Do you know how to choose your personal crystal?

in #life6 years ago



The light and the information that the crystals transmit us help us to improve many aspects of our life. We can choose our personal crystal.

How to choose your personal crystal

It is really the crystal that chooses us and not us, why the crystal has its own conscience and knows very well who needs help, since what we do is an exchange of energy, that is, we help each other. However there are crystals that have already fulfilled their mission and are here to help us evolve to us and that we should thank.

What should I do to identify it?

It is very easy, you must have your mind clear to receive the signal that the crystal is sending you through your intuition, you may be observing many crystals but you will always see one that will get your attention, because that is what you must choose because it is the one that will help you in what you are needing at that moment, it can be a mental, emotional or physical situation that you are going through or simply to help you in creativity, in studies, or for your protection, etc. .

I invite you to experience it, once you choose your crystal, look for its properties and you will realize that this crystal will provide you with the help you are requesting at that moment.

Another way to choose the crystal is to choose several crystals that have caught your attention, close your eyes pass your hand over them, without touching them, ask him mentally to give you a sign of what you need, you may feel warm , or a strong vibration, then this is the one that you must choose to help you in your evolutionary process.

When a crystal disappears it is because it has already fulfilled its mission with us and must continue on its way to help others. Another important thing is that when a crystal breaks it is because it has perceived negative energies directed towards you and it has served as a protective shield.

The crystals are a very interesting topic, and wonderful, is to enter another world, a magical world that we have here on earth and within everyone's reach. They help us to develop the understanding that we must act in harmony with everything created.

They help us to improve our health, our wisdom, to broaden our perception, to stimulate our spiritual development, giving us a sense of harmony and well-being each time we come into contact with their energy.

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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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Hello, good evening @ magic8ball.
Thanks for your comment.

After collecting for some time, trading and even losing, I find azurite and lapiz lazuli the ones I always keep coming back to. Fun pieces to let rest on my forehead for sure!
Oh! And I always kept a piece of moldavite til a horrid creature named my unofficial ex took it and never gave it back...I wonder what that symbolizes, lol!
Great post!

Hello Goodnight.
When a crystal disappears, it is because it fulfilled its mission with you and you must continue its path of evolution, as we evolve, the crystals also evolve, because they have their own consciousness like us.
When a person takes a crystal that does not belong to him, from the physical point of view, it is a robbery.
From the point of view of energy, that person needs the properties of that crystal to heal some emotion or for its protection.
However, it is not pleasant to take something without the permission of the owner. The most advisable thing is for that person to buy a new one.

Thanks for your comment. Very friendly.

Realmente yo por experiencia personal , se que los cristales son seres vivos con consciencia propia, y ellos han sido desde el principio de los tiempos usados para la sanación, ya que ellos tienen muchas virtudes curativas para el ser humano, ademas de ayudarnos a elevar nuestra consciencia, muchas personas que desconocen esta area de la creación inteligente de Dios, deberían estudiar e investigar para que asi despierten en consciencia y sean mejores seres humanos.

Gracias amiga Yma, por tu comentario. Es muy valioso. Los cristales tienen un gran potencial en la sanador y nos ayudan a equilibrar nuestro cuerpo físico, emocional, mental y espiritual.

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