
As I said in my follow up post: I am aware some people may judge me. You have the right to your opinion, as do I have the right to live my lofe the way I chose (as long as I don't harm/hurt anyone). L.

The society that we live in is so judgemental that we don't give a fuck about what makes others happy, but we want to tell/teach and enforce what's moral and what's not upon them. From her post, she expressed how glad she was to have done what she did. Isn't that enough to let people like @moonliightartist know that she lives her life and decides to do what to do in her fav It's easy to throw stones and hide your hands like you're some saint or angel. As smart as @unitedworld is, she is reasonable enough to accept @moonliightartist's opinion, which shows that she is smart and reasons beyond the social norms and mind cages that most people live in. @unitedworld, I respect your courage. Not everyone is bold enough to face or own up to what they feel, talk less of acting on it.

Hi @simeonburke, thank you for your well put comment. Sadly, it is true. We live in a "point the finger/put the blame" society, where people condemn what doesn't match there norms, rather than accepting that we all have the right to be and act different, as long as in doing so, we hurt no other.

So you've slept with only 1 or 0 people in your life?
LOL good for you, not very artistic tho. .
Disappointed with your name!! @moonliightartist

  1. Get your dick out of your dog.

  2. Not everyone concedes to a "ho" lifestyle.

You don't really excel in bringing a motivated opinion, do you? I am open to hear and consider your thoughts, but, for the moment, all you do is judging...

Alright, that's it. I'm tired of ALL of you obsequious, pansy, cucks harping "DON'T JUDGE!! waaaah". If no one judged, we wouldn't have a justice system to condemn evil as well as tell a spade a spade. The only motivated opinion I'm bringing is the TRUTH. Your actions match that of a WHORE. You slept with not one, but two douchebags, out of marriage on a whim. I don't care about feelings, especially yours, but try thinking logically. You slept with people that you had a platonic relationship. Try asking yourself,

  1. What if a child was born out of your selfish lust? I guess you would abort it, like how society dictates babykilling as "women power".
  2. What if your friends use start using you as a cumdumpster? You already slept with them at a whim.
    3)What self respecting guy, is going to want to marry you? You spread your legs to two guys.
  3. What if you get an STD? I highly doubt any of your friends would disclose that if they had any.
    5)Do you think your guy friends still have respect for you, after you were an easy lay?

In conclusion, you can call me negative till you're blue in the face. But, you can't erase objective fact that you're a ho, end of story.

@moonlightartist I have only slept with one person, my husband, but I have many male friends and have dated/been attracted to some of them in my lifetime. I think if I'm being honest I would feel judgement towards someone who was having casual sex with someone that you just met in bar. I was raised to be a bit defensive as a woman and I'd think it was dangerous to put yourself in that type of situation. I would still keep that judgement to myself because it's not my business and your comment is as constructively productive as any other type of cyber-bullying.

But what is a relationship is not a friend that you are romantically involved with? @unitedworld likely already has an emotionally intimate relationship with both of her friends. For two consenting adults to make a big decision that risks impacting their entire relationship... that's all a bit more deep than being "a ho."

Hi @ectodoobie. Very nice post. Thank you!

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