experience has been corporate office.  Everyone here in Minnesota is "MN Nice" aka passive aggressive. You basically have to kiss asshole to get anywhere even if your manager is wrong [yay integrity]. This doesn't vibe with me at all and I can't just live by "Fake it till you make it". I dislike fraud, fake type of bullshit and that is the mentality dishonest people have.  I speak firmly and ask a lot of questions - people take it as "aggressive" I mean what I say and say what I mean. If someone has an issue with it - it is usually a reflection of their own insecurity and lack of confidence. 

So now I am in that limbo of "where do I fit?". The longest job I had was third party billing where I excelled at and worked there for 2 years. I really enjoyed the job and only left for a higher paying job. Before that the longest position I held was as a waitress. The reason I don't keep jobs long is I end up getting sick of the job [or the people] I am in and find a better paying one then leave. I think I may move back into restaurant work for now since I did enjoy that work and there are less politics than office jobs. 

 Let's not forget that my last position as a Accts. Receivable specialist had me crying due to the high amount of stress and low morale in the company. I felt like a constant failure even though my boss never took time to sit down with me and explain/train me on the job.  Others told me it was the running joke about how no one knew what they were doing at the company due to poor training.

I currently have been giving horse lessons and really enjoying it. My recent lesson was given to a woman in her early 50's [blocked for privacy]. She was shaking and terrified but she ended up loving it and felt more fearless. I really am loving watching people grow just by trying something new and feeling good about themselves after. Look at her grinning! She loved it and is wanting to do additional lessons. Part of me is loving this and not even because of the additional income. So I have 4 people currently taking lessons or will be taking lessons. So that additional money will help a lot for my animals and lack of income.

I also have been walking dogs and caring for them as well. I enjoy it and will be looking into other websites to provide pet care. Possibly seeking to provide childcare as well since I babysat for many families in my past. I think everything happens for a reason and I will not rush into something that doesn't fit me. I already had one job call and they had no training to offer since the previous employee quit. They wanted someone to just "take on the role" and even mentioned letting someone go they hired because they were not a good fit. They were not a good fit because of their lack of training. I see so many companies with this major flaw - lack of training for new employees. In all of my previous roles - I made standard operating procedures for my positions and handed them down to the next employee. I received positive remarks on my how to guides for processes and have always made them for new processes/updated old processes.

Now I will continue to follow my passions and dreams. Until the right fit comes along and I will keep looking for positions that look like they will work with me. I think a part time office job and nanny job/bar job would be a good combination for me. Possibly work less hours and have more time for my passions/animals.

Staying positive and keeping my head up! 

Thanks as always for the support and reading! <3


The rest of the world just doesn't have it figured out yet. When they take jobs that lock them down and slowly eat away at their soul, there's nothing worth that. Only take a job that matters and fulfills you.

@steemfunded Yes, I totally agree. That's how I see some people who have sat at the same job for 30 plus years. I think that use to be expected of employees to stay even if unhappy. I will focus on what is a better fit for me personally ☺


"I speak firmly and ask a lot of questions - people take it as "aggressive" I mean what I say and say what I mean."
me too :)

"I also have been walking dogs and caring for them as well."
ok, I can respect that

take the flags off my post or I make a post about you trying to censor people. you have 2 hours.

OMG, we got us another flaggot, pass her up from tertiary to secondary :)

look at this shit.

be polite and eloquent

Yes look at you following her around like a lost puppy.

This was posted right after she flagged me. You're following me around.
Call he kettle black often black pot?

good, this your target, show me what you can do

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I think you fit just right in a large trash can

do you even know how to apply rouge or was that pic taken right after a blowjob?

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